Cardiomegaly is most similar to cardiac hypertrophy

C – Clinical Algorithms

Fred F. Ferri MD, FACP, in Ferri's Clinical Advisor 2022, 2022

Cardiomegaly on Chest X-Ray

ICD-10CM # I51.7 Cardiomegaly
Q24.8 Other specified congenital malformations of heart
I11.9 Hypertensive heart disease without heart failure
I11.0 Hypertensive heart disease with heart failure
Q23.8 Other congenital malformations of aortic and mitral valves

FIG. 46. Approach to the patient with cardiomegaly. When cardiomegaly is found on the chest radiograph, the history and physical examination should be reviewed and an electrocardiogram(ECG) performed before obtaining a two-dimensional Doppler echocardiographic study. Cardiomegaly may be explained by left ventricular dilation, biventricular dilation, right ventricular dilation, or pericardial abnormalities, or it may be found to be spurious on the echocardiogram. Rarely, isolated abnormalities of the atrium, particularly the left atrium, may cause abnormalities on the chest radiograph but will not cause true cardiomegaly. Depending on the echocardiographic findings, further tests can help elucidate the cause of echocardiographically confirmed cardiomegaly.CT, Computed tomography;MRI, magnetic resonance imaging;R/O, rule out.

From Goldman L, Braunwald E [eds]:Primary cardiology, ed 2, Philadelphia, 2003, Saunders.

FIG. 47. “Snowman” heart in a 36-yr-old man with increasing shortness of breath.

Posteroanterior chest film examination shows cardiomegaly and increased pulmonary blood flow. The superior mediastinum is widened, the result of dilation of the left vertical vein(arrow 2) and the right-sided superior vena cava(arrow 1). The trachea is displaced by a normal left-sided aortic arch(Ao).

From Boxt LM, Abbara S:Cardiac imaging: the requisites, ed 4, Philadelphia, 2016, Elsevier.

FIG. 48. Chest radiographs in a patient with a very large pericardial effusion.

A, “Water bottle” sign.B, A patient with constrictive pericarditis and pericardial calcifications (white arrows).

From Vincent JL et al:Textbook of critical care, ed 7, Philadelphia, 2017, Elsevier.

FIG. 49. Echocardiographic findings in a small to moderate pericardial effusion(white arrows).

Ao, Aortic root;LA, left atrium;LV, left ventricle;RV, right ventricle.

From Vincent JL et al:Textbook of critical care, ed 7, Philadelphia, 2017, Elsevier.

FIG. 50. A, Computed tomography findings in constrictive pericarditis. White vertical arrows are depicting thickened pericardium and pericardial calcification.B, The magnetic resonance imaging results of a patient with effusive-constrictive pericarditis are shown in the right image. Horizontal arrows show a loculated pericardial effusion, and the vertical arrow shows thickened pericardium.

From Vincent JL et al:Textbook of critical care, ed 7, Philadelphia, 2017, Elsevier.

TABLE 11. Diagnosis of Cardiac Tamponade

Clinical presentation Elevated systemic venous pressure, hypotension, pulsus paradoxus, tachycardia,§ dyspnea, or tachypnea with clear lungs
Precipitating factors Drugs (cyclosporine, anticoagulants, thrombolytics), recent cardiac surgery, indwelling instrumentation, blunt chest trauma, malignancies, connective tissue disease, renal failure, septicemia||
ECG Can be normal or nonspecifically changed (ST-T wave), electrical alternans (QRS, rarely T), bradycardia (end stage), electromechanical dissociation (agonal phase)
Chest radiograph Enlarged cardiac silhouette with clear lungs
M-mode/two-dimensional echocardiogram Diastolic collapse of the anterior RV free wall, RA collapse, LA and rarely LV collapse, increased LV diastolic wall thickness “pseudohypertrophy,” IVC dilation (no collapse in inspiration), “swinging heart”
Doppler Tricuspid flow increases and mitral flow decreases during inspiration (reverse in expiration)
Systolic and diastolic flows are reduced in systemic veins in expiration and reverse flow with atrial contraction is increased
M-mode color Doppler Large respiratory fluctuations in mitral/tricuspid flows
Cardiac catheterization Confirmation of the diagnosis and quantification of the hemodynamic compromise
RA pressure is elevated (preserved systolic x descent and absent or diminished diastolic y descent)
Intrapericardial pressure is also elevated and virtually identical to RA pressure (both pressures fall in inspiration)
RV mid-diastolic pressure is elevated and equal to the RA and pericardial pressures (no dip-and-plateau configuration)
Pulmonary artery diastolic pressure is slightly elevated and may correspond to the RV pressure
Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure is also elevated and nearly equal to intrapericardial and right atrial pressure
LV systolic and aortic pressures may be normal or reduced
Documenting that pericardial aspiration is followed by hemodynamic improvement∗∗
Detection of coexisting hemodynamic abnormalities (LV failure, constriction, pulmonary hypertension)
Detection of associated cardiovascular diseases (cardiomyopathy, coronary artery disease)
RV/LV angiography Atrial collapse and small hyperactive ventricular chambers
Coronary angiography Coronary compression in diastole

ECG, electrocardiogram;IVC, inferior vena cava;LA, left atrium;LV, left ventricle;QRS, Q wave, R wave, S wave;RA, right atrium;RV, right ventricle.

Jugular venous distention is less notable in hypovolemic patients or in “surgical tamponade.” An inspiratory increase or lack of fall of pressure in the neck veins (Kussmaul sign), when verified by tamponade or after pericardial drainage, indicates effusive-constrictive disease.Heart rate is usually greater than 100 beats per minute but may be lower in patients with hypothyroidism or uremia.Pulsus paradoxus is defined as a drop in systolic blood pressure greater than 10 mm Hg during inspiration, while diastolic blood pressure remains unchanged. It is easily detected by simply feeling the pulse, which diminishes significantly during inspiration. Clinically significant pulsus paradoxus is apparent when the patient is breathing normally. When this sign is present only in deep inspiration, it should be interpreted with caution. The magnitude of pulsus paradoxus is evaluated by sphygmomanometry. If pulsus paradoxus is present, the first Korotkoff sound is not heard equally well throughout the respiratory cycle but only during expiration at a given blood pressure. The blood pressure cuff is therefore inflated above the patient’s systolic pressure. Then it is slowly deflated, while the clinician observes the phase of respiration. During deflation, the first Korotkoff sound is intermittent. Correlation with the patient’s respiratory cycle identifies a point at which the sound is audible during expiration but disappears when the patient breathes in. As the cuff pressure drops further, another point is reached when the first blood pressure sound is audible throughout the respiratory cycle. The difference in systolic pressure between these two points is the clinical measure of pulsus paradoxus. Pulsus paradoxus is absent in tamponade complicating an atrial septal defect and in patients with significant aortic regurgitation.§Occasional patients are hypertensive, especially if they have preexisting hypertension.||Febrile tamponade may be misdiagnosed as septic shock.Right ventricular collapse can be absent in elevated right ventricular pressure and right ventricular hypertrophy or in right ventricular infarction.∗∗If after drainage of the pericardial effusion, the intrapericardial pressure does not fall below atrial pressure, effusive-constrictive disease should be considered.

From Vincent JL et al:Textbook of critical care, ed 7, Philadelphia, 2017, Elsevier.

Assessment of the Patient With a Cardiac Arrhythmia

Mithilesh K. Das, Douglas P. Zipes, in Cardiac Electrophysiology: From Cell to Bedside (Seventh Edition), 2018

Evaluation of Athletes

Cardiomegaly is often seen in athletes due to endurance training such as long-distance running, which causes a sustained volume load to the heart, resulting in four-chamber enlargement and increased stroke volume at rest and exercise. Strength training such as weight lifting causes a pressure load to the heart accompanied by normal left ventricular wall thickness. Some sports, such as basketball, present a combination of the two types of loads. ECGs may show frequent signs of left ventricular hypertrophy in around 40% of athletes, T-wave inversion in precordial leads V1 to V4 in 14% of African-American athletes, longer QT intervals than in the general population, frequent PVCs, and sinus bradycardia as well as various degrees of AV block due to a high vagal tone. These ECG changes can mimic ARVD/C, Brugada syndrome, or long QT syndrome and may make diagnostic decisions difficult in this population. More importantly, the risk assessment for SCD during athletic activity and permitting them to return to play can be difficult.17

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Pathophysiology of Heart Failure

Douglas P. Zipes MD, in Braunwald's Heart Disease: A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine, 2019

Cardiac Myocyte Hypertrophy

Two basic patterns of cardiac hypertrophy occur in response to hemodynamic overload (Fig. 23.7). In pressure overload hypertrophy (e.g., with aortic stenosis or hypertension), increased systolic wall stress leads to the addition of sarcomeres in parallel, an increase in myocyte cross-sectional area, and increased LV wall thickening. This pattern of remodeling has been referred to as “concentric” hypertrophy (Fig. 23.7A) and has been linked with alterations in Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II–dependent signaling22 (Fig. 23.8). By contrast, in volume overload hypertrophy (e.g., with aortic and mitral regurgitation), increased diastolic wall stress leads to an increase in myocyte length with the addition of sarcomeres in series, thereby engendering increased LV ventricular dilation. This pattern of remodeling has been referred to as “eccentric” hypertrophy (because of the position of the heart in the chest), or a “dilated” phenotype (seeFig. 23.7A), and has been linked with protein kinase B (Akt) activation22 (seeFig. 23.8). Patients with HF classically present with a dilated left ventricle with or without LV wall thinning. The myocytes from these failing ventricles have an elongated appearance that is characteristic of myocytes obtained from hearts subjected to chronic volume overload.

Cardiac myocyte hypertrophy also leads to changes in the biologic phenotype of the myocyte that are secondary to reactivation of portfolios of genes normally not expressed postnatally. The reactivation of these fetal genes, the so-called fetal gene program, also is accompanied by decreased expression of a number of genes that are normally expressed in the adult heart. As discussed later, activation of the fetal gene program may contribute to the contractile dysfunction that develops in the failing myocyte. As shown inFig. 23.8, the stimuli for the genetic reprogramming of the myocyte include mechanical stretch/strain of the myocyte, neurohormones (e.g., NE, angiotensin II), inflammatory cytokines (e.g., TNF, IL-6), other peptides and growth factors (e.g., ET), and ROS (e.g., superoxide, NO). These stimuli occur both locally within the myocardium, where they exert autocrine/paracrine effects, and systemically, where they exert endocrine effects.

The early stage of cardiac myocyte hypertrophy is characterized morphologically by increases in the number of myofibrils and mitochondria, as well as enlargement of mitochondria and nuclei. At this stage, the cardiac myocytes are larger than normal, but with preservation of cellular organization. As hypertrophy continues, there is an increase in the number of mitochondria, as well as the addition of new contractile elements in localized areas of the cell. Cells subjected to longstanding hypertrophy show more obvious disruptions in cellular organization, such as extremely enlarged nuclei with highly lobulated membranes, accompanied by the displacement of adjacent myofibrils with loss of the normal registration of the Z-bands. The late stage of hypertrophy is characterized by loss of contractile elements (myocytolysis) with marked disruption of Z-bands and severe disruption of the normal parallel arrangement of the sarcomeres, accompanied by dilation and increased tortuosity of T tubules.

Valvular Heart Disease

Feridoun Noohi FACC, FESC, ... Azin Alizadehasl MD, FACC, FASE, in Practical Cardiology, 2018

Diagnostic Testing

Chest radiography

Cardiomegaly caused by LV and LA enlargement is common in patients with chronic severe MR. In patients with PAH, right-sided chamber enlargement is also a common finding. Kerley B lines and interstitial edema might be seen in patients with acute severe MR or progressive LV dysfunction (Fig. 25.19).


Left atrial enlargement and AF are the most common ECG findings in patients with MR. LV enlargement is noted in about one third of the patients, and RV hypertrophy is observed in 15%.


Echocardiography is the most generally used instrument to study patients with supposed MR. It provides information about the cause, mechanism, and severity of MR, as well as the function and size of the LV and RV, the size of the LA, the grade of PAH, and the presence of other related valve lesions.36 Also, Doppler study provides quantitative measurements of the severity of MR, which have been revealed to be the main predictors of prognosis and outcome.47,48

Exercise testing

Exercise testing is valuable in determining functional capacity, mainly when the symptoms are unclear. The measurement of the severity of MR and PAP before and after exercise testing via Doppler echocardiography can provide additional beneficial information, particularly if surgical intervention is being anticipated.46 This method is especially useful in symptomatic patients in whom there is inconsistency between the symptoms and the resting measurements of LV function and PAP.

Cardiac catheterization

Cardiac catheterization is usually performed to evaluate the hemodynamic severity of MR when noninvasive testing is indecisive and questionable or a disagreement exists between clinical and also noninvasive findings. Coronary angiography is indicated for patients who are scheduled to undergo surgery and are at risk of CAD.


Forward cardiac output typically is low in severely symptomatic patients with MR, but total LV output (the summation of forward and also regurgitant flow) typically is high until the late course of the disease. The atrial contraction “a” wave in LA pressure pulse frequently is not as noticeable in patients with MR as that in patients with MS; however, the “v” wave is typically much taller because it is inscribed during ventricular systole, when the LA is being filled with blood from the pulmonary veins and from the LV. Rarely, the backward transmission of the tall “v” wave into the pulmonary arterial bed might result in an early diastolic pulmonary arterial “v” wave. In patients with isolated MR, the “y” descent in the pulmonary capillary pressure pulse is chiefly rapid because the distended LA empties quickly during early diastole47-49 (Fig. 25.20).

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Heart Failure

Ron M. Walls MD, in Rosen's Emergency Medicine: Concepts and Clinical Practice, 2018

Development of Cardiac Hypertrophy

LV remodeling describes the changes in ventricular mass, volume, shape, and composition in response to mechanical stress and systemic neurohormonal activation. Development of cardiac hypertrophy is the primary chronic adaptation of the heart to compensate for pump failure. This hypertrophy occurs mainly by increasing the number of myofibrils per cell, because the heart has very limited ability to produce new cells (hyperplasia). New myofibrils arrange in series in response to an increase in chamber volume (leading to dilation over time) and in parallel when responding to higher pressure loads (leading to increased chamber wall thickness). LV hypertrophy leads to a less efficient round LV chamber compared to the normal elliptical shape.33 In addition to myofibril hypertrophy, mitochondrial mass expands, leading to additional ATP provision for the expanded myofibril mass. However, impaired mitochondrial function is recognized in heart failure, with reduced energy production and higher oxidative stress.34

Initially, hypertrophy leads to improved function of each myocardial cell but at a higher energy cost. Hypertrophy is associated with myosin and other sarcomere protein isoform shifts, with related slowing of contraction, prolongation of time to peak tension, and reduced rate of relaxation.35 With the continued influence of volume overload, myofibril mass expands more than mitochondrial mass. Relative capillary blood flow is also reduced, leading to progressive myocyte death with fibrosis and increased stress on the remaining myocytes. This leads to extracellular matrix expansion, which is one of the negative effects of pathological LV remodeling. Thus the remodeling response, if allowed to continue, eventually becomes maladaptive, accelerating myocyte death, reducing microvascular perfusion, increasing extracellular collagen, and reducing pump function.36,37 This process gradually occurs as a normal part of aging.38


In Geriatric Clinical Advisor, 2007


ICD-9CM # 429.3 Idiopathic cardiomegaly
746.89 Congenital cardiomegaly
402.0 Hypertensive cardiomegaly, malignant
402.1 Hypertensive cardiomegaly, benign
402.11 Hypertensive cardiomegaly with congestive heart failure

FIGURE 3-18. Approach to the patient with cardiomegaly. When cardiomegaly is found on the chest radiograph, the history and physical examination should be reviewed and an electrocardiogram (ECG) performed before obtaining a two-dimensional Doppler echocardiographic study. Cardiomegaly may be explained by left ventricular dilation, biventricular dilation, right ventricular dilation, or pericardial abnormalities, or it may be found to be spurious on the echocardiogram. Rarely, isolated abnormalities of the atrium, particularly the left atrium, may cause abnormalities on the chest radiograph but will not cause true cardiomegaly. Depending on the echocardiographic findings, further tests can help elucidate the cause of echocardiographically confirmed cardiomegaly. CT, Computer tomography; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; R/O, rule out.

(From Goldman L, Branwald E [eds]: Primary cardiology, Philadelphia, 1998, WB Saunders.)

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Fatima Crispi, Josep M. Martinez, in Obstetric Imaging: Fetal Diagnosis and Care (Second Edition), 2018

Imaging Technique and Findings


Ultrasound signs include cardiomegaly (see Fig. 93.1), hypertrophic or hyperechoic myocardium, cardiac dilatation, tricuspid and mitral insufficiency (see Fig. 93.2), pericardial effusion, fetal hydrops, and different degrees of systolic and diastolic dysfunction.1–6 Specifically, fetuses from diabetic mothers should be evaluated for septal asymmetric hypertrophy by measuring septal thickness in a transverse view, using M-mode measurement taken just below the atrioventricular valves at end diastole, and aortic peak velocity.1

Magnetic Resonance Imaging.

Magnetic resonance imaging may be helpful to provide prognostic information for prenatal counseling, although prenatal data for comparison are limited.10

Classic Signs


Myocardial hypertrophy or hyperechogenicity.

Fetal hydrops.

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Aortic Coarctation and Interrupted Aortic Arch

J. Andreas Hoschtitzky, ... Martin J. Elliott, in Paediatric Cardiology (Third Edition), 2010

Chest Radiography

In infants, cardiomegaly and increased pulmonary vascular markings can be seen on the radiograph. In older children, the heart size is often normal, but if cardiomegaly is present, it is usually caused by left ventricular enlargement. There are two pathognomonic signs on the plain chest radiograph in older children. The first is the figure 3 sign, which appears to the left of the mediastinum and is caused by pre- and post-stenotic dilation of the aorta (Fig. 46-18). The second sign is rib notching, which is usually not seen until 4 years of age, although appearance in the first year has been described.42 By adulthood, around three-quarters of untreated patients have rib notching. It is best seen posteriorly in the medial third of the lower borders of the fourth to eighth ribs, where the intercostal artery crosses the rib (see Fig. 46-18). The notching in coarctation is classically bilateral, to be differentiated from the unilateral notching seen after a classical Blalock–Taussig shunt, although unilateral notching can also occur with coarctation when a subclavian artery arises aberrantly distal to the site of obstruction.

In those with interruption the heart is usually left sided with normal abdominal and bronchial arrangement. Cardiomegaly, particularly enlargement of the left atrium, is present in nine-tenths of neonates.43 Increased pulmonary vascular markings with pulmonary oedema are also the norm. In the rare patients who survive infancy untreated, more specific signs can be seen,44 including absence of the aortic knob, a midline trachea, absence of an aortic impression on the barium swallow, and termination of the descending aorta at the level of the pulmonary trunk. Rib notching can also be seen on the side of the subclavian arteries arising from the ascending aorta in the presence of a restrictive or closed arterial duct. A narrow mediastinum may suggest absence of the thymus gland, a feature of Di George syndrome.

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Atrioventricular Septal Defects

Anisa Chaudhry, ... Gruschen R. Veldtman, in Diagnosis and Management of Adult Congenital Heart Disease (Third Edition), 2018

Chest X-Ray

Among children: Cardiomegaly and plethora may be present when PVR falls. This is likely to be absent and the chest x-ray (CXR) may appear normal when PVR remains elevated.

Among adults: In the circumstance of an uncorrected complete AVSD and pulmonary vascular disease, mild cardiomegaly will often be present (more severe if cardiac dysfunction ensues) with large proximal pulmonary arteries (sometimes with calcification) and small peripheral pulmonary arteries (peripheral pruning).

Among children and adults with significant common AV valve regurgitation: pulmonary venous markings will increase with upper lobe blood diversion.

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Acute rheumatic fever

Pedro Ming AzevedoSr., Rosa Maria Rodrigues Pereira, in Rheumatology (Sixth Edition), 2015

Acute rheumatic carditis

Heart murmurs, cardiomegaly, and congestive heart failure are all signs and symptoms of acute rheumatic carditis, although a subset of patients are asymptomatic. Pleuritic chest discomfort or pain and pericardial friction rub are indicators of pericarditis, which is present in approximately 10% of patients. The pericardial effusion may be large, but cardiac tamponade is rare. Valvular inflammation and deformity cause new or changing organic murmurs, most commonly mitral regurgitation. Aortic regurgitation and systolic ejection murmurs are occasionally observed. The classical Carey Coombs mid-diastolic murmur is rare and is caused by a rapid overflow of the mitral valve.

Mitral regurgitation is the most common early valvular finding and may be accompanied by aortic regurgitation. Isolated aortic regurgitation is less frequent. Mitral regurgitation can be caused by a prolapsed mitral valve, which chiefly involves the anterior leaflet, with minimal leaflet redundancy. This presentation is in contrast with that in myxomatous disease, which more commonly involves the posterior leaflet and is associated with prominent leaflet redundancy. Valve prolapse is due to annular dilation and chordal elongation. Aortic or mitral stenosis is atypical at presentation. Congestive heart failure is the most life-threatening feature of ARF and can develop if severe valvular damage occurs in addition to cardiac dysfunction. Congestive heart failure occurs in 5% to 10% of initial ARF episodes and is more frequent during recurrences. This complication must be treated rapidly and aggressively with diuretics and antiinflammatory drugs. Myocarditis in the absence of valvulitis is unlikely to be rheumatic. Varying degrees of heart blockage can be observed on electrocardiography. Second- and third-degree blockage may require short-term use of a pacemaker if it is associated with congestive heart disease.

The incidence of carditis during the initial ARF attack varies from 40% to 91%, depending on the selection of patients and whether the diagnosis is made on a clinical basis or in combination with echocardiography (see Table 111.1).

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Is cardiomegaly the same as hypertrophy?

In this condition, the walls of the left and/or right ventricles of the heart become thin and stretched. The result is an enlarged heart. In the other types of cardiomegaly, the heart's large muscular left ventricle becomes abnormally thick. Hypertrophy is usually what causes left ventricular enlargement.

What is cardiomegaly similar to cardiac?

An enlarged heart (cardiomegaly) can be caused by damage to the heart muscle or any condition that makes the heart pump harder than usual, including pregnancy. Sometimes the heart gets larger and becomes weak for unknown reasons. This condition is called idiopathic cardiomyopathy.

Is hypertrophy the same as cardiomyopathy?

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is a disease in which the heart muscle becomes thickened (hypertrophied). The thickened heart muscle can make it harder for the heart to pump blood.

What is the meaning of cardiomegaly?

Cardiomegaly, or an enlarged heart, is an indicator of a condition that puts a strain on your heart. Your healthcare provider can use imaging to measure your heart's size, but they'll want to find the cause of your enlarged heart. Treatment depends on what's causing your enlarged heart.