Benefits of drinking hot lemon water on empty stomach

Benefits of drinking hot lemon water on empty stomach

Lemon has a powerful alkaline effect in the body, which can help in breaking down excess acid, decreases inflammation, and cuts down chronic and acute pain. In addition, lemons contain 22 anti-cancer compounds, which has shown to halt the growth of cancer tumors in animals.

When added to water, lemon water can make a person feel fresh, rejuvenated. Lemon water is known to provide numerous health benefits. From helping beat the summer heat or kickstarting a winter morning, drinking lemon water is believed to be beneficial in many ways. Lemon is a fruit for all seasons. It is nutrient-dense, packed with loads of vitamins, minerals which are essential for the body.

Health benefits of lemon water 

There are several health benefits of lemons. Let’s take a quick look at the advantages of drinking lemon water everyday on an empty stomach.

1. Helps in digestion and weight loss

Drinking warm water on an empty stomach has always been recommended. It helps in preventing acid reflux, and stimulating digestion, which in turn keeps the severity of constipation at bay. The drink can help wash out the toxins floating in the body's digestive tract. This also helps in reducing normal to severe bloating, relieves painful symptoms that accompany indigestion. Lastly, drinking lemon water on an empty stomach can boost the metabolism of the body, get rid of excess fat, which can in turn aid in losing weight.

2. Better skin

The fragrant, refreshing lemon water on an empty stomach can also help in flushing out the toxins from the body. A glass of warm, antioxidant-rich, lemon water on an empty stomach every morning is a great detox drink, which helps in achieving a radiant, glowing, and rejuvenated skin.

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Benefits of drinking hot lemon water on empty stomach

3. Prevents inflammation

Lemon water is rich in antioxidants, potassium, folate, flavonoids, and some amount of vitamin B. These properties help in preventing chronic inflammation from oxidative stress. In addition, vitamin C helps in absorbing iron from food, which ensures the optimum hemoglobin level in the body.

4. Improves immunity

Lemon water is an excellent source of ascorbic acid, which helps in boosting the body’s natural immune system. Vitamin C helps in protecting a person from flu, cold, which in turn helps build up defense against pathogens, several viruses, and health hazards.

5. Healthier alternative to soda drinks

Sugary beverages such as juice, soda, sweetened water, and energy drinks are the leading source of added sugars in our diets. Switching to lemon water could help a person in cutting back on sugar without sacrificing flavor or the feel. Regularly drinking these sweetened beverages is associated with a range of health conditions, which may include:

  • Unexplained weight gain
  • Obesity
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Heart disease

Drinking a cup of warm lemon water every morning is one of the simplest, most affordable and natural ways to improve your health which has incredible benefits on your health.
Energizes your Body
It gives your body a lasting boost of energy, making it a healthier alternative to your morning tea or coffee.

Healthy Digestion The minerals and vitamins found in lemon juice encourages healthy digestion, reduces heartburn and bloating by loosening any toxins trapped in your digestive tract.

Rich Source of Potassium
Lemons are also a great source of potassium which help keep your heart healthy, build muscle, and aid the body in breaking down and using carbohydrates.

Freshens breath
If you have bad mouth odour and are constantly under pressure about it, then warm lemon water can be the solution to your problem. Having a glass of this water helps clean the mouth off the odour and also kills the harmful germs which are the cause behind it. It can also be used to neutralize the odors of a meal.

Relieves stress and uplifts the mood
The scent of a lemon helps clear the mind, reduces feelings of stress and uplifts our moods while also aiding feelings of depression and anxiety.

Can prevent kidney stones
As per health experts, the citric acid present in the lemon can help prevent kidney stones. This apart, the amount of water consumed along with lemon juice also helps flush out the stones easily.

Curbs Hunger

Lemons can help curb feelings of hunger throughout the day making it easier to resist temptations and reduce snacking on fatty foods throughout the day thus aiding in weight loss.

Boosts your Immune System

Vitamin C found in lemons is great at boosting our immune system. It is also a great option as compared to an orange since it has less sugar thus making it a great alternative.

Improves the Skin

The antioxidants found in lemons help rejuvenate the skin and prevent wrinkles, blemishes and frees it from radical damage by purifying the skin, removing toxins and killing bacteria to reveal clear, glowing skin.

  1. Are there any side effects of drinking lemon water?
    Despite its multiple benefits, consuming lemon water in excess may lead to damaging side effects. Too much lemon water can upset your stomach, leading to nausea and vomiting. Frequent exposure to the acid in the citrus fruit can also erode your tooth enamel.
  2. Is cold lemon water equally effective?
    Drinking cold lemon water may hinder the digestive benefits of the drink. On the other hand, warm water helps to extract vitamin C from the lemon and improves digestion. Therefore, lemon water at warm or room temperature is recommended to achieve maximum health benefits.
  3. How long does it take to get the results?
    Results such as improvement in digestion and higher energy levels can be seen within one week of regular consumption of warm lemon water.

What happens if I drink hot lemon water everyday?

. Reduces inflammation and cleanses the system – Drinking lemon water regularly decreases acidity in your body and removes uric acid from joints. It enhances enzyme function, stimulating your liver and activating bile flow, which helps emulsify and flush out fat soluble toxins.

What happens if we drink lemon water in empty stomach in morning?

Drinking a warm glass of lemon water in the morning can detoxify the body and the presence of pectin helps in improving the metabolism and gut health, which helps in improving digestion. This drink also helps in accelerating the fat burning process in the body. However, it works well if you adapt a healthy lifestyle.

What is the best time to drink warm water with lemon?

Lemon water is most effective if consumed first thing in the morning. It is recommended to add lemon juice to warm water because it helps extract vitamin C and polyphenols from the lemon and its peel. Also, how much lemon water you drink daily is important.

Does drinking lemon water on empty stomach reduce belly fat?

Does lemon water reduce belly fat? A. Lemon water can promote fullness, support hydration, boost metabolism, and increase weight loss. However, lemon water is no better than regular water when it comes to losing fat.