How to find the exact center of a circle

How to find the exact center of a circle

Today I wanted to share a quick geometry trick which you may find handy if you are working on a project that involves a circle shape: how to find the center of a circle.

The principle of it is based on the following theorem:

“A tangent always forms a right angle with the circle’s radius.”

Sounds pretty geeky right? I know… when the subject is math or computers I tend to get a bit geeky. But still I am not even close to Greg’s level when the subject is wine, music, or science (especially stuff related to outer space.) You may guess what fun parents we are 😀 … anyway, let’s get back to the tutorial.

Draw a line on a circle as shown below. Don’t worry about where the line is, because any line that crosses a circle is ultimately parallel to a tangent line. But the only important thing is that you draw your line to measure a simple number that is dividable by 2 as it will ease your job in next step.

How to find the exact center of a circle

Find the middle of that line and mark it. My line was exactly 8 inches, so I marked the middle at 4 inches.

How to find the exact center of a circle

From that middle point, draw a right angle line long enough to pass what you deem the middle of the circle.

How to find the exact center of a circle

Now do the same steps once again on another side of the circle.

How to find the exact center of a circle
How to find the exact center of a circle
How to find the exact center of a circle

The point where your 2 right angle lines cross each other is the center of that circle.

How to find the exact center of a circle

It was pretty simple, right?

I hope you find this information useful when working on projects like tiered stands, clocks, round side tables, et cetera.

Handan, xo

How to find the exact center of a circle

How to find the exact center of a circle

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