Lumbar spondylosis with degenerative disc disease treatment

Spondylosis is an umbrella term often used to describe spine pain that comes from degenerative conditions. Some of the conditions people refer to as spondylosis include spinal stenosis—an abnormal narrowing of the spinal canal causing leg pain, degeneration from degenerative disc disease (DDD), and degenerative arthritis (osteoarthritis) of the spine. It can also include cervical osteoarthritis (neck arthritis).

Spondylosis is a common, age-related condition that affects the joints and discs in your neck specifically. It frequently develops from wear and tear of the cartilage and bones in your neck.

While spondylosis is fairly common, it frequently worsens with age. Many individuals don’t have symptoms at the outset, but some experience pain or muscle spasms. Some individuals with spondylosis choose not to seek treatment. However, if symptoms occur and worsen over time, various treatments are available. These include medications, corticosteroid injections, physical therapy, and sometimes surgery.

How does Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD) or Spondylosis occur? And what can be done to alleviate the pain it brings?

How Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD) and Spondylosis Begin

Degenerative Disc Disease is a spinal condition caused by the breakdown of your intervertebral discs. As you age, your spine begins to show signs of wear and tear because your discs dry out and shrink. These age-related changes can lead to arthritis, disc herniation, or spinal stenosis. All these factors can put pressure on your spinal cord and nerves, which may cause back pain and bring on DDD or spondylosis.

Treatments for Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD) and Spondylosis

Several treatments are available to help relieve the pain associated with DDD and spondylosis. Typical pain medications include NSAIDs, oral steroids, and muscle relaxants, epidural injections, TENS units, ultrasound, and massage. Each treatment offers benefits, but each also has limitations. You should talk to your Pain Management physician to determine which treatment is best for you.

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Not everyone will have symptoms (usually pain) as a result of spondylosis. If severe, spondylosis may cause pressure on nerve roots with subsequent pain or tingle in the arms or legs. The most common clinical manifestation of degenerative disc disease is lower back pain that may or may not radiate to the upper part of the thighs. Some individuals who experience pain from Spondylosis describe morning pain as lower back stiffness or rigidity.


Your doctor will first perform a physical exam to observe your posture, range of motion, and physical condition, noting any movement that causes you pain. A neurological exam may also be performed to test your reflexes and muscle strength.

During the neurological exam, your doctor will test your sensation, reflexes, and muscle strength. Very commonly with spondylolisthesis, the neurological exam findings are relatively normal.

As your doctor develops the diagnosis, imaging tests may be performed. The best initial test for diagnosis of spondylolisthesis is an X-ray taken in the standing position, with the spine flexed and then extended. For further confirmation of spondylolisthesis, a CT scan may be ordered.

If the slipped vertebra is suspected to be pressing on nerves, the doctor may order a myelogram or an MRI scan.


Treatment varies with the severity of the spondylolisthesis. Most patients require only physical therapy combined with activity modification. If pain is arising from nerve root irritation, an epidural steroid injection may be considered.

For cases with severe pain not responding to therapy, if the slip is severe or there are neurologic changes, the slipping vertebra might be surgically fused to the vertebra below it. It is important to discuss treatment options with your doctor in deciding which treatment, if any, may be best for you.

Non-surgical treatments for spondylosis include epidural injections, chiropractic care, pain management medications, and physical therapy. If the pain continues or there is evidence of a severely compressed nerve, surgery may be considered. Surgery for spondylosis involves two main components: eliminating what is causing pain and then fusing the spine to control movement.

Surgery may also include decompression, which means removing the tissue that is pressing on nerves. Spondylosis and disc degeneration causing functionally disabling pain that fails to improve with conservative treatment may be treated with fusion or disc replacement surgery.

Every case is different. It is therefore very important to discuss treatment options with a spine specialist familiar with all types of spinal surgery in deciding which treatment, if any, may be best for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will exercise help?

Like unused rubber that gets brittle as it ages, bones and joints get fragile with immobility. Regular exercise is the key to preventing further damage and complication. However, exercise should be done with caution and to an extent that is comfortable and pain-free.

Exercise #1
  • Sit comfortably with both feet on the floor
  • Keep your neck straight
  • Bring the back of your head up
  • Feel the stretch of your neck
  • Repeat a few times
Exercise #2
  • Sit comfortably with both feet on the floor
  • Relax both of your shoulders and arms
  • Move your left ear towards your left shoulder as far as you can tolerate without lifting your shoulder
  • Return to starting position
  • Perform the same exercise on the right side
  • Repeat for few times as tolerated
Exercise #3
  • Sit comfortably with both feet on the floor
  • Relax both of your shoulders and arms
  • Keep your neck straight and look straight ahead
  • Gently turn your head to the right as far as comfortable (maintain your gaze straight and parallel to the floor)
  • Return to starting position
  • Perform the same exercise on the right side
  • Repeat for few times as tolerated
Exercise #4
  • Sit comfortably with both feet on the floor
  • Relax both of your shoulders and arms
  • Gently move your head down with your chin towards the chest as far as comfortable
  • Keep your back and neck aligned
  • Return to starting position
  • Repeat step 3 for few times as tolerated

Can Epsom Salts help to reduce my pain?

The Magnesium content present in Epsom salt works wonders in healing. It aids in balancing the pH levels in the body. When pH levels are balanced, the stiffness can be minimized. It also helps in lessening the pain of DDD in your neck and shoulders.

To prepare for an Epsom salt treatment, take a couple of tablespoonful of Epsom salt and add water to make a paste. Apply it to your neck and shoulders. Keep it on for approximately 15 minutes, and then wash it off. However, if you have diabetes, cardiac or kidney problems, consult your doctor first prior to using this home management.

Why did I get this?

In most cases, it is just the normal aging process. It can certainly be affected by genetics and if your mother and father have problems with their back it is not unusual that you too will have problems with your back.

Is Degenerative Disc Disease a disease?

No, it really isn’t a disease in the typical sense, meaning that there is not a pill you can take to stop it, and it is not life-threatening. It is more of a wear and tear process.

Will have to live it the rest of my life?

No, most patients usually will respond to an active exercise program, strengthening their core or trunk muscles, learning proper body posture and body mechanics, losing weight if they are overweight, and the use of anti-inflammatories in the vast majority of cases.

How common is Degenerative Disc Disease?

We know that 90% of individuals will experience 1 episode of low back pain and about a third of this 90% will have chronic intermittent back pain. If one exercises and takes care of their spine, the pain-free intervals can actually be quite long and recovery from these episodes will be relatively shortened.  That’s why it is very important to practice good body posture and body mechanics and to do your exercises.

I have young children. Will they get Degenerative Disc Disease?

Unfortunately, we know that genetics does play a role in the conditions that our family gets. While there has been research to determine what genes may be associated with Degenerative Disease, it is not clear-cut at the present time. The most important thing is for all patients to be physically fit, of normal weight, and to practice good body posture and body mechanics.

What is the best treatment for degenerative disc disease?

Physical therapy can help stretch and strengthen the right muscles to help the back heal and reduce the frequency of painful flare-ups. Lifestyle modifications, such as changing your posture, losing weight or giving up smoking, can sometimes help reduce stress on the damaged disc and slow down further degeneration.

What is the best treatment for lumbar spondylosis?

Intervention and treatment options.
Exercise therapy. ... .
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) ... .
Back school. ... .
Lumbar supports. ... .
Traction. ... .
Spine manipulation. ... .
Massage therapy. ... .
Multidisciplinary back therapy: the bio-psychosocial approach..

Is there any treatment for degenerative disc disease?

Treatment may include occupational therapy, physical therapy, or both, special exercises, medications, losing weight, and surgery. Medical options include injecting the joints next to the damaged disc with steroids and a local anesthetic. These are called facet joint injections.

Are spondylosis and degenerative disc disease the same thing?

Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD), also known as Spondylosis, is a condition that usually occurs due to aging. As the term implies, it is the progressive deterioration of the discs between the vertebral bodies.