Final stages of congestive heart failure in the elderly

By on December 7, 2021 in Blog

  • What Happens If You Have Heart Failure?
  • Symptoms of Heart Failure
    • Fatigue
    • Breathlessness
    • Peripheral edema
    • Pain
    • Nausea and vomiting
    • Anorexia or cachexia
    • Anxiety and depression
  • When to Seek Help
  • Conclusion

Final stages of congestive heart failure in the elderly

“Heart failure” refers to when the heart can’t or doesn’t work well enough to provide oxygen and nutrients to the parts of the body and brain that need them. This decrease in cardiac output means the heart isn’t strong enough to move blood from the body and lungs back to the heart. This causes fluid (mostly water) to leak from capillary blood vessels.

Shortness of breath, weakness, and swelling are some things that might happen because of this. Before we dive into the depths of the heart failure signs of death, let’s understand what goes on in the body.

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What Happens If You Have Heart Failure?

People with heart failure have weak hearts that don’t work as well as they should. Over time, the illness causes significant damage to the body.

In the first stages, the heart is less effective. It stretches, grows bigger, and pumps faster to compensate for the lack of strength. The body also changes, with arteries getting smaller and blood being directed away from certain body parts. Many people with heart failure don’t know they have a problem in these early stages.

Towards the end stages of CHF, symptoms will worsen even if lifestyle changes are made, and the body will be unable to compensate for the loss of blood flow. As soon as that happens, the person may start to feel tired, have trouble breathing, and have other problems.

People can get help managing their end stages congestive heart failure symptoms and slowing down the progress of their condition with a variety of treatments. It’s a long-term condition that can’t be cured, as well as heart failure. People will eventually reach the end stages of heart failure.

Even when the person is lying down, they feel a shortness of breath. Their symptoms can change rapidly over a short period of time.

Symptoms of Heart Failure

Here are seven common symptoms:


Exhaustion is not always caused by exercise, but it can be lessened by rest. Weariness is a typical and debilitating sign of the final stages of congestive heart failure. Anemia (low red blood cells or hemoglobin), insomnia (from orthopnoea – breathlessness when lying flat), depression, or excessive activity or exercise should be investigated.


Breathlessness is a typical symptom of heart failure. This condition is caused by an accumulation of fluid in the lungs. Rule out underlying health conditions like a chest infection or anemia if you’re having trouble breathing. Most people like to sit upright with others. A window or a fan helps with ventilation. Breathing difficulties can cause extreme mouth dryness, necessitating appropriate dental hygiene.

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Peripheral edema

Peripheral edema is characterized by enlarged tissue due to fluid retention. When the heart isn’t working properly, fluid builds up. This is a sure shot among the congestive heart failure signs of dying.


Some people suffering from final stage CHF may die in pain or discomfort. They should be evaluated for pain. Opioids and non-opioids can be used to treat pain and suffering (paracetamol). Acupuncture and aromatherapy are examples of complementary therapies. If pain is uncontrollable, palliative and pain teams can help.

Nausea and vomiting

To cure nausea and vomiting, one must first identify the underlying cause – the causes of nausea and vomiting range from medication to stress to constipation. Alternatives include snacks or smaller meals. Patients may have to consider their posture when eating. Drugs can also be administered to treat nausea and vomiting.

Anorexia or cachexia

Anorexia causes loss of appetite, substantial weight loss, and muscle and fat tissue loss. Your loved one can eat healthier in numerous ways. Dietary supplements and high-calorie foods should be examined – more on hydration and nutrition on our page. A dietician’s assistance may benefit.

Anxiety and depression

Treatment may cause anxiety and depression in certain patients. In the medical field, assessing the situation’s severity is vital. A patient’s emotional needs must be satisfied. Other help options include CBT and medication. Reading, walking, or listening to music or audiobooks may help with relaxation.

When to Seek Help

Patients with a life expectancy shorter than six months are eligible for hospice care. A hospice provides additional aid and resources to assist the person in living comfortably and with the highest possible quality of life. Hospice caregivers can also help patients and their families plan for future needs and circumstances. They have a unique insight into how to assist those with these difficulties.

Patients with end-stage heart failure need medical continuity throughout outpatient programs. These are just some of the symptoms that hospice care might help with. Positive inotropic drug infusions, anxiolytics, and sleeping medicines are all viable treatments. It’s challenging for patients, families, and doctors caring for patients with end-stage heart failure to identify when treatment goals shift from survival to quality of life, allowing for a peaceful and dignified death.


End-stage heart failure is a severe form of chronic heart failure. Early intervention can help you manage heart failure, but you should work with your doctor to plan to live with your condition and improve your comfort if it gets worse.

Towards the end of congestive heart failure stages of dying, discussions about when to stop taking aggressive steps and start giving palliative and end-of-life care are necessary. It can be good to plan and set up a support network for both you and your caregivers as soon as possible. If you need help to connect with qualified caregivers, don’t hesitate to contact us!

How long does the end stage of congestive heart failure last?

Patients are considered to be in the terminal end stage of heart disease when they have a life expectancy of six months or less. Only a doctor can make a clinical determination of congestive heart failure life expectancy.

What happens in the last day of congestive heart failure?

In the final stages of heart failure, people feel breathless both during activity and at rest. Persistent coughing or wheezing. This may produce white or pink mucus. The cough may be worse at night or when lying down.

How long does heart failure last before death?

Heart failure is a life-limiting illness for many patients. Half of all HF patients die within four years of diagnosis, and more than 50 % of those with severe heart failure die within one year [10]. Especially in old age, the likelihood of heart failure as the cause of death increases.

What happens to the body in end stage heart failure?

Symptoms associated with end stage heart disease include trouble breathing, exhaustion, weight loss, changes in skin color, swelling, and abdominal pain all or most of the time.