Can you give dogs frozen marrow bones

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Can you give dogs frozen marrow bones

When you get several fresh bones for your dog, you may not be able to use them up all at once. So, can you freeze them? Frozen bones for dogs can actually be a wonderful treat, particularly on a hot summer day. The bone can be taken outside and hold the dog’s interest for hours longer than the regular raw one. Since the bone is still raw, they’re resistant to splintering. 

If your dog’s teeth aren’t in good condition, it’s wise to let the raw bone defrost some before offering it to Rocky. He only knows it smells great, not that it might hurt his teeth. Having said that, healthy dogs can enjoy the frozen bone pretty much “as is.” You just want to be sure to clean off the bone before putting it into cold storage. 

Once out of the freezer, you can use it for about three days before it should be thrown away. If you see any signs of cracks or splinters, get rid of it. The culinary saying, “when in doubt throw it out” applies to dog bones, too. 

Factoid: Frozen bones have a shelf life of approximately 6 months.

1 Are Frozen Bones Good for Dogs?

Frozen bones are one way of keeping an active dog busy for a while. On a hot day, providing them with a frozen bone helps keep Rocky cool. Since the bone is raw, it isn’t as likely to splinter as a cooked one. 

Some pups aren’t sure about the frozen treat, so you may have to wait for the bone to warm up. Putting bones in the freezer is a great way to extend their shelf life and deter bacterial growth. Just follow some common-sense rules:

  • Only feed bones to Rosy that are too big for her to swallow in one gulp
  • Only freeze raw bones. Cooked bones are dangerous
  • Start out introducing bones slowly, observing how your dog eats and watching for potential trouble
  • If you know you’re not going to use a fresh bone right away, put it in the freezer. Don’t let it sit in the refrigerator.
  • Don’t offer Rocky a bone if you know he has a sensitive mouth or digestive system
  • Do not offer any suspect meat to your canine. Use your nose. If it smells off, it probably is. Dogs, like people, can experience food poisoning. 
  • Bones should only be offered to your pooch 2-3 times a week as a treat. 
Can you give dogs frozen marrow bones

2 Can Dogs Eat Frozen Raw Meat? 

Holistic vets feel that feeding raw meat to dogs improves their health because of the amino acids and enzymes present. Raw meat can be frozen and defrosted easily, provided you follow guidelines for food safety. Four months is the approximate end to the safe usable life of the met.

Having a small bundle of semi-frozen raw meat acts like an ice cream cone on a hot day. Or just take the portion out of the freezer the day before use for thawing (12 hours in the refrigerator). 

Because freezing kills most bacteria, the chances of Rosy getting sick from the raw meat are slim, especially when paired with Rosy’s robust digestional system. Just don’t jump into it all at once. It takes time for her to get used to a different source of food (or partial nutritional intake).

Raw feeders say that muscle meat is best for Rocky and Rosy, followed by organ meat and fish. There are cautions, however. For example, raw hamburger and salmon can carry parasites. If you are considering giving your dog raw meat on a regular basis, contact your vet first for tips and guidelines. 

TIP: Do not offer raw meat to puppies, dogs with cancer, or canines with liver disorders.

3 What Age Can You Give Dogs Raw Bones? 

There are some disagreements about the age at which you can give your dog a raw bone. The general consensus is that once your puppy’s full set of teeth are in (post-weaning) you can give it bones. Both Rocky and Rosy benefit from bones in various ways:

  • Nutritional Value: Raw bones provide calcium that helps young dogs build strong bones
  • Distraction Tactics: If you’re tired of having slippers, socks, and well… anything chewed up, bones provide an activity while also fulfilling their natural chewing urges. 
  • Teething Rings: When your young dog is teething, chewing on a bone with rounded edges can soothe sore gums.
  • Oral Health: By the time a dog is 1 year old, they begin building up tarter, which is a dental hygiene problem. It can lead to gum disease and tooth infections. Chewing bones helps clean off the tarter.
Can you give dogs frozen marrow bones

4 Can Raw Bones Make Dogs Sick? 

There is always the chance that ANY bone may make your dog sick, or injure it in some manner. Raw bones are less likely to break apart than cooked ones, but they may also harbor bacteria. So, it’s important that you clean off excess meat and sinue from the bone before tossing it across the yard. Mind you, not every raw bone has issues, but you should treat them all the same just in case. 

There are also injuries that Rocky and Rosy may experience from chewing on bones. Bite a tooth the wrong way, and it may fracture, for example. Other physical problems that may arise from giving your dog bones include: 

  • Intestinal piercing from a sharp shard
  • Intestinal obstruction (Rosy may become a little too excited and try to swallow a large hunk whole)
  • Gum, tongue, and throat splinters
  • Constipation. When bones digest down they become small pieces that may accumulate together like a plug
  • Choking. A bone piece gets lodged in the canine’s windpipe (ouch!).
  • Pancreatitis. Bones, especially marrow bones, are high in fat. For some breeds, the amount of fat is too much for their pancreas to bear. Treatment for pancreatitis may include an IV, medication, and putting your pup on a strict diet. 

All of these possibilities are why experts recommend you watch your dog while they enjoy a bone, and only let them chew for about 15 minutes at a time. After that, put the bone into the fridge for later or another day.

5 What Kind Of Bones Can I Give My Dog?

Across the board, cooked bones are not safe for your pooch. Raw bones are a far better choice. The best types of bones are beef and lamb, although others can be used if you follow proper safety precautions. An ideal bone is one with round bulges or lumps, which don’t break apart as easily. Make sure to avoid raw pork bones that aren’t safe for dogs.

Post Views: 116

  • 1 Are Frozen Bones Good for Dogs?
  • 2 Can Dogs Eat Frozen Raw Meat? 
  • 3 What Age Can You Give Dogs Raw Bones? 
  • 4 Can Raw Bones Make Dogs Sick? 
  • 5 What Kind Of Bones Can I Give My Dog?

Do you thaw frozen marrow bones for dogs?

No. It is not necessary to thaw your raw bones before feeding. However, some dogs and most cats prefer to have their bone thawed to soften the frozen tissue prior to feeding.

Can marrow bones make dogs sick?

While your dog may love chewing on a marrow bone, it isn't always a healthy choice -- in fact, it can make him ill. Eating cow bone marrow in excess can cause or exacerbate health problems in your dog, and the act of chewing on the bone itself can cause serious injuries.