How to cash a fake check online

Fake checks continue to be one of the most common instruments used to commit fraud against consumers. Before you deposit a check you weren’t expecting or wire funds to an unknown recipient, here is what you should know:

How do Fake Check Scams Work?

There are many variations of the scam. It usually starts with someone offering to:

  • Buy something you advertised for sale
  • Pay you to work at home
  • Give you an “advance” on a sweepstakes or you’ve won
  • Give you the first installment on the millions you’ll receive for agreeing to transfer money in a foreign country to your bank account for safekeeping

Fraudsters issue you a check or money order worth more than the amount owed to you and instruct you to wire the excess funds back to them before receiving your lump sum payment. After you’ve sent the money, you find out that the check or money order is bogus.

Tips to prevent fake check scams:

  • Even if the check has “cleared,” you may not be in the clear. Under federal law, banks must make deposited funds available quickly, but just because you can withdraw the money doesn’t mean the check is good, even if it’s a cashier’s check or money order. If you have any questions about whether or not the check is good, talk to your banker. Be sure to explain the source of the check, the reasons it was sent to you, and whether you are being asked to wire money back.
  • Don’t be fooled by the appearance of the check. Scam artists are using sophisticated technology to create counterfeit checks that mirror the appearance of legitimate checks. Some are counterfeit money orders, some are phony cashier’s checks and others look like they are from legitimate business accounts. The companies whose names appear may be real, but someone has dummied up the checks without their knowledge.
  • Never ‘pay to play.’ There is no legitimate reason for someone who is giving you money to ask you to wire money back or send you more than the exact amount —that’s a red flag that it’s a scam. If a stranger wants to pay you for something, insist on a cashier’s check for the exact amount, preferably from a local bank or one with a local branch.
  • Do not respond to online solicitations for “easy money.” Social media scams like card cracking may offer “quick ways to earn extra cash,” but keep in mind that easy money is rarely legal money.
  • Verify the requestor before you wire or issue a check. It is important to know who you are sending money to before you send it. Just because someone contacted you doesn’t mean they are a trusted source.
  • Report any suspected fraud to your bank immediately. Bank staff are experts in spotting fraudulent checks. If you think someone is trying to pull a fake check scam, don’t deposit it—report it. Contact your bank and report it to the Federal Trade Commission or The Better Business Bureau’s Scam Tracker.

©2022 American Bankers Association.  Reprinted from with Permission.  All Rights Reserved. 

Ways to Avoid Fake-Check Scams

We may live in a world of contactless credit cards and mobile payment apps, but old-fashioned paper checks are far from extinct. Checks still accounted for 6.5 percent of noncash payments in the United States in 2020 and for nearly 23 percent of the money that changed hands in those transactions, according to the most recent Federal Reserve data.

That continuing reliance on paper creates an opportunity for scammers to try to steal your money through a variety of fake check scams. The approaches differ, but these cons have the same basic kicker: The crooks want to get you to deposit a counterfeit check in your bank account, then return a portion of the supposed funds to them.

One common ruse is the overpayment scam. You put something up for sale in a newspaper classified ad or online post. Someone makes an offer and sends you a check — perhaps even a cashier’s check, which seems extra-safe. The check turns out to be for considerably more than what you charged for the item. The “buyer” will pretend it’s a mistake and ask you to deposit the check and refund them the difference.

That’s a scam. Crooks exploit the fact that banks must make funds from a check deposit available to the account holder within days but can take far longer to discover that the check is phony — sometime weeks, according to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). When the check does bounce, you’re out whatever you sent the scammer, plus any other funds from the fake check that you’ve withdrawn or used. Banks do not assume those losses.

Con artists run numerous variations on this scheme.

  • You get a letter, with a check enclosed, saying you’ve won a foreign lottery, but you have to wire a portion of the winnings back to cover taxes and fees.
  • You get offered a government grant, scholarship money or, during the COVID-19 pandemic, a stimulus check that includes extra funds for taxes, processing or a mistaken "overpayment."  
  • A seemingly lucrative work-from-home job requires you to use some of your first paycheck to purchase necessary supplies. (A popular twist on this is the mystery shopper scam: A company supposedly hires you to evaluate a store, restaurant or money-transfer service and sends a check to cover your purchases.)

In each case, the check bounces and you’re out what you’ve paid. And that can be quite a bit: The Better Business Bureau reported a median loss of $1,475 from complaints of fake check or money order scams it logged in 2021, making them the second-costliest con among those the organization tracks.

These scams remain popular with fraudsters because they’re easy to pull off. With the help of a scanner and a good printer, a crook can fabricate a bogus check — even a bank draft, certified check or cashier’s check — that’s hard to distinguish from the real thing (see "6 Ways to Spot a Fake Check," below). Some phony checks even contain authentic-looking watermarks, according to the FTC.

6 Ways to Spot a Fake Check

With advances in scanning and printing, scammers can produce counterfeit checks that get alarmingly close to the real thing. But there are still several physical clues that can help you discern when you’ve been passed some bad paper. If you’re unsure of a check’s provenance, follow these tips from EPCOR, a nonprofit association that works to improve payment systems for more than 2,000 member banks, credit unions and other financial institutions in 12 states.

1. Feel the edges

Legitimate checks will usually have at least one rough or perforated edge. One sure-fire way of spotting a fake is to examine its edges. If all four sides are smooth, it was likely not issued by a financial institution. 

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2. Look at the logo

A hallmark of any legitimate check is the logo of the bank where the account is held. If there’s no logo, it’s probably not a real check. If there is a logo but it’s faint or faded, that’s a sign that it’s been copied from another source.

3. Verify the bank address

Even if the logo looks legit, check the website of the named bank, or call its customer-service number, to make sure the address written on the check is correct. If the address is absent or includes a P.O. Box, don’t cash the check.

4. Check the check number

Every legitimate check contains a number that appears in two places: in the upper-right corner and in the magnetic ink character recognition (MICR) line at the bottom. If the numbers don’t match, it’s a bogus check.

And be wary of low numbers, such as 101-400 on a personal check or 1,000-1,500 on a business check. This signals a new account, and 90 percent of fake checks are written from new accounts, EPCOR warns.

5.  Rub the MICR line

Rub your finger over the line at the bottom of the check and look closely at its quality. The special ink used for the MICR line prints out smoothly. Any indication of raised or shiny numbering means the check is fake.

6. Examine the paper

Authentic checks are printed on thick, coated paper stock with a matte finish. If a check feels thin and flimsy when you bend it, or looks shiny, it’s probably phony. Another test is to run a damp finger across inked areas on the paper. If the ink smears, the check is fraudulent.

Warning Signs

  • A prospective buyer of something you put up for sale sends you a check for more than the asking price.
  • You get a check in the mail with lottery winnings you can only claim by wiring back some of the money. No legitimate sweepstakes or lottery requires payment to play or collect a prize.
  • A grant, scholarship or job requires you to send back a fee out of your first payment.

How to protect yourself from this scam

  • Do suggest that a buyer who wants to pay you for an item or service by check use a safer alternative — for example, an online peer-to-peer service like PayPal.
  • Do ask for checks to be drawn on local banks or banks with local branches. That way, you can visit the bank to make sure the check is legit. If you do accept a check from an out-of-town bank, call it before you deposit the check to verify that the check is genuine.
  • Do examine checks carefully for irregularities like those listed in the box above.
  • Do back out of a sale if the buyer pressures you to wire back funds.
  • Do wait at least two weeks after you deposit a check from an unfamiliar source before you withdraw or spend money from it.
  • Don’t accept a check that’s made out for more than the price of the item or service you’re selling. Insist that the buyer make out a new one for the correct amount.
  • Don’t rely on a phone number for a bank that a seller prints on a check. If you want to call to authenticate the payment, look up the bank’s number on its official website.
  • Don’t wire money to people you don’t know.
  • Don’t give in to pressure to move fast on a payment to secure a job or supposed financial windfall. If a deal is legitimate, it will still be available after the check clears.

More Resources

  • Report fake check scams to the FTC, by calling 877-382-4357 or filing an online complaint.
  • Since fraudulent checks usually come through the mail, you can also report them to the U.S. Postal Inspection Service.
  • Contact your state’s attorney general and consumer protection agency.

Can a fake check be cashed?

Once the check is returned unpaid, the check will bounce — meaning it can't be cashed — even if you didn't know that the check was bad. And you'll likely be responsible for repaying the bank the amount of the faked check.

Can a fake check be deposited online?

Often, mobile deposit fraud tactics involve capturing account login information for trial deposits or “better odds” if the information is provided. Remote Deposit Scams: This involves the scammer gaining access to a victim's bank account and depositing fraudulent checks.

What happens if you cash a fake cashier's check?

If you deposit a cashier's check that turns out to be counterfeit, your bank will reverse the deposit from your account. If you have already spent some or all of the money, you are responsible for paying it back to the bank. Your only recourse would be against the person who wrote the check-in the first place.

How can I verify a check online for free?

Unfortunately, there is no simple, free tool for consumers to verify checks online. You need to contact the particular bank that the funds are drawn on (or the check issuer), and the bank needs to be willing to accommodate your request.