How to enable a disabled sim card

asked 2018-04-24 14:47:13 +0300

First, some system details: this is Sailfish X on F5122 (dual-sim) hardware, with installed jolla-settings-networking-multisim but without any other multisim tweaks (and only one SIM in use).

In Settings -> SIM cards it's possible to disable the SIM card by touching the checkbox. If you disable it, the controls are replaced with the "No SIM card inserted" screen and thus you cannot re-enable the SIM card.

The modem (or the SIM card slot) stays permanently disabled, even over reboots. The phone does not even request the PIN. As an exception, starting the CSD tool and opening the SIM card test temporarily enables it while the test screen is open.

If you need to exit this "no SIM" state, you can manually enable the modem with the following command:

sh dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest=org.ofono / org.nemomobile.ofono.ModemManager.SetEnabledModems array:objpath:/ril_0

(the command does not require root access)

I don't know whether this bug can be reproduced on any standard Sailfish configuration.

Knox Guard devices in any state except 'rejected' state can be controlled for their SIM operation individually, collectively, or in bulk. The solution provides features like locking a device when needed, applying usability restrictions for voice, text and data usage, and applying International roaming restrictions.

For information on setting SIM control default values, go to: Manage defaults.

NOTE - When an approved SIM is removed from a device a message displays indicating their device SIM cannot be detected or is from an unsupported service provider and requires replacement with an approved SIM.

Enable SIM control

Devices with a dual SIM card configuration can use restricted features as long as one of the SIM cards is allowed. To enable this behavior, use the Minimum restriction setting in the SIM control policy. If both SIM cards are blocked, they are restricted according to the control policy, as before.

To control selected device SIMs:

NOTE - SIM control can be applied to a device in any status state, except devices in a rejected state.

  1. Select one or more device checkboxes from the left-hand side of the Devices screen.
  2. Invoke the ACTIONS drop-down menu from the top, right-hand side, of the Devices screen and select Manage policyEnable SIM control.
  3. Settings which are applied in 'Policies' will show here. To edit these settings, go to Policies > SIM CONTROL.

    If the 'Lock device' checkbox is selected, 'Locked devices' messaging is shown. If voice calls, SMS/MMS/RCS, or data usage is disabled, 'Restricted actions notification' messaging is shown. This information is read-only; messaging must be edited within Policies.

    Refer to the MCC and MNC fields to assess if a default Mobility Country Code (MCC) and Mobile Network Code (MNC) has been applied to uniquely identify the selected device's mobile network carrier for SIM control restriction exclusion. Each mobile device carrier has their own unique MCC and MNC pair. To revise the default MCC/MNC code assignment, go to: Manage defaults.

  4. NOTE— As of KCS 22.03, a new Mobile Number Lock menu is available under the SIM control page. This feature allows customers to enable or disable IMSI policies regardless of whether MCC/MNC information is provided.

  5. Hit the CONFIRM button to proceed with SIM control. A message displays near the top of the screen stating 'SIM control will be enabled on 1 device(s)'. This may take some time depending on the device's network.
  6. Once applied, a SIM control icon
    How to enable a disabled sim card
    is shown next to the device's Device ID. Devices can also be filtered for this setting from the drop-down. Clicking this icon will show a pop-up with all the SIM control policies applied to the respective device.

Disable SIM control

SIM control can be disabled with Knox Guard when needed as mobile device ownership is changed or a new subscription plan applied. SIM control can be disabled either individually, collectively, or in bulk.

  1. Invoke the ACTIONS drop-down menu from the top, right-hand side, of the Devices screen and select Manage device > Disable SIM control.

How to enable a disabled sim card

  1. The Disable SIM control screen prompts whether the selected device are to be rejected. Select CONFIRM to proceed. A notification message displays on the top portion of the Devices screen stating the selected device have their SIM control disabled.

Enable SIM control in bulk

A standardized CSV template is available to select devices in bulk using their IMEI. The maximum number of devices that can be selected in one CSV bulk upload is 10,000.

To bulk enable devices:

  1. Select BULK ACTIONS from the lower, left-hand, side of the screen.
  2. Select the Download CSV template link from the top portion of the screen.

NOTE - If unsure of how to create a properly formatted CSV file for bulk device SIM control, select Instructions for all bulk actions from the bottom, left-hand, side of the Bulk actions screen.

  1. Select the ENABLE SIM CONTROL portion of the Bulk actions screen and add the properly formatted CSV file into the Enable SIM control screen.

How to enable a disabled sim card

  1. Select the CONFIRM button to accept the devices. A message displays near the top of the screen stating 'x' devices have been accepted and the activation of policies might take some time based on the device's network.

Disable SIM control in bulk

A standardized CSV template is available to select devices in bulk using their IMEI. The maximum number of devices that can be selected in one CSV bulk upload is 10,000.

To bulk enable devices:

  1. Select BULK ACTIONS from the lower, left-hand, side of the screen.
  2. Select the Download CSV template link from the top portion of the screen.

  3. NOTE - If unsure of how to create a properly formatted CSV file for bulk device SIM control, select Instructions for all bulk actions from the bottom, left-hand, side of the Bulk actions screen.

  4. Select the DISABLE SIM CONTROL portion of the Bulk actions screen and add the properly formatted CSV file into the Disable SIM control screen.

How to enable a disabled sim card

  1. Select CONFIRM to proceed.

How do you fix a SIM card that is disabled?

You May Have the SIM Card Option Disabled Maybe you turned it off for some reason and forgot to turn it back on. To check if you have it enabled or not, go to Settings > Network and Internet > SIM Cards. If the SIM card is enabled, the slider to the side should be in blue; a grey button means it's disabled.

What happens when SIM card is disabled?

Once a SIM card has been deactivated, it's not possible to reactivate it.

What is disabling SIM?

Enable or Disable a SIM Card Once disabled, a SIM card cannot be used for calling, messaging, or accessing the Internet.