How to check whos not following you back on instagram

If you care about your follower count on Instagram, it can be kind of unnerving when someone unfollows you. Perhaps they unfollowed you because they haven’t seen you in a long time, or maybe it’s something else? Whatever the case, Instagram won’t alert you when you are unfollowed, so you have to take extra measures if you want to figure out who unfollowed you. Here’s how to see who unfollowed you on Instagram.

READ MORE: How to unfollow someone on Instagram

How to see who unfollowed you on Instagram

Checking a user’s Following list

By visiting a user’s Instagram profile, you can manually check to see if they follow you or not. Of course, you will need to know whether or not they ever followed you in the first place to determine if they unfollowed you.

How to check whos not following you back on instagram

Curtis Joe / Android Authority

On their profile, press the number in the top right above Following. If they follow you, your account will appear at the top of this list.

How to check whos not following you back on instagram

Curtis Joe / Android Authority

Example of someone who has not unfollowed you.

If that Instagram user is not following you—meaning they never followed you in the first place or ended up unfollowing you—then your profile will not appear in their Following list at all.

Checking your own Followers list

To check your own Followers list, go to your Instagram profile. Here, Instagram allows you to see the total number of people that follow you and all of the accounts that follow you.

How to check whos not following you back on instagram

Curtis Joe / Android Authority

Within your follower list, type the name or username of the person you think unfollowed you in the Search field at the top. If their profile appears, they still follow you; if they have unfollowed you, it will say No users found in the results.

How to check whos not following you back on instagram

Curtis Joe / Android Authority

Utilizing a third-party app

The other way to see who unfollowed you on Instagram is to use a third-party app like Followmeter. You must grant the app access to your Instagram account by logging in. After that, Followmeter will keep track of all the following activity that goes on with your account.

How to check whos not following you back on instagram

Curtis Joe / Android Authority

Open the Followmeter app (Android | iOS), then press the Unfollowers button to check who recently unfollowed you.

How to check whos not following you back on instagram

Curtis Joe / Android Authority


Instagram allows you to unfollow a maximum of two hundred accounts per day.

The best way to do this would be to mute that user. You can decide what you want to see from them for as long as you want.

How to see who doesn’t follow you back on Instagram?

We will teach you how to easily see who doesn’t follow you back on Instagram by using the Android and iOS app, FollowMeter for Instagram. Go through your followers list manually. If you are looking for someone specific, you can simply check if someone is following you on Instagram. Download FollowMeter for Instagram.

How to unfollow someone on Instagram?

This is located in the middle of your screen. Now just scroll through the list of Instagram users that don’t follow you back. Unfollow an account that doesn’t follow you back (optional). If you want to unfollow any of the accounts in this list, simply tap the white Following button next to their username in the FollowMeter app.

Is there an Instagram app to track Lost Followers?

As of April 2018, an Android app called "Follow Cop" also allows you to track lost followers from the time that you install the app. There is no free iPhone or iPad app that will track lost followers. Open Instagram. Tap the Instagram app icon, which resembles a multicolored camera front.

How do I know if my followers have been removed?

There are 2 key ways to check: Use a manual approach or third-party apps like Follow Meter or Followers Tracker Pro. If you've suddenly noticed a drop in followers, it might be due to an Instagram-related issue instead of actual removals.