Electrical and computer engineering vs computer science

Computer Engineering and Computer Science – Similarities and Differences

Students considering a career centered on computers and computing often ask for clarification about the difference between computer engineering (CEN) and computer science (CS). There are philosophical as well as practical answers to these questions. Both CEN and CS study the use of the digital computer as a tool that makes possible much of modern technology and the overlap between the two fields is significant. Both disciplines study the inner workings of computers and both study hardware as well as software aspects of computer systems. The differences are those of emphasis. Students in CS, CE, or Electrical Engineering will all study programming and basic computer operation.

Computer Science is traditionally more concerned with the theoretical underpinnings of computation and of programming; thus one typically finds courses in programming, algorithms, numerical analysis (how do you guarantee a number produced by a computer program is accurate), and the theory of computation (what can and cannot in principle be computed) in Computer Science departments. Many CS departments at U.S. universities were offshoots from math departments in the 1970s, and the emphasis on providing a rigorous mathematical foundation for the computing disciplines is still evident in many CS curricula.

Computer engineering programs largely developed in engineering departments strong in electrical engineering. Computer Engineering focuses on the practical aspects of development and use of computers.  Courses in digital logic design and processor interfacing which build on an engineering student’s knowledge of electronics and circuits are typically found in CEN programs. At the intersection between CEN and CS are courses in computer architecture (the basic construction and low-level programming of computers) and operating systems, which are as likely to be found in either or both programs.

At UMaine, Computer Science is a department in the College of Arts and Sciences, while Computer Engineering is a program within the College of Engineering. Computer science majors follow the Arts and Sciences curriculum while Computer Engineering majors follow an Engineering curriculum. The difference between these two degrees is the difference between the two colleges: the aim of science is to deepen a basic knowledge of a specific field, while the aim of engineering is to combine innovation and technology.

Computer engineers build hardware while computer scientists generally do not. However, computer scientists certainly know enough about hardware to analyze computer system operations and to interact with hardware engineers. Computer scientists know more about underlying theory of computation, programming languages, and operating systems.

While computer engineers often work as programmers, most system level programs such as programming languages and operating systems are designed by computer scientists. However, computer engineers usually write the programs for computer-based systems.

Since engineering is the application of the principles of basic science to the solving of problems within constraints (that is, building things!), computer engineering is engineering applied to computers and computer-based systems. In other words, computer engineers build computers such as PCs, workstations, and supercomputers. They also build computer-based systems such as those found in cars, planes, appliances, electronics, phones, communication networks, and many, many other products. Computer engineers typically design not only the hardware, but also much of the software in computer-based systems.

Thanks to Duke University, Politecnico Di Torino, and the University of Huston for some of the language paraphrased here.

Electrical and computer engineering vs computer science

Electrical engineering and computer science degrees differ in many ways, and understanding the defining characteristics of each choice can help individuals make the right decisions as they start on their career path.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), electrical engineers design, develop, test, manufacture, and repair electronic components. They work in various settings, ranging from offices to manufacturing or product development facilities. Electrical engineers are pertinent to a wide variety of industries including consumer goods manufacturing, government work, telecommunications, research and development, travel, and more.

A computer science degree prepares an individual to develop applications, work with networking infrastructure, design operating systems, or manipulate the code that drives computers and other devices. Computer scientists work with the foundational frameworks that operate servers, internet protocols, small electronics, large pieces of equipment, and more.

Electrical engineering focuses on the creation, development, implementation, and execution of various electronic devices and components. Because it involves electricity, this branch of engineering embraces a broad range of devices of varying complexity, from massive power stations to microscopic computer components. Those in electrical engineering roles can also design electrical systems of larger, more complex machinery, such as cars or airplanes.

Electrical Engineering Coursework

Since an electrical engineering degree may apply to a wider variety of careers, it can include a diverse range of course offerings. Electrical engineering programs commonly include computer engineering courses, and they can also include other application-based courses including manufacturing, navigation systems and devices, digital signal communication, vehicles and locomotion, nanotechnology, health care, and more. Communication classes such as technical writing, management, and team-based communications may also be part of the curriculum.

Key Skills in Electrical Engineering

Electrical engineers should possess strong technical knowledge, which can include keeping abreast of current technological innovations so their designs can remain at the forefront of their industry. They should also have advanced math skills due to the precise nature of the systems and devices. Because these components can also be intricate, it’s crucial for electrical engineers to have well-developed concentration skills. In addition, they also need solid verbal and written communication skills, since most related careers are team-oriented.

Electrical Engineering Careers

Because of the broad application of electrical engineering, professionals in this field can work in a wide array of positions in a host of different industries, such as telecommunications, aerospace, consumer goods, and construction. More career options mean electrical engineers can seek roles that closely match their individual preferences and tailor their work environment to their liking.

What Is Computer Science?

Computer science focuses on the nuts and bolts of computers and computing systems. This can range from developing tangible items like hardware and software, to more abstract concepts such as algorithms and computational theory. Those in computer science can often leverage their skill sets to transform these abstract concepts into these tangible products, services, and solutions. This can lead to the creation of new technologies that can be applied to a wide range of fields, from video games to machine learning.

Computer Science Coursework

Most computer science curriculums cover courses involving core concepts such as computer languages, software development, data analysis, and operating systems. They can also discuss concepts pertaining to computing theory, professional computing, and computing ethics.

Key Skills in Computer Science

Computer science professionals need strong analytical and technical skills to build efficient systems and equipment that optimize performance and accurately meet end goals. It’s also fundamental to keep current with various programming languages as they penetrate and change the market. Computer science professionals also need strong detail-oriented and problem-solving skills, along with strong oral and written communication skills that can convey key information to less tech-proficient individuals.

Computer Science Careers

Because computer science connects with fundamental aspects of computing and information technology such as software design and data analysis, computer science professionals can pursue jobs in a wide range of industries. They can also pursue career paths strictly built around computer science concepts, such as video game development. Regardless of the industry, computer scientists typically work in an office setting.

Electrical Engineering or Computer Science: Which Career Path Is Right for You?

Electrical engineering and computer science can both be appealing career paths for individuals intrigued by the notion of using technology to create new things. While creation and development sit at the core of both professions, the differences that do exist require individuals to consider which is the right career path for their sensibilities.

Ask yourself these three questions to determine what route is the best fit for you.

1. What’s My End Goal?

Look for positions that appeal to you and do some research to find out what degrees are typically required to perform the duties. The answer might surprise you, but it will provide valuable insight to help you make a strategic decision. According to Jeff John Roberts, a reporter at Fortune, some of the most successful software developers earn degrees unrelated to computer science – including electrical engineering.

2. What Type of Work Do I Want to Do Each Day?

Knowing what types of tasks, responsibilities, and job environments you enjoy will help you choose a graduate degree program. Speak to electrical engineers and computer scientists about their work to learn what you might expect on the job.

3. What Are My Strongest Skills?

Take inventory of your natural abilities before choosing a master’s degree program. By defining your skills, you can match them up with those required for each job you are researching.

A computer science degree offers the in-depth knowledge of computer theory and programming necessary to aid your career in a programming setting. If your interests extend beyond writing code, an electrical engineering degree will help you develop a wide range of skills to prepare you for many career possibilities. Research both options carefully before choosing a degree.

Explore a Career in Electrical Engineering

At the Russ College of Engineering and Technology, graduates of the online Master of Science in Electrical Engineering program are equipped with the skills to research, design, develop, and test new technologies and industry applications — and to position themselves as leaders.

Learn more about how Ohio University’s online Master of Science in Electrical Engineering can prepare you to pursue your professional goals.

Women in Electrical Engineering: Opportunities and Resources for Pursuing an Engineering Career

Digital Circuits Overview for Electrical Engineers: What You Need to Know

Embedded Systems Engineer: Job Outlook & Salary Information


Fortune.com, “This App Guy Thinks Computer Science Degrees Are a Waste of Money”
Interesting Engineering, “Top 3 Industries for Highest Electrical Engineer Salary”
New Scientist Jobs, “What Does an Electrical Engineer Do?”
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Electrical and Electronics Engineers
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Software Developers

Which is better electrical and computer engineering or computer science?

If this appeals to you, then earning an electrical engineering degree may make the most sense. However, . However, if you like developing applications, problem solving as a team and studying computation, then computer science may be the better field for you.

Is electrical and computer engineering same as computer engineering?

While computer engineering and electrical engineering are two different fields, there's a significant amount of overlap in responsibilities and areas of study. Both disciplines are equally technology-focused, lucrative and exciting, but they're not as interchangeable as you might think.

Which is harder electrical engineering or computer science?

Electrical engineering is very difficult course. There are many hard subjects and complex theories in this branch which are harder than computer. In computer branch u learn about computer processor and programming which is structure base and u can understand it easily as compare to Electrical.