I want to get my tubes tied

Laparoscopic Bilateral Tubal Ligation - What it is

Laparoscopic bilateral tubal ligation is a surgical procedure to occlude the fallopian tubes, which prevents pregnancy. It is a permanent form of birth control. There are different methods of occluding the fallopian tubes. The common method used in KK Hospital is by clips. The procedure is simple, safe and usually does not require hospitalisation.

How Is Laparoscopic Bilateral Tubal Ligation Done?

I want to get my tubes tied

  1. The procedure is done under general anaesthesia.
  2. An instrument is inserted through the vagina to move the uterus into position during the operation.
  3. A small incision is made at the umbilicus (navel).
  4. Gas is introduced to distend your abdomen.
  5. A laparoscope (telescope-like instrument) is inserted through the incision.
  6. Another small incision may be made in the lower abdomen to insert a surgical instrument to apply clips to the tubes.

Laparoscopic Bilateral Tubal Ligation - Symptoms

Laparoscopic Bilateral Tubal Ligation - How to prevent?

Laparoscopic Bilateral Tubal Ligation - Causes and Risk Factors

What Are The Risks Of Laparoscopic Bilateral Tubal Ligation?

Complications of laparoscopic bilateral tubal ligation are rare. The possible risks are:

  • Perforation of womb.
  • Injury to other organs (including intestines, vessels and bladder) during surgery, requiring repair (which may require a large incision in the abdomen).
  • Unusual reactions to anaesthetic drugs and other medication.
  • The failure rate of the procedure is 1 in 200 to 500 women over their lifetime. In the event that the woman gets pregnant, the chance of tubal pregnancy is high. Report to the doctor if you think you are pregnant.

Some Facts On Laparoscopic Bilateral Tubal Ligation

  • The operation is simple and safe.
  • The procedure is intended to be permanent.
  • Reversal of sterilisation is costly and is not 100% effective.
  • There is no long term health risk from sterilisation procedures.
  • The procedure is not associated with disturbances in menstrual periods.
  • There is no interference with normal body functions.

Laparoscopic Bilateral Tubal Ligation - Diagnosis

Laparoscopic Bilateral Tubal Ligation - Treatments

Laparoscopic Bilateral Tubal Ligation - Preparing for surgery

Laparoscopic Bilateral Tubal Ligation - Post-surgery care

What To Expect After Surgery?

Some patients may experience mild sore throat or body aches after the anaesthesia. It is not unusual to have slight abdominal discomfort and shoulder ache after the operation, which will usually subside in less than 48 hours. There may be some vaginal discharge or bleeding for up to 2 weeks after the surgery. The following instructions contain general information and advice regarding your condition. Please seek clarification when in doubt.

  1. After surgery, in the 24 hours after anaesthesia has been administered, please do not:
    • Drive any motor vehicle/be a pillion rider
    • Drink alcohol
    • Ingest sedatives/tranquilisers
    • Operate machinery
    • Handle any sharp or potentially harmful instruments e.g. knife, scissors
    • Make important decisions
  2. Going Home
    • Arrange for someone to accompany you home.
    • The accompanying person should inform the counter staff of his arrival.
    • Have someone to keep you company overnight after surgery.
  3. Wound Care
    • Keep the dressing clean and dry at all times.
    • Remove the dressing 3 days after the operation.
    • The wound stitches will dissolve with time. Avoid rubbing, scratching or pressure to the wound site.
  4. Activity
    • You are advised to use contraception until your next menstrual period.
    • If termination of pregnancy has been performed, avoid sexual intercourse while there is vaginal bleeding.
  5. Diet
    • There is no restriction on diet.
  6. When to consult your doctor
    • Increased pain or swelling from the wound.
    • Bleeding or purulent discharge from the wound.
    • Heavy or persistent vaginal bleeding or foul smelling vaginal discharge.
    • Fever of more than 38ÂșC persisting for more than 6 hours.
  7. Follow-up appointment
    • Please keep to your appointment date and time.
    • Call Central Appointments at tel: 6294 4050 if you are unable to keep the appointment.

Laparoscopic Bilateral Tubal Ligation - Other Information

How early can a woman get her tubes tied?

You can have a tubal ligation at any time. If you are interested in getting a tubal ligation, talk with your doctor or clinic. For Medicaid or other federal programs to pay for a tubal ligation, you must be 21 years of age and have signed a consent form giving permission 30 days before the procedure.

Does getting your tubes tied stop your period?

Tubal ligation prevents an egg from traveling from the ovaries through the fallopian tubes and blocks sperm from traveling up the fallopian tubes to the egg. The procedure doesn't affect your menstrual cycle.

What are the side effects of having your tubes tied?

Some potential risks include:.
Bleeding from an incision or inside the abdomen..
Damage to other organs inside the abdomen..
Side effects from anesthesia..
Ectopic pregnancy (an egg that becomes fertilized outside the uterus).
Incomplete closing of a fallopian tube that results in pregnancy..