Can people tell if you view their instagram

Do you want to stalk friends and family members or you’re just interested to find out whether someone has viewed your photos on Instagram or not? You’ll of course be happy to find that it’s possible to know if they have viewed your photo or even find some of their activities on Instagram.

The most commonly asked question these days on Instagram is “can someone tell if you look at their Instagram pictures”. They’re looking for the answer to this question because they’re probably afraid or scared the user they’re searching for secretly will notice their username and how they’re stalking on their profile.

In this post, we’ll talk about the viewing activities of Instagram users including whether it’s possible for someone to find out if you have looked at their picture or not. Without any further delay let’s get into it.

Can Someone Tell If You Look At Their Instagram Pictures

Can Someone Tell if You Look at Their Instagram Pictures

Some social media networks can directly tell you who stalks your profile, sites like Twitter and Tumblr will reveal the users that visited your profile especially if they have done it multiple times a day.

That’s to say, if you look at your crush profile, she’ll find that out. Not only that, even spying on your competition will be revealed to them, they can see your username and profile picture.

Instagram on the other hand is different, you’ll remain anonymous once you check the pictures of another user. Instagram has been like this right from the beginning, I’ll say that you’ll have more privacy while stalking on other accounts.

On Instagram you can visit a profile multiple times a day and you’ll remain anonymous to them, they won’t receive any notification and no one will ever know you have scrolled through their profile.

If you’re scared someone might find out if you have stalked them, you shouldn’t worry at all because Instagram has hidden this data for them.

However, that doesn’t mean Instagram doesn’t know, Instagram is aware of all your actions on the platform and that’s why when you visit a page multiple times, you’ll find that profile listed on the “recommended follow” list.

By visiting a profile multiple times you’re sending signals to the Instagram algorithm that you’re interested in that profile.

Don’t be surprised to even start receiving posts from such profiles if it’s public, this is a sign that Instagram is aware of your activities, they just decide not to display such data to its users due to privacy issues.

We’ll share some of the things you can see on Instagram and how you can do so, this way you can understand what’s possible and what’s not possible on Instagram.

And finally, you want to make sure that you avoid double tapping on the picture you’re currently viewing. You’re probably aware that “double-tapping” a picture on Instagram means liking the photo, and once you like a photo, they’ll receive a notification that someone has liked their picture.

They can see the username and profile picture of the user who liked their post, and if it’s someone they know, they’ll probably not ignore it.

The worst part of it is that they’ll receive inbox notifications as well unless they changed their account settings. You can see how important it is to avoid double tapping on the image if you don’t want to get caught as a stalker.

Can Someone Tell If You’re Looking At Their Videos

We’ve already stated that for images, they’re not aware of it. For Instagram videos, they’ll be able to find out if they wish to do so, but there are some conditions.

You have to watch a certain length of the video before you can be counted as the viewer of the video. There are also some things you can do to prevent them from seeing you as someone who watched their video.

Here is how to avoid been caught;

  • When you’re scrolling down your feed and you see a post, make sure to double-check in order to ensure it’s not a video before clicking it. If it’s a photo, you can then view it without any worries.
  • If it happens that you clicked on their video and you don’t want them to find out, you should immediately scroll down within two seconds. Before can be counted as a viewer of any video on Instagram, you have to watch the video for at least three seconds. This means if you accidentally click a video, you can just scroll down the feed and Instagram will not count you as a viewer.
  • Avoid a feed-like view for any profile on Instagram; If you must use the feed-like view on any profile but don’t want them to notice you have watched their videos, you have to scroll down really fast to prevent any video from loading.

You can view carousel videos and posts, Instagram doesn’t reveal users that watched carousel posts and videos. You can differentiate between carousel posts with the dual squares that are at the top right corner.

Users can share both pictures and videos, and Instagram won’t reveal your identity to the user. That means you can watch carousal videos as much as you want and you’re safe.

Can Someone Tell If You Watch Their Stories

You should avoid viewing Stories for Instagram users you don’t want to find out. Instagram has no privacy for stalkers when it comes to stories, the poster will notice the accounts that watched their stories.

Instagrammers that have access to the analytics dashboard can view a lot of data regarding their audience and this includes seeing users that viewed their story.

Not only Instagram Analytics, but there are also a lot of tools out there that help Instagrammers monitor users viewing their stories with ease.

Some tools can even send email notifications to update the user, we’ll share some of these in a moment so that you can understand what they can do.

For a user to view who watched their Story on Instagram, they just need to click the option “Seen By” which is located on the bottom left corner of their Story.

Once they click on that, they’ll see a list that contains all the viewers of that particular Story. Not only that, but they can also see other data such as follows, impressions, and navigation.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re their follower or not, they’ll all be included among the list of viewers for their Story. If you just don’t want to get caught for stalking, you should consider using another Instagram account with a different name and other personal details.

If you also want to use a different account you want to make sure it looks real because anyone can guess a fake account by looking at their activities especially if it turns out that the account has few or no followers at all.

Let’s take a look at some stalking apps on Instagram

Instagram Stalking apps

Profile Plus

This is one of the best stalking apps, with this app users can monitor their Instagram stalkers with ease, they can see who follows and unfollow them, users that blocked them, who viewed their profile, and so on.

Profile Plus is available for both Android and iOS users, once you download the app, you just need to connect your Instagram account and everything will be taken care of.


This app is considered the best stalking app because it does more than stalking. Once you open this app, on the first screen you can view your followers, comments, likes, videos, following, new followers, and more. It can also show users stalking on your stories.


This is another app used to find who’s stalking any Instagram account, it shows all the important analytics you need to monitor your Instagram account including who visited your profile, watch your stories, and so on.

These are some of the apps used by Instagram users to find out who’s stalking on their accounts. One thing you have to keep in mind is that no tool or app out there will show viewers of pictures, this data is still hidden.

Instagram Activities You Can View For Other Users

How To See The Most Recent Posts

The quickest way without the need to stalk their profile is by checking your feed, but it’s not necessary that all their posts will show up in your feed especially if you’re following a lot of accounts like in hundreds or thousands.

You have to engage with them often, this way all their posts will show up in your home page feed.

Next is by checking their profile, click on their Instagram username to be taken to their profile page where you can see all their recent posts in order, starting with the new ones to the old ones.

If their account is private and you’re not following them, you can’t see any content. You must follow them in order to view their content. Secondly, if they have blocked you, you cannot also view their content.

See Recent Following Of Your Friend On Instagram

If you want to keep an eye on who they followed, you can do so on Instagram. If they have a public account you can view this info from their profile, search for their username, and when it shows up, you should click to view their profile page.

Just above the follow/unfollow button, you’ll see the option “Following”, you should tap on it.

You’ll now see the list of accounts he is following on Instagram, the list won’t necessarily be arranged in the most recent following.

Instagram Algorithm uses different factors to sort the list, you can go through the list to locate any user or account they’re following.

View The Most Recent Interaction

This feature was disabled back in 2019 and that’s because most people are abusing the feature. Instagram in order to protect the privacy of its users removed the feature.

What you can only do now is to track some of their activities like finding the post they’ve liked, the accounts they have followed, and some other features.

There are however some workarounds that will help you view recent activity. Here is how to do that;

  • Click on the “Chat Bubble” with a heart that’s by the right of the “Take a photo button”.
  • You’ll be taken to the Activity screen, and you need to tap on “Following” at the top.
  • On this page, you’ll see notifications of actions for the people you’re following have made. You can see who followed who, comments made, posts they liked, and so on.
  • This is the best way to view activity, the only downside is that once you’re following a lot of accounts, these notifications will disappear.

These are some of the activities that can be viewed on Instagram, there are still others like who tagged, who shared your story, and other activities out there.

How to prevent stalking on Instagram

If you still don’t want other Instagram users to stalk on your profile and Instagram activities, you can follow some hints. Let’s take a look at the ways you can prevent stalking on Instagram.

Make your account private

This is the first step you should take if you want to prevent stalking on your Instagram account.

Setting your account private means only your followers can view your activities and the good part is you can choose to approve your followers. This way you’ll only approve people you know and want to interact with.

Turn off activity Status

This method, however, doesn’t really make sense on Instagram, this is because when you turn off activity status, all your activities cannot be seen by anyone nor you can see the activities of other Instagram users.

You should only use this option if you want to get off the grid for a while, and when you’re back you can set things up.

Changing your account to private is the most reasonable way of doing it, you have control of approving your followers and can get rid of them whenever you like.

That’s it for this post, so far you’ve learned that it’s not possible to tell if someone has seen your Instagram pictures. If you want to see the people that viewed your content, you should consider posting a video in stories.

Thank you for reading and don’t forget to share your comments or if you have a trick that allows seeing users that viewed your picture.