Maternity shoot pregnancy pictures ideas for couples

Category Archives: Couples maternity photography ideas and poses

Maternity shoot pregnancy pictures ideas for couples

Couples maternity photos New Jersey. Maternity Photos with Husband and Wife Pregnancy Photo Shoot NJ.  Working with couples expecting a baby is such an privilege.  I especially love maternity shoots with young couples expecting their first baby. The husband & wife have so much excitement, love and a little nervous energy too… and when you...

Maternity shoot pregnancy pictures ideas for couples

NYC Maternity Photos with Husband      Follow Rob on IG to see his latest work – click here.      

Maternity shoot pregnancy pictures ideas for couples

Pregnancy Photography with Husband Couples Maternity Photo Shoot Photographing couples expecting a baby is such a privilege and joy… Few things in life are as thrilling as the anticipation of welcoming a new life into the world.  Take the time to schedule a couples maternity photo shoot you’ll be glad you did.  Be sure to...

Maternity shoot pregnancy pictures ideas for couples

Beautiful Couples Pregnancy Photos NYC NY Couples pregnancy photo sessions are always special, and when it’s a couple’s first baby, even more so.  Take the time to capture your family memories from the very beginning… your children will thank you in the future! Robert Austin Fitch Photography has been working with pregnant couples in the...

Maternity shoot pregnancy pictures ideas for couples

Couples Maternity Photography Poses with Husband Having your husband or partner join in your maternity photography session can add so much to the shoot & be a lot of fun too! Take the time to capture this amazing time in photographs.    Be sure to follow Rob’s latest photography on Instagram & Pinterest…

Maternity shoot pregnancy pictures ideas for couples

A little over 10 years ago, I became interested in maternity photos when my wife was first pregnant with our second child. Since then, my passion for pregnancy photography has grown… Working with over a thousand pregnant women has given me the amazing opportunity to help document in photos the miracle of new life – as...

Maternity shoot pregnancy pictures ideas for couples

There’s nothing like the joyous anticipation of welcoming a new baby into the world…shown here with a touch, a kiss and a loving glance.   Professional maternity photographer Robert Austin Fitch specializes in creating some of the most beautiful & artistic couples maternity photography in the NYC NJ & CT area. Call Rob today to discuss setting...

Maternity shoot pregnancy pictures ideas for couples

Including your spouse or significant other can add a fun and playful dimension to your maternity photo session… This fantastic couple was not only a joy to work with but took some amazing photographs together.   Artistic couples maternity photo session by Robert Austin Fitch – Specializing in photographing the joy and beauty of pregnancy through photography. Available throughout...

Maternity shoot pregnancy pictures ideas for couples

Was your husband or partner not so keen on the pregnancy photoshoot? Here we discuss and look at pregnancy couple photoshoot ideas I have created. Why you should have your partner there and what kind of portraits you could create together.

Why do couples get pregnancy photos?

Silly question? You will be surprised to know how many times I hear mums saying their husband or partner doesn’t want to be the photos, fearing they might look awkward. I always say, first of all, your child will want to see that both of you were there for the journey. So at least a few pregnancy photos should be involving the partner as well.

Second, it’s my job to make sure you both feel needed and as comfortable as possible. After the pregnancy photoshoot I constantly hear husbands and partners saying how much they enjoyed the experience and never thought it could be so fun.

Partners become my assistants

To make the process of the maternity photoshoot a bit more fun, I ask partners to help me with little tasks. This primarily involves helping by adjusting their partner’s clothes or placing the hair on the correct side.

They also act as a great way to get the mums to relax. Making them smile and enjoy the experience. Husbands and partners are also great wind machines in the studio, I ask them to throw the fabric, hold the hairdryer etc. People love to be useful and this way everyone gets to have a bit of fun.

Maternity shoot pregnancy pictures ideas for couples

Added emotional connection

I know it looks amazing to have the future mother in an amazing outfit, with the hair and make-up, a bit fashion portrait style. But including a partner adds a more emotional connection. This is more meaningful in my opinion. You have gone through eight months together so far with all the ups and downs and worries. Both of you hugging her belly and talking to your baby looks just amazing. Every time you look at that maternity portrait, you will remember that moment, making these images even more special.

Maternity shoot pregnancy pictures ideas for couples

Maternity shoot pregnancy pictures ideas for couples

Maternity shoot pregnancy pictures ideas for couples

I have done maternity photoshoots for 11 years now and have gathered a little gallery of couples pregnancy photos for you to enjoy and be inspired by. These are done both outside and in my photography studio. You can try these ideas indoors and outdoors. Depending on how brave you are.

Doing maternity photos outdoors can be a little tricky. Not only might you have a passing audience, but you also might be limited in how many times you can change. Of course, weather and time of the year is another factor. You might want to check my guide to outdoors maternity photos for this.

Summertime will definitely give you more pregnancy shoot ideas for poses and backgrounds to draw on.

Maternity shoot pregnancy pictures ideas for couples

Pregnancy photoshoot in the photography studio

I love working in the studio as it is a controlled space and there is no worry about light and weather. Couples can relax a bit more and enjoy the process.

Here you will see a selection of pregnant couples poses in a photography studio. You can try to replicate these at home too.

I hope this will give you some ideas to think about and inspire. You’ll definitely want to create some maternity photos as a couple. Don’t leave your partner out of the process.

Read my other maternity-related articles here.

What month of pregnancy is best for maternity photos?

While the best time frame for a maternity photo session is around 28 to 36 weeks of the pregnancy, expecting mothers can enjoy a shoot as long as they're not a little too close to their delivery dates and they can still move around with a growing baby bump.

What week of pregnancy should you shoot photos?

The ideal time to schedule your maternity photo session is usually in the third trimester, between 26 and 34 weeks (around the 7th and 8th month of pregnancy). Once you're in your last trimester, your belly starts to become more pronounced, with a nice round shape. But this time can vary depending on your body.

What should I Caption my maternity photos?

Maternity shoot Instagram captions.
Being pregnant means every day is another day closer to meeting the love of my life..
"Before you were conceived, I wanted you. ... .
Family is the greatest blessing..
The more, the merrier!.
I'm so excited to meet the person who is half me and half you!.
We love big bumps and we cannot lie!.

How do you look good in pictures while pregnant?

Find ways to flatter the body.
Avoid shooting straight-on. This angle can make you client look BIG instead of pregnant. ... .
Shoot from the side. A side-view is a flattering angle that helps highlight a beautiful baby bump. ... .
Use a longer lens. ... .
Encourage bent arms and legs. ... .
Walk-and-talk—but from the side! ... .
Dip and spin..