Instagram see how many times someone viewed your story

As an Instagram user, you probably already know the Instagram feature to post stories that last for 24 hours and then disappear from your profile. The pictures or videos that you post in your stories are not related to the content you post to your feed which is displayed for everyone who can view your account. This feature comes with an added element that lets you see who all have viewed your story.

You can also easily adjust the privacy settings for your Instagram stories . Therefore, if you don’t want someone from your follower’s list to see your story, you can easily block them from viewing it. This is not a permanent change, and you can go back and undo this setting anytime you want. Likewise, if you wish to only a specific group of people to see your story, you can create a “close friends” group with whom you can share these personal stories. 

Let’s take a look at a hack to see how many times someone viewed your story on Instagram.

Who viewed my Instagram story?

Instagram users have access to the list of people who have viewed their stories. This is not known to the general public but only to the account holder. You can also figure out who was the last person to view your story or who was the first from this list. The list of people on the “viewers” list is in a sequence of watching your story, so if you scroll down to the end of the list, you will find the first Instagram user who has seen your story. The name at the top of the list is the person who has seen your story the last.

With this, users can also guess which users have their notification alerts for your story updates or post updates on Instagram.

How to check who viewed my story?

  1. Launch the Instagram app
  2. Log into your Instagram account.
  3. Click on the icon with your picture on it at the top left of the screen.
  4. If you have posted a story, you will be able to view the story that you have already posted. If you haven’t, it will prompt you to create or post an update.
  5. At the bottom of the story screen, you can see how many people have viewed your story.
  6. Click on the “viewers” icon, which is titled, ‘Seen by,’ followed by the number of people who have seen your story. If no one has viewed your story yet, you will not be able to find this icon.
  7. You can also swipe up your story from the bottom of the screen to see the complete list of all the Instagram users who have viewed your story.

How many people viewed my Instagram story?

Instagram has a feature that will allow you to check the number of times who watched your video. Right at the bottom left side of the screen, you can see a number that will denote the number of times that someone viewed the particular story. 

However, there are also important metrics to look out for, such as view count. Instagram counts one view when the user watches your video for 3 seconds or more. If the user skips your video or moves on to the next video before watching at least 3 seconds of your video, the view is not counted. Additionally, only one argument is counted if a user loops your video and watches it more than 100 times.

How to check how many times someone viewed my Instagram story?

We can take a look at two methods on how to check how many times someone viewed your Instagram story:

Through the Instagram app:

Unfortunately, you cannot know how many times a specific user had seen your story except when they viewed it. For example, if the person’s username appears at the top of the viewers’ list, it means that the person has recently seen your story. Whereas, if the username appears at the bottom of the list, it means that they have viewed your story first. As of now, there is no feature on Instagram that will let you know if the same person has viewed your story more than once.

Through third-party applications:

Many third-party apps in the market can allow you to know how many times someone viewed your story on Instagram. However, it would be best if you were wary about what apps you download on your phone and use. Especially when it comes to allowing the application access to your personal information, you have to be careful about what information these third-party apps have access to.

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