Pins and needles in legs while sleeping

On this page

  • What is limb numbness?
  • What causes limb numbness?
  • When should I see my doctor?
  • How is limb numbness treated?
  • Can limb numbness be prevented?
  • Related information on Australian websites

What is limb numbness?

Numbness, sometimes called ‘paresthesia’, means you lose some or all sensation in the affected part of your body. You won’t feel a light touch, pain or temperature. Numbness is due to a problem with the nerves sending signals to the brain.

You can experience numbness anywhere in your body, but it’s most commonly felt in the fingers, hands, feet, arms, or legs. You might also feel a tingling, prickling, or ‘pins and needles’.

Having a numb limb can lead to other problems, such as falling or not noticing an injury, infection or sore.

What causes limb numbness?

There are many causes of limb numbness. Usually it’s just because you’ve been sitting on one of your legs or sleeping on an arm and this has compressed the nerves that go to the area.

Many more serious conditions can also make your limbs go numb. These include:

  • an injury, such as a herniated disc, compressing or injuring a nerve (if it's in your neck it will affect your arm, if it's in your back it will affect your leg)
  • diabetes
  • chronic kidney disease
  • stroke or a mini-stroke (numbness will be on one side)
  • a tumour or abscess in the brain (numbness will be on one side)
  • multiple sclerosis
  • carpal tunnel syndrome
  • fibromyalgia
  • an insect bite
  • migraine
  • radiotherapy
  • abnormal levels of some vitamins and minerals in your body, such as vitamin B-12, potassium, calcium or sodium
  • pressure being put on a nerve, such as because of a tumour, scar tissue, enlarged blood vessels or an infection
  • Raynaud's phenomenon
  • seizures
  • hardening of the arteries
  • an underactive thyroid
  • damage to the skin, such as from frostbite or shingles

Nerve damage can also be caused by some medicines, including chemotherapy medicines, as well as by too much alcohol or tobacco.

When should I see my doctor?

Seek emergency medical help by calling triple zero (000) for an ambulance if your limb is numb and you also suddenly have:

  • weakness or paralysis
  • confusion
  • difficulty talking
  • dizziness
  • a sudden, severe headache

See your doctor if your limb is numb for a long time, if it's not caused by your posture, and if you have any other symptoms, including:

  • dizziness
  • muscle spasms
  • a rash
  • your leg numbness is worse when you walk
  • you're urinating more often than usual
  • you have had a recent injury, especially to your back, neck or head
  • you're confused
  • your speech is slurred
  • you can't see properly
  • you feel weak
  • you're in pain
  • you can't control your bowels or bladder

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How is limb numbness treated?

Your doctor will order tests to find out the cause of your numbness. Make sure you tell them if you have had any recent injuries, illnesses or infections.

The treatment will depend on the underlying cause of the numbness. Long-term nerve problems can sometimes be treated with medicines including antidepressants, corticosteroids or gabapentin and pregabalin (if you have fibromyalgia, MS or diabetic neuropathy).

Can limb numbness be prevented?

You can massage the affected limb to help improve blood flow. Sometimes putting an ice pack or heat pack on the area for 15 minutes can help — but be very careful not to damage the skin. If the area is numb you won’t notice if it’s getting too hot or cold.

Exercise frequently to improve your blood flow and fitness. Make sure you get plenty of rest. Eat a healthy diet and avoid too much alcohol.

Some alternative therapies, such as massage or acupuncture, might also help. If your numbness is caused by a vitamin deficiency, your doctor may advise you to take supplements.

Causes of numbness and tingling can range from sitting in one position for too long to insect bites to multiple sclerosis. Discover even more causes, and learn when to get medical attention.

Numbness and tingling are unusual prickling sensations that can happen in any part of your body. People generally notice these sensations in their:

  • hands
  • feet
  • arms
  • legs

The medical term for numbness and tingling is “paresthesia.” Many things can cause numbness and tingling, including sitting with your legs crossed or falling asleep on your arm.

Sometimes numbness and tingling persist, and there’s no obvious cause for the sensations. They could be symptoms of a condition, such as multiple sclerosis, or an injury.

Treatment for numbness and tingling will depend on your diagnosis.

Things that we do every day can sometimes cause numbness, including:

  • standing or sitting in one position for a long time
  • sitting cross-legged
  • falling asleep on your arm

The examples above place pressure on your nerves. Once you move, the numbness will get better.

Possible causes of numbness and tingling are numerous, and they include:

  • an insect or animal bite
  • mercury and other toxins found in seafood
  • atypically low levels of vitamin B12, potassium, calcium, or sodium
  • radiation therapy
  • medications, especially chemotherapy

Sometimes, a specific injury can produce numbness and tingling, such as an injured nerve in your neck or a herniated disc in your spine. Other possible causes are below.

Nerve pressure

Placing pressure on a nerve is another common cause of numbness and tingling.

The following can place pressure on one or more nerves:

  • enlarged blood vessels
  • ligaments, tendons, and surrounding soft tissues
  • scar tissue
  • a tumor
  • infection
  • inflammation or swelling of the spinal cord or brain

Skin damage

Damage to the skin via a rash, inflammation, or an injury is another reason for numbness and tingling.

Conditions that can cause this type of skin damage include frostbite and shingles.

Medical conditions

Some conditions produce numbness and tingling as symptoms. Examples include:

  • diabetes
  • migraine
  • Raynaud’s phenomenon, which causes reduced blood flow to the extremities, such as the fingers and toes
  • multiple sclerosis
  • neuropathy or nerve damage, such as carpal tunnel syndrome
  • seizure disorders
  • stroke
  • ministroke, also known as a transient ischemic attack
  • atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries
  • underactive thyroid

Everyone can experience numbness and tingling on occasion. You probably felt it in the past when you stood up after sitting in one position for a long time. It usually resolves within minutes.

However, consult a doctor if you have:

  • continued numbness and tingling, and there’s no obvious cause
  • dizziness
  • muscle spasms
  • a rash

Also, tell the doctor if the symptoms in your legs worsen when you walk or if you urinate more frequently than usual.

Expect the doctor to request a complete medical history. Be sure to report all symptoms, even if they don’t seem related, as well as any diagnosed conditions. Note if you had any recent:

  • injuries
  • infections
  • vaccinations

The doctor will also need to know about any prescription or over-the-counter medications and supplements you take.

Depending on the findings of your physical exam, the doctor may order additional tests. These may include:

  • a complete blood count
  • electrolyte level tests
  • vitamin level tests
  • thyroid function tests
  • toxicology screens
  • nerve conduction studies

Imaging tests of the affected area can help the doctor reach a diagnosis. The doctor may also perform one or more of the following imaging tests:

  • X-ray
  • CT scan
  • MRI
  • ultrasound
  • angiogram of your arteries

Because of the varied causes of numbness and tingling, your treatment will depend on the reason for your symptoms.

Treatment will focus on resolving any underlying medical conditions and will likely consist of medications.

Other treatments may include:

  • topical remedies, such as creams
  • supplements
  • physical therapy
  • exercise
  • wearing a splint or brace
  • lifestyle changes, such as modifying your diet

If you experience numbness and tingling, you may also have reduced feeling in the affected areas. Because of this, you can be less likely to feel temperature changes or pain. This means that you might touch something without realizing it’s hot enough to burn your skin.

Alternately, a sharp object might cut your skin without you even noticing. Make sure you take precautions to protect yourself from burns and other accidental injuries.

Why do I get pins and needles in my legs when I sleep?

Pins and needles feels like pricking, tingling or numbness on the skin. It happens when the blood supply to the nerves is cut off. This is usually when you sit or sleep on part of your body.

When should I worry about pins and needles in my leg?

Persistent pins and needles may be symptomatic of more serious conditions, such as nerve injury or inflammation. Always see your doctor if you experience persistent or frequent episodes of pins and needles.

How do I stop my legs from tingling at night?

Making simple lifestyle changes can help alleviate symptoms of RLS :.
Try baths and massages. Soaking in a warm bath and massaging the legs can relax the muscles..
Apply warm or cool packs. ... .
Establish good sleep hygiene. ... .
Exercise. ... .
Avoid caffeine. ... .
Consider using a foot wrap or a vibrating pad..

What is tingling in legs a symptom of?

In such cases, tingling may be a sign of nerve damage, which can result from causes as varied as traumatic injuries or repetitive stress injuries, bacterial or viral infections, toxic exposures, and systemic diseases such as diabetes.