How do i find all the posts and comments made by someone on facebook

Sometimes we need to find the comment that is made by our friend and what we do is to scroll through all the comments. But it takes a lot of time and efforts, and there is a possibility that you may miss out on some comments by the same users if they don't reply in the same thread. Here is the way to do it in a simple way so let’s get started.

Find comments made by someone on Facebook for free

You can use Facebook native tool for it and it's free. And yes of course we can not deny that Facebook Business Manager has several issues so it becomes harder for them to quickly go through your inbox and prioritize tasks.

How do i find all the posts and comments made by someone on facebook

Facebook Business Manager Inbox overview

The main problem is that the comment you have received will be organized by the post, not by the user. So it becomes harder to find a specific person and reply to a comment. One also has to face an unsatisfied customer or a troller who was been continually making a lot of comments, but they’ll be hard to find.

It is quite easy if you know the name of the person so you can type in the 'comment made by ' section in the Facebook search bar. You can use the filter to further break down results into small sections. There is a possibility that many people have the same name on Facebook so narrow down the search results to “posts you’ve seen“

How do i find all the posts and comments made by someone on facebook

In this case, if you want to go through more comments made by someone in a Facebook Group then you can click on their name. Here you can see your common groups, their reaction, and comment, and posts too. This is gonna work in group but not on fan pages.

There are some other alternatives with the help of that you can find a user's comment quickly.

conversation threading:  To find someone’s comment on facebook

It is necessary to have a structural user interface if you want to go through your comments on Facebook.

Organizing facebook comments in such a manner so it becomes to find a particular comment is imporant. You may use Gmail-style conversation threading so it will be easy for you to find your way back to that conversation

Here you have an example of what that looks like.

How do i find all the posts and comments made by someone on facebook

Find a comment using filters

You can also use a filter to find a comment very quickly. If you haven't read someone's comment, you can use that filter.

The labels are predefined but are comparable to Facebook’s (unread, to review, done). However, Sotrender takes organization to the next level with sentiment filters. If you’re specifically trying to find a comment that was positive or negative, you can only select that filter. This makes it easier to find comments that you might have opened, but didn’t tag in so you can find it later.

How do i find all the posts and comments made by someone on facebook

Last but not least, you can narrow down your search even further by choosing between types of content.

How do i find all the posts and comments made by someone on facebook

With the help of the dropdown menu, you get an option to select comments on sponsored posts, even previously deleted content, or user posts. With these tips, you can narrow down your search and save time.


  1. To find comments made by someone on Facebook in 2021, you can use the search bar at the top of the page.
  2. In the search bar, type in the name of the person you’re looking for and press enter.
  3. If the person has made any comments on Facebook in 2021, their name will show up in the search results.

How To Check Someone’s Facebook Activity

How to See Someone’s Facebook Activity in 2022 | Likes, Comments, Updates

How do you see someones comment 2021 Facebook?

There are a few ways to see someone’s comment on Facebook. One way is to go to the person’s profile and click on the “Comments” tab. This will show all of the comments that the person has made on other people’s posts, as well as any comments that they have been tagged in.
Another way to see someone’s comments is by going to their post and clicking on the “Comments” tab below it.

How do you find someone’s comment on a Facebook post?

To find someone’s comment on a Facebook post, open the post and scroll down to the bottom. The comments will be listed in chronological order, with the most recent at the top.

Why can’t I see comments on Facebook 2021?

Comments on Facebook 2021 are hidden by default. This is because they are often used to attack or harass other users. To see comments, you need to change your settings.

How do you see what someone likes and comments on Facebook?

There are a few ways to see what someone has liked and commented on on Facebook.
The first way is to go to the person’s profile and look at the “Likes” and “Comments” section on the left-hand side of the profile.
The second way is to go to the person’s Facebook page and look at the “Likes” and “Comments” section at the top of the page.

How do I jump to a friend’s comment on Facebook?

To jump to a friend’s comment on Facebook, first open the conversation. Then, locate the comment you want to reply to and click on the “reply” button.

How do you find recent comments on Facebook?

There are a few ways to find recent comments on Facebook. One way is to go to the main Facebook page and click on “Activity Log” on the left-hand side of the screen. This will show you a list of all the recent activity on your Facebook profile, including comments.
Another way to find recent comments is to go to the page of the person or company who made the comment.

How do you see what someone likes on Facebook 2022?

There are a few ways to see what someone likes on Facebook 2022. The first way is to look at their profile. If they have made their likes public, you will be able to see them. Another way is to look at their activity log. This will show you all of the things they have liked, commented on, and shared in the past.

Can I see someone’s Facebook activity?

Yes, you can see someone’s Facebook activity if you are friends with them on the site. To view someone’s activity, go to their profile and click on the “Activity Log” button. This will show you all of the posts and comments that they have made on Facebook, as well as any interactions that they have had with other users.

How can I see what pictures My boyfriend likes on Facebook 2020?

There is no surefire way to see exactly what pictures your boyfriend likes on Facebook 2020, but you can try using some third-party tools or browser extensions. For example, if you use the Chrome browser, you can install the Facebook Photo Viewer extension, which will allow you to view your boyfriend’s liked photos without having to be logged in to Facebook.

How do you see someones hidden comments on Facebook?

There are a few ways to see someone’s hidden comments on Facebook. One way is to click on the three dots in the top right corner of the post, and then select “View Hidden Comments.” Another way is to go to the person’s profile and click on “Comments” below their cover photo. If the person has commented on a post that has been hidden by another user, their comment will be visible.

Can I search old comments on Facebook?

Yes, you can search for old comments on Facebook. To do this, open the Facebook search bar and type in the name of the person or page whose comments you want to find. Then, click on “Posts” from the menu on the left-hand side of the screen. This will show you all of the posts and comments made by that person or page. You can also use the “Search Comments” bar at the top of the Posts screen to search for specific comments.

Why can’t I see a comment on my Facebook post?

There are a few reasons why you might not be able to see comments on your Facebook posts. One possibility is that the person who made the comment has blocked you. Another possibility is that the comment was removed by Facebook for violating its Community Standards.

Why are comments hidden on Facebook?

Comments are hidden on Facebook because the company wants to encourage users to share content directly on the platform instead of commenting on posts. This way, Facebook can keep track of how popular a given post is and show it to more people. Additionally, comments can be used to spread hate speech or other objectionable content, so hiding them helps to keep the site clean.

Can my friends see my comments on Facebook?

Yes, your friends can see your comments on Facebook. Comments are public by default, but you can change your privacy settings to limit who can see your comments.

What is the Facebook jail?

The Facebook jail is a term used to describe the situation of being blocked from using Facebook. This can happen for a variety of reasons, such as violating the site’s terms of service, or using fake information when registering for an account.

How do you find comments made by someone on Facebook?

Find comments made by someone on Facebook for free If you remember a specific user by name, you could type in “comments made by <user>” in the Facebook search bar. You can narrow down the search results using the filters on the left.

How can I see who my boyfriend interacts with on Facebook?

You have to go to your boyfriend's homepage on Facebook, then click on Friends. Also, click on 'all friends', and the order in which they appear is in the order of interaction. The person, your boyfriend, interacts with most will appear at the top of the list.

Can you search someone's posts on Facebook?

Tap at the top of Facebook and enter what you're looking for in the search bar. Choose from the predictions that appear or tap See more results for [keyword] to filter results by different topics. Tap People, Pages, Events or Groups to see results for that topic.