How much taxes do you pay on social security disability

Taxes and Social Security Benefits

Disability benefits are offered through the Social Security Administration (SSA) to those who are unable to work due to a disability or medical condition. These benefits can provide assistance for everyday living expenses and medical bills. Although disability benefits are usually not counted as taxable income, there could be some cases in which you will end up having to pay taxes on these payments.

Income Limits

There are two main types of disability benefits that are available through the SSA: Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits, which are based on your work history, and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits, which are provided for low-income individuals. The majority of both SSDI and SSI benefits are not taxable.

If you or your spouse receives SSDI benefits as well as another source of income, you could likely be taxed for your benefits. Note that if you had enough income for your disability benefits to be taxed, then you probably wouldn’t qualify for SSI benefits anyways, as they are meant for low-income applicants. Therefore, the income limits for your disability benefits most always apply to SSDI recipients.

Whether filing your taxes individually or with your spouse, the following income limits result in about half of your benefits being taxed:

  • Over $25,000 and less than $34,000 for an individual
  • A combined income over $32,000 if married and filing jointly

For higher income brackets, 85% of your benefits could be taxed, including:

  • Over $34,000 if single
  • Over $44,000 if married

Back Payments

Some forms of disability benefits could result in back payments for the time you were disabled but not receiving benefits, as well as one-time death payments for the survivor of a worker receiving benefits who has passed away. These benefits are usually paid through the SSA in a lump sum.

Lump sum payments for death benefits and back payments can be subject to taxes for that year, which could move you into a higher income bracket and increase your amount of taxes to be paid. You may be able to apply some back payments to previous years if that was the time period for which the benefits apply. This may lower your tax payments for the current year.

Marginal Tax Rate

If your source of income is over the limits mentioned above, it will be taxed at your marginal tax rate. What this means is that you wouldn’t be paying taxes on 50% or 85% of your benefits, depending on your income level, but rather the amount of taxes would be 10-15% on 50% or 85% of your benefits, or 33-35% of your benefits for a higher income.

Getting Help with Your Disability Benefits

If you are having trouble understanding your disability benefits and how you may have to pay taxes on them, you may want to consider hiring a disability benefits lawyer or advocate to help you through the process. A lawyer or advocate can help you with your application and assist you with any questions you may have.

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The Government Giveth and, Occasionally, Taketh Away: SSDI and Federal Income Tax

Social Security beneficiaries may have questions about whether their retroactive benefits and/or their ongoing monthly benefits are taxable. This article gives general income tax guidance and should not be used as the basis for tax advice in individual cases. This is a broad overview with examples. This article only analyzes SSDI and not Supplemental Security Income (SSI). The composition of taxable income for each individual is unique and the permutations of taxation are myriad depending on a range of variables including income source, household composition, and timing. This article only concerns federal taxation. Most states do not tax SSDI. However, that is not discussed here.

Though an investment in hiring a tax professional may seem steep for an individual receiving SSDI, it may pay for itself many times over in tax savings or in prevention of emotional and financial disturbance arising from an IRS audit. NOSSCR cannot give tax advice and we recommend that your client always consult a tax professional.

When an individual receives a retroactive payment, SSA is required to send a 1099 form by February 1 of the following year, specifying how much of the Social Security benefit received in the retroactive payment was really a payment for a prior year (or years). The 1099 form also lists the amount of the attorney fee paid. These 1099 forms are often inaccurate, and the taxpayer should double check all numbers with his or her award notice.

The Myth

While many of us have heard up to 85% of SSDI benefits are taxable, it is not a frequent occurrence. The 85% figure only applies under certain circumstances, e.g., if a married individual living with his/her spouse is filing a separate tax return, if a non-citizen is living abroad in certain countries, or if there is a significant amount of other income in the household. See IRS Publication 915 (2013), “Social Security and Equivalent Railroad Retirement Benefits.” However, if the only income in the household is SSDI, it is unlikely that it will be taxed at all, even if it is as high as $81,000 (with the inclusion of retroactive payments) for a single person household. If there is a combination of “substantial” wages and/or other income, the non-SSDI may be taxable. See: “Benefits Planner: Income Taxes and Your Social Security Benefits.” In that situation, the non-SSDI portion of income will continue to be taxed normally, and some portion of SSDI often will be taxed as though it was additional earned income.

As you can see below, the pertinent calculations in determining taxable amount are often treacherous for non-accountants. See “Benefits Planner: Income Taxes and Your Social Security Benefits,” and “Social Security: Calculation and History of Taxing Benefits,” Christine Scott, 2/20/13. There are worksheets available in Publication 915. Also, counterintuitively, it should be noted that the amount of SSDI subject to taxation is not reduced by the amount of attorneys’ fees paid. Both beneficiaries and the representatives may pay taxes on a portion of the amount of the withheld fee.

The Math

Table prepared by the Congressional Research Service (CRS), Social Security: Calculation and History of Taxing Benefits, Christine Scott, 2/20/13. However, references to Railroad Retirement benefits were deleted.

Provisional (combined) income (see above) is total income plus certain income exclusions plus one-half (50%) of Social Security Disability Insurance

SSDI Attorneys’ Fees

Note: Attorneys’ fees in SSDI claims almost always count as miscellaneous deductions. See: IRS Publication 529. Frequently attorneys’ fees are not high enough to be deducted.

Lump Sum Election

Your client can also elect to have all the retroactive benefits counted in one tax year or be divided pro rata on a month by month basis across multiple tax years without amending returns from past years. See IRS Code § 86(3), IRS Publication 915. Though this sounds appealing, if there is any other income in the household in past years, it is possible that your client will be paying more in taxes, even though less money is attributed to each year. If your client has any tax liability in the year s/he receives benefits, it is especially crucial consult a tax professional to figure out how to reduce taxes owed.

View more details on this election.

The Hypotheticals

View more details on hypotheticals.


Withholding taxes from monthly benefits is usually voluntary and can be requested through IRS Form W-4V. Amounts generally range from 7% to 25%. See Tax Witholdings. If too much is withheld, usually the claimant gets a refund. Unless, of course, it is intercepted by the IRS. [See below.]

Tax Refund Offset (Tax Refund Intercept) and IRS Liens

The IRS generally has the capacity to intercept the full tax refund of former recipients on behalf of SSA and some other federal agencies. With certain income limitations, the IRS also can also garnish or put liens on monthly SSDI payments for delinquent tax debt.

Generally, the collection is 15% per month from SSDI benefits. Certain monies cannot be levied, such as lump sum death payments, benefits paid to children, and payments from SSDI that are already being reduced to collect an overpayment.

Note that beneficiaries do have the right to appeal the accuracy of the debt, to offer a compromise lump sum, to request repayment at a slower rate, and to seek a hardship exemption. These rights are administered by the IRS. Debt collection activity should stop while the beneficiary seeks this relief. A tax professional should be consulted.

Workers’ Compensation (WC) Reduction

In most states, SSDI may be reduced for WC and other public disability benefits. Oddly, the amounts deducted are included as benefits received for purposes of income tax. In effect, state WC is rendered taxable in an amount equal to the Social Security reduction, but only to the extent that SSDI is taxable for the year [See IRS Code § 86(d)(3)].

Long Term Disability Insurance

Sometimes LTD benefits are paid and SSDI monies are later recouped by the LTD carrier. A beneficiary should be aware that simply because there are two 1099 statements received, the income cannot be taxed twice.

Auxiliary Payments

Payments on a wage earner’s record to auxiliaries is deemed income to the auxiliaries, who may need to file a separate tax return. Each family member receiving benefits should get a separate 1099. This also applies to children, see Instructions for Form 8615, Tax for Certain Children Who Have Unearned Income. However, if the SSDI payments amounts are a child’s only income, it would be extremely unlikely that the child would need to pay any tax.

The Moral

Have your clients get tax services from a professional who understands Social Security benefits.

Free resources include, the IRS Taxpayer Advocate Service is empowered to advocate for claimants and answer questions. The IRS Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) and the Tax Counseling for the Elderly (TCE) Programs offer free tax help for taxpayers who qualify.

How can I avoid paying taxes on Social Security disability?

But there are three strategies you can use—place some retirement income in Roth IRAs, withdraw taxable income before retiring, or purchase an annuity, to limit the amount of tax you pay on Social Security benefits.

Is disability income taxable by IRS?

If you retired on disability, you must include in income any disability pension you receive under a plan that is paid for by your employer. You must report your taxable disability payments as wages on line 1 of Form 1040 or 1040-SR until you reach minimum retirement age.

Do you have to file a tax return if you are on Social Security disability?

If Social Security Disability benefits are your only source of income and you are single, you do not necessarily have to file taxes. Doing so, however, may be in your best interests – such as the case with stimulus payments that you may not receive if you do not file taxes.

Are federal taxes withheld from Social Security disability checks?

Taxes are not taken out of disability benefits – whether it's for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). The Social Security Administration (SSA) will never automatically withhold taxes.


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