How to turn on ice maker on samsung

We often take a refrigerator ice maker for granted; until a problem leaves our drinks lukewarm. Why is my Samsung refrigerator ice maker not working? The wrong freezer temperature can limit ice production. Use these Samsung ice maker troubleshooting tips so neither you nor your drink lose its cool.

Samsung Refrigerator Ice Maker Not Working? Check These 4 Common Causes.

Not every ice maker problem involves a malfunction. In some cases, it can be solved with a DIY fix or minor adjustment. When you find your Samsung refrigerator ice maker not working, check these 4 common causes to determine the right solution.

1. Ice Maker is Turned Off

Even if the refrigerator and freezer are operating, the ice maker must be turned on in order to make ice. How do I turn on the ice maker on my Samsung refrigerator? For refrigerators with a dispenser, press and hold the Ice Maker button on the dispenser’s control panel for 3 seconds. An ice icon should illuminate, indicating that the ice maker is on. For models without a dispenser, press and hold the Power Freeze button on the refrigerator’s control panel for 3 seconds.

After turning on, it can take up to 24 hours for the ice maker to produce a full batch of ice. If it doesn’t begin making ice shortly after turning on, you can try resetting the ice maker by pushing its Test button. Refer to your user manual to determine the exact location of the Test button on your refrigerator’s ice maker. What if you find your Samsung ice maker reset not working? If it’s not working properly, ice won’t be produced within the 6 minute testing period.

2. Improper Freezer Temperature

If ice isn’t being produced after the ice maker is turned on and reset, check your freezer temperature setting. If the temperature is too cold, it can leave your Samsung ice maker frozen and unable to make ice. A temperature that’s too warm can prevent ice from freezing. Samsung recommends a freezer temperature of 0℉ for optimal ice production.

To adjust the temperature, press the Freezer or Freezer Temp button on your refrigerator’s control panel until the right temperature is displayed.

3. Ice Maker Not Getting Water

Do you notice your Samsung ice maker not filling with water? A reduced water supply may be prohibiting ice production. 

These water supply issues could be responsible for a Samsung refrigerator ice maker not working correctly:

  • Faulty water inlet valve: This valve opens and closes, allowing water from your home supply to flow to the refrigerator. When the valve malfunctions electronically or is damaged, it may remain closed, cutting off the refrigerator’s water supply. If the valve shows no continuity with multimeter testing or displays cracks or leaks, it requires replacement.
  • Low water pressure: If the water inlet valve isn’t faulty, a lack of water pressure may be preventing it from operating. The valve requires at least 20 psi of pressure to open and close. If your kitchen sink shows a weakened water flow, your home’s water pressure may require a professional assessment.

How to turn on ice maker on samsung

  • Clogged water filter: Water flows through the refrigerator water filter before supplying the ice maker. If the filter is clogged with contaminants, it may block the flow of water needed to make ice. Change the filter every 6 months to prevent the clogs that restrict water flow.

4. Defective Samsung Ice Maker

If all else fails and your Samsung ice maker won’t make ice, a defective component could be the reason. A faulty ice maker control board, mold thermostat or switch could halt ice production. As these components aren’t usually sold separately, a professional ice maker repair service may have to replace the entire ice maker assembly.

Don’t let a lack of ice ruin your favorite refreshment! When you find your Samsung refrigerator ice maker not working, contact Maughanster Appliance Repair for a fast and professional fix!

Samsung ice makers are part of what makes Samsung fridges so popular. Their ice makers connect to your fridge’s electrical circuit and plumbing line. This is what allows them to make ice on command. There are four main components used in the ice-making process. A compressor, condenser, expansion valve, and evaporator. 

Refrigerant is a solution that works to keep your fridge cool. It circulates through these components, changing the temperatures. 

The first component is the compressor. This is where your fridge heats the pressured refrigerant. It then moves into the condenser. Here the refrigerant is cooled.

The third phase is when the cooled liquid refrigerant moves through the expression valve. As it passes through, the pressure is released, turning the high-pressure liquid into a low-pressure, low-temperature liquid. 

The last stage is when the water freezes in the evaporator. The water will freeze to form an ice cube over time. If one of these components is faulty or failing, then your machine will not produce ice.

 This is an easy-to-follow guide on how to fix your Samsung ice maker if it stops making ice. 

Check the simple parts first

Check your ice maker is turned on

Turning your ice maker on may seem like a no-brainer, but a surprising number of ice makers are fixed by simply ensuring the power is turned back on. 

One of the perks of having a Samsung fridge is the fact it can help to diagnose the problem itself. If your fridge has a digital display, access the controls via this panel. Most Samsung models have an Ice Off icon, which will light up when the ice maker is off. If this icon is lit and you want to make ice, you will need to change it, so it’s not lit.

Check the fridge thermostat

Another easy fix is to check that the fridge thermostat has been set correctly. If your fridge is not operating at the right temperature, then your ice maker may not work as it should. 

Your fridge thermostat should be set to between 1 and 7 degrees celsius. You can manually reset your fridge’s thermostat if it is wrong. While the reset procedure varies from model to model, it is relatively simple across them all. Some Samsung fridges have a reset button on the inside, either behind the ice bucket or on the control panel. If that’s the case, it will be clearly labeled to make it easy to find. All you need to do is press and hold it for a few seconds to reset the thermostat. The default setting is 3 degrees celsius. 

If your Samsung fridge does not have a dedicated reset button, it can usually be reset using a standard key combination. All you need to do is press and hold the Power Cool and Power Freeze buttons simultaneously for about seven seconds. You will hear a chime when the reset has worked, and the fridge will start back up with the default setting of 3 degrees celsius.

Check if there is ice stuck in the mold

Aside from an ice maker being paused, one of the most common problems with an ice maker is ice stuck in the mold. Misshapen bits of ice can get stuck in the ice mold, which can cause a blockage. If enough ice gets stuck in the basket, it will stop a new batch from being formed.

Here are the simple steps to follow to defrost your ice mold: 

  1. Turn off your ice maker.
  2. Use a jug to pour warm water into the ice maker tray. Ensure the water is not too hot and put enough in to cover the ice tray. 
  3. You can either use a spoon to dislodge the chunks or leave the warm water in the tray for 10 minutes. 
  4. Clean out your ice bin of all liquid water and ice chunks from your ice tray. 
  5. Make sure you have dried the tray to avoid any ice getting stuck again.

Check the complex parts next

Check the water pressure

For your ice maker to work, there needs to be enough water pressure. An easy way to test the water pressure in your ice maker is to see if you can fill 3/4 of a cup in less than 10 seconds. If you can’t, then you may have an issue with your fridge’s water pressure, and you will need to consult a qualified technician. 

Check your water filter 

Your water filter works to filter the tap water before it becomes ice. Ideally, you should be cleaning or changing it every six months, but this is often overlooked until there is an issue. 

Follow these easy steps to change your water filters:

  1. Check your ice maker is turned off, and your fridge is disconnected from its power source. 
  2. Locate your water filter.
  3. Turn the filter left until you hear a soft click to remove it. 
  4. Make sure you mop up any water spills.
  5. Clean your water filter. 
  6. If you are replacing the water filter, only use a Samsung filter. 
  7. Face the filter toward you so the upwards arrow is visible. Push the filter head to the right and turn until you hear a click. 
  8. If your fridge has a water filter alert button it can be reset now. Push the button down for three to five seconds to reset it. 

If you are still having issues and have gone through all of the checks above, you should call a professional repair technician. You will also want to see if your fridge is still under warranty.

Where is the ice maker button Samsung?

Underneath the front of the icemaker assembly is a small black button. If you press and hold this button for three seconds, the icemaker should rotate the ice tray and dump its contents.

Why isn't my Samsung fridge making ice?

If the ice maker appears to not be making any or enough ice, low water pressure or a faulty water filter may be to blame. When the ice maker makes small, cloudy, or clumped ice, it could be something as simple as a dirty water filter, low water pressure, or high mineral deposits in your water.