Insurance for executors of estates

What is the difference between an Executor and an Administrator?

In England and Wales, where a will exists, the person responsible for administering the deceased’s Estate applies for probate (the authority of the court to handle the estate) to be granted.  Once this is granted they become the executor of the Estate

When do you need Executor/Administrator Insurance?

The role of administering a will is an onerous one with many complexities.  The advantage of a comprehensive executor/administrator insurance Where an executor wishes to protect themselves and the beneficiaries against claims that may materialise against the estate after distribution has taken place.

What is covered by Executor/Administrator Insurance?

Risks covered: payment of any amount that the executor and/or beneficiaries may be called upon to pay together with costs and expenses. A full cover summary can be provided upon

What is not covered by an Executor/Administrator Insurance?

There are a number of specific policy exclusions that apply.  However, the most important issue is that matters that were known about (or even hinted at ) before the distribution of the Estate will not be covered.  This is because the distribution can be adjusted to reflect the potential claims.  If there are matters that are known about or suspected, these should be disclosed.

What about Unknown Beneficiaries?

If it is believed that there may be beneficiaries that have not been traced (or may be unknown) a genealogy report may be needed.  We have relationships with genealogists if you need help.  In the event that you instruct your own genealogists please ensure that authority is given to share the findings with insurers so that we can arrange the appropriate Executor insurance.

What is the Cost of Executor Insurance?

Prices vary considerably depending upon the circumstances of individual cases.  However, it should be noted that the cost of insurance is usually an allowable expense against the gross value of the Estate bringing down the real cost of Executor insurance in many cases.

Information needed:

  • Copy of the will (if applicable)
  • Copy of the grant of probate
  • Completed proposal form

For further information about Executor and Beneficiary Indemnity Insurance or to get a quote, call our team on 0345 557 0845  or 01293 880700 or email us at  or use the online chat at the bottom right of the page.

Insurance for executors of estates
Insurance for executors of estates

What is executor insurance?  

Anyone acting as an executor of an estate, carrying out the last wishes of a friend or family member, may be exposing themselves personally to unlimited liability.

Even a simple estate can have hidden problems and the law regulating the administration of estates can be complex. This can leave an executor vulnerable to legal action and claims by beneficiaries, estate creditors, probate, and tax officials.

Executor Liability insurance from LFC can protect lay executors from this risk.

Why should I buy executor insurance?

The responsibility of the Executor includes making sure that all necessary insurance policies are in force whilst the estate is being finalized. This protects any of the assets in the event of a loss which reduces the value of the asset. If the executor has not arranged Executors Liability Insurance he could be personally liable for any innocent mistake he makes in handling the estate.

As the premium can be deducted from the estate it would seem that the executor has nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Our executor insurance

  •   Underwritten with a leading A rated Insurer
  •   Immediate quote/cover and policy documentation issue
  •   Includes a total discovery period of 7.5 years
  •   Up to £10,000,000 cover
  •   Claims and legal advice helplines
  •   Plain English wording
  •   Claims Helpline
  •   Legal advice line

We offer executor liability insurance to executors of estate and administrators of the estate, also referred to as 'personal representatives' in some states. Executor liability insurance is a type of professional liability insurance which is designed to provide liability coverage to executors in connection with the acts, errors or omissions made in connection with the administration of a deceased person's estate.

Executors are in charge of settling a deceased person's estate by paying all debts and taxes and distributing what's left to the appropriate beneficiaries. If the deceased person had a will, then the will is filed with the probate court and the net assets are distributed accordingly. If no will exists, then the executor follows state law to determine how the estate is to be handled.

Being an executor brings a lot of responsibility and also brings considerable personal liability. Executors can be personally sued by anyone who believes that they somehow did not receive what they believe they should have received. If an executor is sued, he or she must pay for his or her own defense and may become personally liable to pay damages if found guilty of negligence. Executor liability insurance provides protection to the personal assets of executors and administrators of the estate. Premiums for the coverage are typically paid directly from the estate's assets.

Give us a call to discuss your executor liability insurance needs.