Does anemia cause dark circles under eyes

Periorbital dark circles are dark blemishes around the eyes. There are many causes of this symptom, including heredity and bruising.[1]

Anatomical factors[edit]

Bony structure and prominence of the orbicularis oculi muscle can contribute to infraorbital dark circles.[2][3] Skin in the lower eyelid is very thin which accentuates subdermal features.[2]

Allergies, asthma, and eczema[edit]

Any condition that causes the eyes to itch can contribute to darker circles due to rubbing or scratching the skin around them. Hay fever sufferers in particular will notice under-eye "smudges" during the height of the allergy season. Also, dark circles from allergies are caused by superficial venous congestion[4] in the capillaries under the eyes.

Any medications that cause blood vessels to dilate can cause circles under the eyes to darken. The skin under the eyes is very delicate, any increased blood flow shows through the skin.

The lack of nutrients in the diet, or the lack of a balanced diet, can contribute to the discoloration of the area under the eyes. It is believed that iron deficiency and vitamin B12 deficiency can cause dark circles as well.[5] Iron deficiency is the most common type of anemia and this condition is a sign that not enough oxygen is getting to the body tissues.

The skin can also become more pale during pregnancy and menstruation (due to lack of iron), allowing the underlying veins under the eyes to become more visible.


A lack of sleep and mental fatigue can cause paleness of the skin, allowing the blood underneath the skin to become more visible and appear bluer or darker.[6][better source needed]

Dark circles are likely to become more noticeable and permanent with age. This is because as people get older, their skin loses collagen, becoming thinner and more translucent. As facial fat descends and fat volume decreases, the somewhat inflexible ligaments can result in orbital rim and facial hollowing.[2] Photoaging has similar effects. [3] Hemoglobin breakdown products such as hemosiderin and biliverdin can leak from the vascular contributing to pigmentation changes.[2]

Circles may also gradually begin to appear darker in one eye than the other as a result of some habitual facial expressions, such as an uneven smile.[citation needed]

Sun exposure[edit]

Prompts your body to produce more melanin, the pigment that gives skin its color.[tone][7]

Periorbital hyperpigmentation[edit]

Periorbital hyperpigmentation is the official name for when there is more melanin produced around the eyes than is usual, giving them a darker color.[8]


At one time, hydroquinone solution was often mixed in an oil-free moisturizer that acted like a skin bleach. However the use of hydroquinone for skin whitening has been banned in European countries due to health concerns. In 2006, the United States Food and Drug Administration revoked its approval of hydroquinone for over the counter preparations warning that it may cause cancer or have many other detrimental effects.[citation needed]

The use of hydroquinone skin-whitening products can be toxic, harmful or lethal for humans.[citation needed]

Modern treatments include topical creams that are marketed for the condition. Various ingredients have been researched, developed and included in these creams. For example, recently, chemical compounds called alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) have been added as a beneficial ingredient to creams for dark circles.[9] Specialist treatments including laser and intense pulsed light skin surgery can also be used.[10] A compounding cream of Pfaffia paniculata, Ptychopetalum olacoides and Lilium candidum has also been reported as an effective treatments[citation needed]. Low-level laser therapy, autologous fat transplantation and hyaluronic acid fillers are also alternative treatment options.[11]

In addition, many skin care ingredients can help in the form of eye creams. Caffeine is a potent vasoconstrictor that has been proven to improve the look of dark circles[12] by constricting, or tightening, the dilated vessels under eyes. Vitamin C can help brighten hyperpigmentation as well as thicken the dermal layer of skin which conceals dark circles.[13]

Dark circles under the eyes are fairly common regardless of gender and age. Often regarded as panda eyes, dark circles can make anyone appear older than they are. And for some reason, dark eye circles can be difficult to get rid of.

That said, it’s easy to notice dark circles as the under-eye skin is one of the thinnest areas on the body. This makes the reddish-blue blood vessels appear more visible. With little to no subcutaneous tissue, the under-eye skin is not supported as much as the rest of the facial skin. This results in puffy eyes and the appearance of dark shadows under the eyes.

While dark eye circles are harmless, their appearance can be due to various reasons and may or may not be an indicator of health problems. Also, it can be an inherited trait that worsens over time.

For many people, dark eye circles present a distasteful appearance. However, it can be treated based on what’s causing them. Here are seven causes of dark eye circles and how you can diminish their appearance.

Lack of Sleep

Staying up past your normal bedtime can cause dark circles to appear under your eyes. Along with extreme fatigue, the lack of sleep can cause your skin to appear dull and pale. This further results in your blood vessels and dark tissues becoming more apparent against your pale complexion.

When you’re sleeping, your body helps to regulate blood circulation and repair the skin along with other tissues. Not getting enough sleep increases stress to your body system, leading to poor blood circulation to the skin. Hence, the importance of getting at least seven to eight hours of sleep every night.


Family history also plays a part in the development of dark eye circles. If your parents have dark eye circles, you’ll likely have them no matter what kind of dark eye circle treatment you employ or how much sleep you get.

Additionally, if you belong to melanin-rich genetic groups, the chances of having dark eye circles is high. This is because darker skin tone contains more melanin content.

Iron Deficiency

Anaemia is a medical condition caused by the lack of iron in the body. Due to iron deficiency, the blood cells are unable to carry enough oxygen to all the tissues in the body including those under the eyes. This results in dark circles under the eyes.

Not consuming iron-rich foods to replenish the iron deficiency in your body can also cause discolouration as the veins located around your eyes become more apparent whenever you lack iron in your system. Thus, the importance of eating a healthy diet with iron-rich foods.

Medications and Medical Condition

Certain medication and medical condition can cause dark eye circles to become apparent. That’s because certain medication contains compounds that can make the blood vessels under your eyes dilate or encourage fluid retention.

Not only that, but medical conditions such as kidney and heart problems can also cause fluid retention, leading to enlarged blood capillaries or build-up of lymphatic fluid. Hormonal changes such as those experiencing PMS or menopause may notice some changes to the pigmentation of their skin, especially around the under-eye area.

Eye Strain

As we continue to work remotely, the amount of time spent staring at your computer screen can cause significant eye strain and dry eyes. This causes the blood vessels around your eyes to enlarge, leading to more visible blood capillaries. As a result, the skin surrounding your eyes may appear dark.

Try giving your eyes a break from the computer screen every once in a while. It’s one way to relax your eyesight and minimise your exposure to blue light. Also, make an effort to blink as often as possible to keep your eyes from drying out.

Allergies and Eczema

Allergic reactions and eczema can cause dark eye circles to appear. When your allergy is triggered, the body releases a chemical, known as histamine, as a response to fight harmful bacteria. While it helps to battle the bacteria, histamine can cause your blood vessels to dilate, leading to increased blood flow under the eyes.

Histamine can also increase the urge to rub and scratch the itchy skin around your eyes. This results in inflammation, swelling, and broken blood vessels underneath your eyes. Hence, the dark circles under your eyes. Try applying a cold compress to relieve the itch so that you can resist the urge to rub your eyes.


There’s a reason why we have to drink plenty of water every day – to replenish the amount of water in our body as well as to aid bodily processes. When your body is dehydrated, it can make you feel tired and lead to tired-looking eyes, even though you had enough sleep.

Not only that, but dehydration also decreases the blood flow and makes your heart work less efficiently. When the blood circulation to the skin underneath your eyes is reduced, it may appear dull, causing your eyes to look sunken. Thus, the importance of drinking plenty of water daily.

Knowing the cause of your dark eye circles will allow for better dark eye circle treatment. With Eeva Medical Clinic’s Rejuran i (eyes) treatment, you can have brighter under-eye skin tone, reduced fine lines and wrinkles while improving hydration and water balance under your eyes.

Does taking iron help dark circles?

If you are deficient in iron, the supply of oxygen to the body tissues is hampered. This makes the skin appear paler, making your dark circles look more pronounced. Green vegetables, pumpkin seeds, lentils, and beans are some good sources of iron.

How do you get rid of dark circles under your eyes from anemia?

Apply a cold compress. A cold compress may reduce swelling and shrink dilated blood vessels to lessen the appearance of puffiness and dark circles. ... .
Get extra sleep. ... .
Elevate your head. ... .
Stay hydrated. ... .
Soak with tea bags. ... .
Try eye creams. ... .
Conceal with makeup..

What deficiency causes dark circles?

Iron Deficiency Deficiency of iron is one of the causative factors for dark circles. The veins located around the eye region become more visible if you lack iron in the body. It was revealed by a study that anaemia is one of the underlying health condition which is the reason behind 50% of the dark shadows.

What do your eyes look like when you have anemia?

Dark circles. Dark circles under your eyes are common and are most often due to lack of sleep, but in some cases, they could suggest other health issues. Iron deficiency can prevent your blood from carrying sufficient oxygen to your eye tissues.