Find the value of each trigonometric ratio to the nearest ten thousandth calculator


Find the value of each trigonometric ratio to the nearest ten thousandth calculator


Grade 10 · 2021-05-24

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Find the value of each trigonometric ratio to the nearest ten-thousandth (Use calculator).. Find the value of each trigonometric ratio to the - Gauthmath

Find the value of each trigonometric ratio to the nearest ten thousandth calculator




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Video Transcript

So this question they're asking us to find the trigonometry reissued nearest to the 10,000 of the digit. So using your calculator, I've also explained, I've used the calculator but I've also explained how the calculations actually have to be made. AH Science 628° is actually nothing but two into 3 60 minus 92 degrees of sign which would mean that 203 160 is nothing but one. Uh So that therefore we and we're not considering that. So we're only taking the sign 92 into consideration The minuses kept as it is So sign it would become signed 90-plus 2. We have 92 was 90 plus two. Sine 99 A plus B. Is so this is expressed just signed 90 plus two which is nothing but cost of two. So if it took took the value of the cause of two in the calculator you get -1992. So that's the answer for each of the answers. Have underlined it in red. So cost 60° straight forward. You can plug it in the calculator, you will see that it's .5000. Um 10 79 degree is 10 of 90 minus seven which is sort of 11. So directly you can substitute court of 11 in your calculator and you'll find that it's five point wonderful 45 Cost 31° is nothing but straight away straight forward .8572 and 1025° is .4663. Finally sign of 1 40° again just to summarize how the calculations are done. Um You can also directly plug in, but you can also use this method to find out the value in a simplified form, sign of 1 80 degrees minus 32 is nothing but 1 48 degrees, which is nothing. But sign of 32 which is 320.5 to 9 .5229 is the final answer, so for each of these cases the working is provided um and also the final answers are underlined.

Find the value of each trigonometric ratio to the nearest ten thousandth calculator

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We don’t have your requested question, but here is a suggested video that might help.

'Do Now: Find the value of each trigonometric ratio to the nearest ten-thousandth using your calculator_ 1) SIN 628 2) COS 60" 3) TAN 79" 4) COS 31" = 5) TAN 25" 6) SIN 148 ='


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Video Transcript

So this question they're asking us to find the trigonometry reissued nearest to the 10,000 of the digit. So using your calculator, I've also explained, I've used the calculator but I've also explained how the calculations actually have to be made. AH Science 628° is actually nothing but two into 3 60 minus 92 degrees of sign which would mean that 203 160 is nothing but one. Uh So that therefore we and we're not considering that. So we're only taking the sign 92 into consideration The minuses kept as it is So sign it would become signed 90-plus 2. We have 92 was 90 plus two. Sine 99 A plus B. Is so this is expressed just signed 90 plus two which is nothing but cost of two. So if it took took the value of the cause of two in the calculator you get -1992. So that's the answer for each of the answers. Have underlined it in red. So cost 60° straight forward. You can plug it in the calculator, you will see that it's .5000. Um 10 79 degree is 10 of 90 minus seven which is sort of 11. So directly you can substitute court of 11 in your calculator and you'll find that it's five point wonderful 45 Cost 31° is nothing but straight away straight forward .8572 and 1025° is .4663. Finally sign of 1 40° again just to summarize how the calculations are done. Um You can also directly plug in, but you can also use this method to find out the value in a simplified form, sign of 1 80 degrees minus 32 is nothing but 1 48 degrees, which is nothing. But sign of 32 which is 320.5 to 9 .5229 is the final answer, so for each of these cases the working is provided um and also the final answers are underlined.

What is the trigonometric ratio for Sinθ?

These six trigonometric ratios can be defined as, Sine: The sine ratio for any given angle is defined as the ratio of the perpendicular to the hypotenuse. In the given triangle, sine of angle θ can be given as, sin θ = AB/AC.

How do you find trigonometric ratios Class 10?

Double Angle Formulas.
sin 2A = 2 sin A cos A = [2 tan A /(1 + tan2A)].
cos 2A = cos2A – sin2A = 1 – 2 sin2A = 2 cos2A – 1 = [(1 – tan2A)/(1 + tan2A)].
tan 2A = (2 tan A)/(1 – tan2A).