Percy jackson fanfiction reading the books with the fates

  • Hi! I do NOT own PJO or HOO but I do own Andromeda Achilles and Ariax*

Summary: Andromeda Achilles is a seventeen year-old daughter of Poseidon, yes, Poseidon. The Sea God. She and Percy, Annabeth, Piper, Leo, Jason, Thalia and the others unexpectedly pop up on Olympus to read about HER. Embarrassing, right? But, it might hold the key to defeating a new goddess, Ariax. The Fates say it will help a lot. Will it?

The Olympians were fighting. Again. Personally, Hades thought it was amusing, though, the amusement faded when the books were dropped on his head. Hades! The books hurt A LOT! Then the demigods popped up, silencing the gods. The gods stared at them. Obviously, they weren't normal (the withdrawn weapons might have helped that decision). Suddenly, the demigods started yelling in indignance. "Seriously?! There's a war going on and you pop us up to Olympus?!" Yelled a blonde and green eyed girl (You know how Carrie Underwood looks on her album, Play On? If not, google it, well, that's how she looks). She was wearing jeans, and a T-Shirt with armor over it, which she was currently taking off. She was seriously pretty but Hades doubted she was a daughter of Aphrodite. "What better timing!" two misheivious twins yelled, sarcastically, at the same time. "Jeez! You want Ariax to whip your godly butts?!" Yelled a green eyed boy. "SHUT UP!" Hollered a blonde and gray-eyed teen.Definitely Athena's daughter. "I'm sure our parents have a good reason for summoning us!" She finished. "Do you have a good reason for these books?" Hades shot back. Suddenly a loud pop was heard and a letter floated into the King Of The Gods' hands. Zeus quickly scanned the note then read it aloud,

"Dear Demigods and Olympians," he started.  "These books, The Andromeda Achilles Chronicles, are an important key to defeating Ariax, goddess of Power, Ancestry, Creation.Read them. We wish you luck, unfortunately, some threads will be cut. Well, Good Luck!

-The Muses And The Fates" He finished. "So..we read the stupid books and defeat Ariax?" A demigod asked. "Introduce yourselves!" Thundered Zeus. Of course, things always had to go his way.

A/N I know, I know, it's not that good! I WILL try my best, so for now, HUZZAH!

Chapter 2

"I'm Andromeda Achilles, Daughter Of Poseidon Protector Of Thalia's Pine," The blonde and green-eyed girl. Zeus grew worried, what happened? Why did Thalia's Tree need to be protected? But then Zeus remembered the 'Daughter Of Poseidon Part'. "POSEIDON!" Roared Zeus. "Oh, don't pretend you didn't have Thalia!" Retorted Poseidon angrily, "And Jason!" Hades chimed in loathingly. "All of you! Do not start World War 3! I am curious about this mysterous Ariax!" Athena said, evenly. Zeus nodded and settled for one furious glare at Poseidon before motioning for someone else to introduce themselves. "I am Nico Di Angelo, Son Of Hades." Introduced a dark and brooding boy with messy, unkempt hair. Hades' brothers looked about ready to explode! They couldn't accuse Hades because Nico was born in the past! A/N sorry that it is so short! I have to eat dinner now so.....yeah, gotta go!


The Olympians were in a council meeting. But unlike any other meeting it was silent in the room. The meeting was called by the Three Fates. They said they had a gift for the gods but that worried most of the level-headed gods because why in the hell would the Fates give them a gift.

Then four flashes appear the first three giving off the same aura the gods became used too, but the fourth was an unfamiliar aura. It held an aura of power and respect as if daring any of the gods to challenge.

The three fates appeared but not in their usual old women forms, but as young women each about the same age; 20 years old, dark grey eyes, luscious brown hair. Most of the gods except Poseidon who was loyal to his wife no matter how much he hated her, Hephaestus who gave no care to the beauty of the triplets, and Hades who was also loyal to his wife who was also sitting next to him glaring at him as if saying, Don't you dare look at them.

The single figure who had the powerful aura was Chaos, the creator of the universe but no one knew that in the Olympian Council.

"Hello Olympians, I am Chaos, The First Primordial, Primordial of the Void and Creation, father of the Primordials." Chaos said.

Now it was the goddesses' turn to blush and stare as they looked at the first Primordial. He was dressed in a simple black t-shirt with the words: "Am The Ruler" with Black jeans. The goddesses could help but stare at the god because of the handsome features he had. His face was like it was made of stone, it was perfect. But his eyes captured most of the goddesses and some god too as they were black with silver tints in them making it look like it was twirling.

"Why are you here, milord?" Poseidon asked.

"Excellent question, Poseidon." Chaos said conjuring up a throne for himself and his three granddaughters who all sat down in unison.

"We are here today because as you know the war with Gaea is approaching" Chaos said while the Gods nodded thinking about the evil Earth goddess.

"Well after she is defeated by your seven heroes, there will be another war" The gods groaned, they were weakening from the last war not even a year ago and they were going to lose more energy from Gaea as well as the next threat.

"This next war, will against ALL of my children, the Primordials" Now the Gods paled because the Primordials were powerful together and could defeat them within minutes.

"But a hero has been chosen to lead you to victory as well as bring you to your full energy again, Perseus Jackson, Son of Poseidon." Poseidon jumped up at the thought of his son who was in Camp Jupiter celebrating the win against the Polybotes.

"WHAT! My son has faced too many hardships in his life and now he is destined to win a fucking war where it might be fucking impossible to win!" Poseidon yelled at the four beings.

The gods feared for Poseidon because he just fucking yelled at the First primordial and the three fates. So they were surprised when they saw the pale faces of the Atropos, Lachesis, and Clothos. Chaos however face was red but he was laughing.

"I was wondering when someone was going go crazy god on me." I didn't think it'll be Poseidon, though." Chaos said laughing.

"Any way that's why you being told this now because all the demigods of Camp Half-Blood and Jupiter and the other demigods oblivious to this world, as well as some immortals will be reading Percy Jackson and the Primordials by a demigod by the name of Fawkes."

"All of our demigods?" Athena asked looking at the Chaos confused for the first time in a millennium of her life.

"Yes." Chaos answered bluntly causing some gods to laugh and Athena blush in embarrassment.