How to reset first alert smoke and carbon monoxide alarm

  • What causes carbon monoxide in the home?

  • Carbon monoxide (CO) is a by-product of incomplete combustion. Common causes of carbon monoxide production can be gas or oil appliances like a furnace, clothes dryer, range, oven, water heater, or space heaters that are not working properly. When appliances and vents work properly, there is enough fresh air in your home to allow for complete combustion. In these typical conditions, trace amounts of CO produced by these sources are typically not dangerous. However, there are common conditions that can cause CO levels to rise quickly:

    • Appliance malfunction, i.e. the heat exchanger on your furnace cracks.
    • Vent, flue, or chimney is blocked by debris or even snow.
    • Fireplace, wood burning stove, charcoal grill or other source of burning material is not properly vented.
    • Vehicle is left running in an attached garage and carbon monoxide seeps into the house.
    • Several appliances running at the same time and competing for limited fresh air can be a cause of carbon monoxide buildup. This condition can result in incomplete combustion and produce CO, even if all appliances are in good working condition.

    Never Ignore an Alarm. Your Carbon Monoxide Alarm is designed to alert you before you feel sick, it should never be ignored or disabled.

  • Why didn't the emergency responder find Carbon Monoxide after an alarm?

  • If your carbon monoxide alarm went off, it detected a dangerous level of CO gas. Here are some reasons why a responder may not find CO during an investigation:

    • Carbon monoxide gas dissipated in fresh air. If windows and doors open before a responder arrived, the same concentration of CO gas may no longer be present. Be safe first and vent dangerous carbon monoxide gas to the outside. The responder can try to recreate the conditions.
    • The alarm may have been caused by an on-again, off-again problem. CO alarms measure gas exposure over time, so the exact conditions that cause an alarm may be difficult to duplicate in an investigation.

  • How long will my Carbon Monoxide Alarm last?

  • A First Alert® carbon monoxide detector life span is warranted for 7 years. After 7 years any detector should be replaced with a new CO Alarm. Alarms may have an actual life span that is shorter due to environmental conditions and may need to be replaced sooner. Test them weekly and if a problem arises while still under warranty, please call for a replacement. Batteries should be replaced as needed for those alarms requiring them.

  • Is it a false alarm if my Carbon Monoxide Alarm sounds and there doesn't seem to be a problem?

  • Your Carbon Monoxide Alarm is designed to alert you before you feel sick. It should never be ignored or disabled. Carbon Monoxide Detector false alarms should not occur if your alarm is in working order. Remember, CO is an odorless, colorless gas. If your carbon monoxide alarm went off, it detected potentially harmful amounts of CO. After the professionals have evaluated the situation, make sure no one has any symptoms of CO poisoning. Here are a few situations that may cause a Carbon Monoxide Detector false alarms:

    • The CO alarm needs to be relocated. Carbon monoxide alarms should be located 15-20 feet away from all fossil fuel burning sources like furnaces and stoves. Alarms should be located 10 feet away from sources of humidity like showers.
    • Fossil fuel burning appliances may not be burning fuel completely. Check pilot lights/flames for blue color. Appearance of yellow or orange flames indicates incomplete combustion-a source of carbon monoxide.
    • The type and age of the CO alarm may cause a false alarm. If your carbon monoxide detector is one with a Sensor Pack Module, the SensorPack Module should be replaced after 2 years of use.

    Remember: Carbon Monoxide Alarms must be replaced after 7 years.

  • How many Carbon Monoxide Alarms should I have in my home?

  • The National Fire Protection Association of Canada (NFPA) recommends that you should have a Carbon Monoxide Alarm centrally located outside of each separate sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of the bedroom. For added protection, you should have additional Carbon Monoxide Alarms in each separate bedroom and on every level of your house, including the basement. Some provinces now require that you have a Carbon Monoxide Alarm in each bedroom of the house. If you install only one Carbon Monoxide Alarm in your home, locate it near or in your bedroom.

  • Where should I install my carbon monoxide detectors, particularly how high off the floor?

  • Carbon Monoxide Alarms can be placed at any height on a wall or ceiling. It is a common misunderstanding that Carbon Monoxide Alarms must be placed near the ground to accurately detect levels of CO. In truth, Carbon Monoxide is roughly the same weight as air, and distributes evenly throughout a room. This means a CO detector can be placed at any height on a wall or ceiling. It is important to keep in mind that the CO Alarm must be placed in an area that allows for the siren to be heard. The First Alert® brand team recommends placing a Carbon Monoxide Detector in all sleeping areas, as well as living areas and the basement. As Carbon Monoxide moves freely through the air, the Alarm must not be located near a ceiling fan, or blocked by furniture in order to detect CO levels accurately. Be sure to keep your Carbon Monoxide Alarm clean, and out of the way of children or pets. It is important to refer to your user's manual for specific installation requirements as to where to install your carbon monoxide detector. Carbon Monoxide Alarms should be installed in each sleeping area, living area, and basement. Always follow the included instructions when installing your Carbon Monoxide Alarm.

  • Why does the red light flash on my carbon monoxide alarm?

  • On First Alert® carbon monoxide alarms, the red light flashes to show the Carbon Monoxide Alarm is properly receiving battery power. If you do not see the red light flashing, change the batteries in the alarm immediately.

  • Why is the green power light flashing on my First Alert® plug-in Carbon Monoxide Alarm?

  • A flashing green light is a normal part of the power up cycle. Any time there is a power outage, brownout, surge or other problem with the power, the alarm goes through a power up cycle. The flashing on your plug-in carbon monoxide alarm should stop after 5 minutes, then the light will stay a steady green. This power up cycle occurs with all First Alert® plug-in carbon monoxide detectors.

  • Can I test my Carbon Monoxide Alarm in any way besides pressing the test button?

  • Pressing the test - silence button is the only proper way to test the CO alarm. NEVER use vehicle exhaust or any other source of combustion fumes. Exhaust causes permanent damage and voids your warranty. For alarms with the remote control Carbon Monoxide alarm test - silence, you can also use your household IR (standard television) remote control to test or silence the alarm.

  • Can I remove the battery from the CO alarm to silence or reset it?

  • Removing the battery from your Carbon Monoxide Alarm will leave you unprotected from an increase in CO levels in your home. Do not remove the battery from your Carbon Monoxide Alarm to silence or reset it. The Carbon Monoxide alarm is designed to reset automatically. Use the Test/Silence Button to quiet the alarm while the alarm is resetting. The only time the battery should be removed from the Carbon Monoxide alarm is when it is being replaced.

  • My battery powered CO alarm keeps chirping. Tell me how to get a carbon monoxide alarm to stop chirping.

  • If your CO alarm keeps chirping, the battery may be low or weak. On First Alert® carbon monoxide detectors, check to see if the battery light is yellow or green. If the alarm is chirping and the light is yellow, it means the battery is low. The way to get a carbon monoxide alarm to stop chirping is to replace the battery.

  • Why should I leave the Carbon Monoxide Alarm plugged in all year?

  • Carbon monoxide gas problems can happen at any time. Remember, your furnace or space heaters aren't the only source of carbon monoxide. Gas ranges, water heaters, dryers, charcoal grills, or vehicles left running in an attached garage can all cause carbon monoxide gas problems.

  • Does my First Alert® carbon monoxide Alarm have an audible and visual warning for carbon monoxide presence?

  • In the First Alert® family of carbon monoxide detectors, an 85-decibel alarm will sound when carbon monoxide reaches the alarm level. Some of our carbon monoxide alarms have lights to indicate if the alarm is in early warning or full alarm. Check your user's manual to determine how your CO alarm works.

  • What should I do if my "remote control Carbon Monoxide detector" (a smoke alarm that allows you to use your TV remote control to silence or test this alarm) h3 not operate?

  • If a "remote control Carbon Monoxide detector" does not respond to your remote control, there are a number of simple fixes that could be causing issue:

    • there may be an obstruction between you and the CO Alarm.
    • You may be standing too far away from the CO Alarm.
    • your remote control may not be compatible with this model of CO Alarm.
    • The batteries in your remote control may be drained.

    Try stepping closer to your Carbon Monoxide Alarm, stand at a different angle and replace the batteries in your remote.

  • What is the expected carbon monoxide alarm battery life?

  • Actual carbon monoxide detector battery life depends on the specific carbon monoxide alarm and the environment in which it is installed. Batteries specified in the user’s manual are the only acceptable replacement batteries. Regardless of the manufacturer's suggested carbon monoxide detector battery life, you MUST replace the battery immediately if the unit starts "chirping" to signal the end of its battery life.

  • What is the proper way to do a carbon monoxide detector test?

  • Press and hold the Test Button on the front of the Carbon Monoxide Alarm until the siren sounds. Be sure you hold the button down long enough. It can take up to 20 seconds for the alarm to respond to your Carbon Monoxide Alarm test.

  • Can you reset a plug-in CO alarm with the test - silence button?

  • A First Alert Carbon Monoxide Alarm cannot be reset using the test - silence button. To reset the alarm, the unit needs fresh air and time to burn the contamination off the sensor. Push and hold the silence button for 5 seconds to silence the alarm while contamination is being burned off the sensor. You may need to do this a number of times to give the carbon monoxide detector enough time to reset.

  • Is there anywhere I shouldn't install carbon monoxide detectors?

  • It is important to remember that Carbon Monoxide Alarms must be placed in an area that the siren can be heard. CO moves freely through the air, so it is important that the Carbon Monoxide Alarm is not located near vents or ceiling fans, and is not blocked by furniture or curtains. Do not install carbon monoxide detectors in garages, kitchens, furnace rooms, or in any extremely dusty, dirty, humid, or greasy areas. Do not install detectors in direct sunlight, or areas subjected to temperature extremes. These include unconditioned crawl spaces, unfinished attics, un-insulated or poorly insulated ceilings, and porches. Carbon monoxide detectors should not be installed in outlets covered by curtains or other obstructions. Do not install in turbulent air-near ceiling fans, heat vents, air conditioners, fresh air returns, or open windows. Blowing air may prevent carbon monoxide from reaching the CO sensors. If you are placing your Carbon Monoxide Alarm on a wall or ceiling, keep the following in mind. Always follow the included installation instructions when placing your Carbon Monoxide Alarm.

  • Will carbon monoxide alarms detect explosive gas leaks?

  • A single function Carbon Monoxide Alarm reacts to carbon monoxide only. To detect explosive gas, you need an Explosive Gas Alarm. Different kinds of explosive gas can be detected and it is recommended that any home that utilizes natural or propane gas have at least one explosive gas leak detector. To find out more about First Alert's Explosive Gas Alarm, click here.

  • What should I do when the carbon monoxide alarm sounds?

  • Your Carbon Monoxide Alarm is designed to alert you before you feel sick, it should never be ignored or disabled. When you hear an alarm:

    • Don’t' panic. Press the silence button to temporarily quiet the alarm
    • Immediately move everyone to a source of fresh air. Moving outside is the safest solution
    • Call 911 from a safe location away from your home
    • Don't re-enter your home. Emergency responders will advise you when this is safe
    • Be sure to leave the Carbon Monoxide Alarm where it is. Emergency responders will need to check the alarm when they arrive
    • Have the problem corrected as soon as possible

  • Why is carbon monoxide dangerous? What is the cause of carbon monoxide poisoning?

  • Carbon monoxide can be extremely dangerous. Exposure to Carbon Monoxide could result in carbon monoxide poisoning, or even death. When you inhale carbon monoxide, it bonds with the hemoglobin in your blood, displacing life-giving oxygen. This produces a toxic compound in your blood called "Carboxyhemoglobin" (COHb) which is the source of carbon monoxide poisoning. Over time, exposure to CO can make you feel sick or worse, victims exposed to sufficiently high levels of carbon monoxide can suffer brain damage, or even die. Carbon monoxide is the leading cause of fatal poisonings in North America. According to the Canada Safety Council, each year 200 Canadians are killed by carbon monoxide poisoning, and more than 1,500 are exposed to levels dangerous enough to require medical attention. Carbon monoxide is a colourless, odourless gas. Since you can't see, smell, or taste it, carbon monoxide can poison you before you even know it's there.

  • What are the symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning?

  • If you suspect that you or someone else are experiencing sickness as the result of exposure to carbon monoxide, get to a well-ventilated area immediately and contact emergency services. Symptoms of mild carbon monoxide exposure can include:

    • Slight headache
    • Nausea
    • Vomiting
    • Fatigue
    • Flu-like symptoms

    Symptoms of medium carbon monoxide exposure can include:

    • Throbbing headache
    • Drowsiness
    • Confusion
    • Elevated heart rate

    Symptoms of high exposure to carbon monoxide can include:

    • Convulsions
    • Unconsciousness
    • Heart and lung failure

    Prolonged exposure can lead to brain damage and even death.If you suspect that you or someone else are experiencing sickness as the result of exposure to carbon monoxide, get to a well-ventilated area immediately and contact emergency services. Symptoms of mild carbon monoxide exposure can include:

    • Slight headache
    • Nausea
    • Vomiting
    • Fatigue
    • Flu-like symptoms

    Symptoms of medium carbon monoxide exposure can include:

    • Throbbing headache
    • Drowsiness
    • Confusion
    • Elevated heart rate

    Symptoms of high exposure to carbon monoxide can include:

    • Convulsions
    • Unconsciousness
    • Heart and lung failure

    Prolonged exposure can lead to brain damage and even death.

Where is reset button on First Alert smoke detector?

Press and hold the test/silence button for 20 seconds. You'll find this on the front of your detector. Reconnect all power sources (reconnect the wiring or plug back into the outlet). Your alarm should now be reset.

Why is my First Alert smoke and carbon monoxide detector beeping?

1 Beep Every Minute: Low Battery. It is time to replace the batteries in your carbon monoxide detector. 5 Beeps Every Minute: End of Life. This type of chirp indicates it is time to replace your carbon monoxide alarm.

How do you reset carbon monoxide detector after changing battery?

Here's how to reset your carbon monoxide detector:.
Find the Reset button. It's on the front panel, though the exact location and size of the button vary by brand and model..
Press and hold the Reset button for 5 to 10 seconds..
Release the Reset button, and listen for a beep. Some models may also flash a light..

How do I reset my First Alert Wireless smoke detector?

Press and hold the test button on the same alarm to unlink until the alarm chirps and its green power LED stops blinking. Then release the test button.


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