How to make mosquito bites heal faster

Few things are more annoying than coming home from your weekend trip or outdoor happy hour covered in mosquito bites. First order of business: figuring out how to get rid of mosquito bites. While the itching and swelling usually go away after a week (depending on how your immune system handles the bites), the dark spots and scarring left behind from scratching can last far longer.

“Mosquito bites have the potential to cause a local reaction that peaks after 20 to 30 minutes,” says board-certified anesthesiologist and physician Azza Halim, MD. This reaction usually manifests as inflammation, itching, discomfort, and visible red bumps. When you can't resist scratching these bites, they can scar, turn into dark spots, or even get infected.

Avoiding bites with bug screens and netting, mosquito repellent, and clothing is the easiest way to not deal with any of the above. But when you inevitably get bitten this summer, here's how to get rid of mosquito bites according to the experts.

What should I do when I get bitten by a mosquito?

Immediate care can make a big difference in how fast your bite goes down. Dr. Halim recommends washing any bites first, then applying a cold compress and topical hydrocortisone cream. While it's a good idea to always keep a tube on hand during the warmer months, you can also apply a paste of baking soda and water, or a dab of toothpaste with baking soda. “Don't scratch the area, as that can stimulate a histamine response cycle as well as increase risk of infection,” she says.

Another easy way to naturally slow inflammation from bites is ice. “If you ice immediately, you can stop inflammation in its tracks,” says dermatologist Ava Shamban, MD. Extreme cold temperatures are key to reducing swelling—but in order to keep from further irritating your skin, wrap the ice cubes or an ice pack in a towel.

How can I tell whether I’m allergic to mosquito bites?

“Your body’s immune response to a mosquito bite can vary from mild to allergic to severe reactivity, which determines how much of a red itchy lump results from the bite,” says Dr. Halim. 

If your itching is especially large, bruised, or raised into hives and welts, you're likely allergic. Severe cases can also result in fever, difficulty breathing, and swelling of your throat. Most allergic reactions can be treated with Benadryl, calamine lotion, and anti-itch creams. “Use an EpiPen if your airway or respiratory symptoms are involved,” says Dr. Halim. And in severe cases, visit your doctor immediately.

How long do mosquito bites last?

Most mosquito bites will heal in 10 days, but Dr. Halim says that you can speed it up to five to seven if you're diligent with care. After washing and cooling your bites immediately, resist the urge to scratch them in the following days. If they start getting itchy, cool them or apply hydrocortisone and soothing topicals for relief. You can also use aloe vera gel and OTC oral antihistamines to get rid of them faster.

Whatever you do, keep them clean. “Don't scratch, touch, pick or further irritate them, period,” says Dr. Shamban. A colloidal oatmeal bath can also help give you allover relief if you have multiple bites.

How do I fade mosquito bite dark spots?

If you can't resist the urge to scratch, mosquito bites will often turn into hyperpigmentation or scars as swelling goes down. In some cases, you can experience dark spots even if you don't touch your bites. “Depending on your skin type, tone, reactivity, and immune response, you may have post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation that can take weeks or months to resolve,” says Dr. Shamban.

Sound familiar to your usual healing process? Try changing your aftercare routine. Two days after your initial bite, Dr. Shamban recommends gently massaging the area with clean fingertips for circulation. As the bump fades and itching goes away, you can start exfoliating your skin with a physical or light chemical exfoliant (like lactic acid).

Once the itching goes away, you can treat dark spots from mosquito bites just as you would hyperpigmentation from acne. Dr. Shamban recommends applying retinoids like Differin Gel, or any products with arbutin, azelaic or kojic acids, licorice root, vitamin C, alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), or polyhydroxy acids (PHAs). “The Ordinary Alpha Arbutin 2% + HA Serum will help faster fading,” she says. “Skinceuticals Discoloration Defense Serum also has a good cocktail of acids that will lessen the duration of any discoloration.”

When backyard barbecues, family picnics, and lakeside hangouts are underway, it's only a matter of time before relentlessly itchy red spots start to pop up (if they haven't already) from mosquito bites. Naturally, once you get bit, you'll want to know how to make the mosquito bites stop itching.

If the overwhelming urge to scratch at a cluster of mosquito bites is disrupting your plans, there are a slew of different treatments and home remedies you could try to help relieve your itch. Some are backed by science—others not so much.

Here, learn why mosquito bites itch so much, which treatments actually work, and how to keep the insects away all summer long, with expert insight from healthcare providers.

How to make mosquito bites heal faster
How to make mosquito bites heal faster


Why Do Mosquito Bites Itch?

When a mosquito latches on to suck your blood, it leaves behind a little saliva that contains proteins your body registers as unwanted intruders. Reactions to mosquito bites are caused by your immune system's response to these proteins, Kelly Maples, MD, chair of the Dermatology Committee for the American College of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology, told Health.

In order to protect you, your body releases compounds known as histamines. As they mount their defense, they also trigger itchiness, inflammation, and swelling.

"It's normal to have a mild reaction to mosquito bites with redness about twenty minutes after the bite, followed by an itchy, firm bump that forms over the next day or two," Dr. Maples said. Mosquito bites can be particularly itchy for children, people who haven't been bitten by a certain species of the mosquito before, or those living with immune system disorders, according to the CDC.

However, severe allergic reactions (known as anaphylaxis or "skeeter syndrome") to mosquito bites are very rare, Dr. Maples said. According to MedlinePlus, signs that indicate you should seek emergency medical care immediately include hives, swelling and redness beyond the bite site, and trouble breathing.

Otherwise, mosquito bites can be especially itchy based on how we respond to them. As annoying as they can be, it's best to avoid rubbing or scratching at them, which only makes the itch worse, Payel Gupta, MD, a board-certified allergist and immunologist and co-founder of Cleared, a teleallergy platform, told Health.

While it might feel good at first, scratching at bites damages your skin which triggers the release of more histamines—and the itchiness that comes with them. You could also increase your risk of infection by opening yourself up to bacteria in your environment and underneath your nails, Dr. Gupta said.

So, how can you finally break the itch-scratch cycle and let those bites heal? Start with mosquito bite treatments you can count on.

What Are Some Doctor-Approved Mosquito Bite Treatments?

"Cool compresses, over-the-counter oral antihistamines, and topical corticosteroids like hydrocortisone cream can help ease reactions to mosquito bites by blocking histamine and other mediators of allergic reactions," Dr. Maples said—though there are other home remedies that may help as well.

Ice the Itch Away

"Cold exposure can help numb the area and calm down any inflammation so you don't feel the irritation from bites as much," Dr. Gupta said. You can use an ice pack to relieve itching, per the American Academy of Dermatology Association (AAD).

Lather on Anti-Itch Creams

Another option is to apply an over-the-counter calamine lotion or hydrocortisone cream according to the label instructions. Look for ointments that contain lidocaine or benzocaine for an additional numbing effect, said Anna Guanche, MD, a board-certified dermatologist and founder of Bella Skin Institute in Calabasas, Calif.

But talk to your healthcare provider before using hydrocortisone products on young children as they could cause side effects such as delayed growth and weight gain, according to MedlinePlus.

Take Antihistamines

For speedy relief from lots of must-scratch bites, try a non-drowsy, over-the-counter antihistamine like Zyrtec (cetirizine), Allegra (fexofenadine), or Claritin (loratadine). "Antihistamines block histamine receptors to reduce the intensity of the itching and the welting and swelling associated with bites," Dr. Guanche explained.

Apply Rubbing Alcohol

Dab some rubbing alcohol on bites if you're looking for quick, temporary relief, Dr. Guanche suggested. Because it rapidly evaporates, rubbing alcohol could have a short-term cooling effect which may help relieve itchiness. Too much alcohol can be irritating or burn, though, so only use a little.

Try Lemon Balm Cream

For a time-honored herbal remedy, try applying a cream that contains lemon balm essential oils to bites. "Compounds in lemon balm essential oils can help ease inflammation, speed up healing, and reduce the risk of infection," Dr. Guanche said. However, talk to a healthcare provider to make sure it's safe and determine the proper dosage to use if you're pregnant, breastfeeding, or treating a child.

Within a few days, you should feel better. But if you give these a try and your mosquito bites look worse or just won't stop itching, the AAD recommends that you see a healthcare provider for additional treatment.

Which Mosquito Bite Treatments Should You Skip?

Despite old wives' tales or other beneficial properties, the healthcare providers we spoke with say these remedies aren't worth your time when it comes to easing itchy mosquito bites:

  • Honey
  • Oatmeal baths
  • Aloe vera
  • Basil
  • Garlic
  • Baking soda
  • Lemon or lime juice
  • Toothpaste
  • Vinegar

While some home remedies for mosquito bites such as honey, oatmeal, and aloe vera could help dial down inflamed skin, they're not nearly as effective in the anti-itch department compared to other mosquito bite treatments, Susan Bard, MD, a board-certified dermatologist based in New York City, told Health. Others like garlic and baking soda could also cause effects you definitely don't want like skin irritation, dryness, and burns, Dr. Bard noted.

How Can You Prevent Mosquito Bites?

Usually, it only takes one bad cluster of mosquito bites to remind you that prevention is the best medicine. Here are a few ways to reduce your risk of being bitten by mosquitoes from the CDC.

Spray Away

Use an insect repellent approved by the Environmental Protection Agency such as DEET, picaridin, IR3535, oil of lemon eucalyptus (OLE), para-menthane-diol (PMD), or 2-undecanone. For children, avoid OLE or PMD products, opt for DEET 30% or lower, and avoid using repellent on infants younger than 2 months old.

Cover Up

Wear long sleeves and pants or treat your threads with permethrin spray specially formulated for clothing, which irritates biters on contact. (Of note, permethrin spray should not be used directly on the skin per the CDC.)

Pour Out Standing Water

Regularly turn over water collectors (hot spots for mosquito eggs) in your yards—such as bird baths, buckets, trash cans, and flower pots. The CDC also recommended that you make sure to cover water storage containers (e.g., buckets and cisterns) so that mosquitoes cannot get into them.

Hang Mosquito Nets

Surround outdoor hangout areas, strollers, and baby carriers with mosquito netting to keep bugs out, and patch up holes in screens on doors and windows.

A Quick Review

Mosquito bites are annoying and itchy. While there are some ways to avoid them—using insect repellent, mosquito nets, and more—those pesky bites are sometimes inevitable. To tame down the itchiness, try applying lemon balm cream, cold compresses, and anti-itch creams. If you have what appears to be an allergic reaction to a bite (hives, difficulty breathing), seek out emergency medical care.

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How to make mosquito bites heal faster
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  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Mosquito bite symptoms and treatment.

  2. MedlinePlus. Anaphylaxis.

  3. American Academy of Dermatology Association. Tips to prevent and treat bug bites.

  4. Medline Plus. Hydrocortisone topical.

  5. Draginic N, Andjic M, Jeremic J, et al. Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects of Melissa officinalis extracts: A comparative study. Iran J Pharm Res. 2022;21(1). doi:10.5812/ijpr-126561

    How long do mosquito bites takes to heal?

    Most people have a minimal response and notice small, pink, itchy bumps within 20 minutes of the bite. The itching usually peaks within 24-48 hours. The bite generally fades over three-to-four days. It may take up to a week to completely heal.

    What helps mosquito bites go away quicker?

    Calamine lotion, over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream and even a cold compress can ease the itch. "It's going to soothe and kind of calm down that intense burning and inflammation that they're feeling in their skin." And, while it's not always easy, it's important to keep the itching to a minimum.

    How do you get rid of mosquito bite marks overnight?

    16 Home Remedies for Mosquito Bites.
    Crushed ice..
    Aloe vera..
    Baking soda..

    Why do my mosquito bites take so long to heal?

    What Is Skeeter Syndrome? Skeeter syndrome is diagnosed when you have a strong reaction to a mosquito bite. You may see a large area of swelling, soreness, redness, and itching or pain at the location of the bite. Such a reaction can develop within hours of the bite, and it may last for weeks.