Prayers of the faithful 2022 pdf

For an end to the violence perpetrated by harsh words, deadly weapons, or cold indifference. May our homes, our nation, and countries around the world become havens of peace, let us pray to the Lord.

For the grace to see every human being as a child of God, regardless of race, language or culture, let us pray to the Lord.

For the wisdom to receive the stories and experiences of those different from ourselves and to respond with respect, let us pray to the Lord.

For the strength to teach our children how to resolve differences non-violently and respectfully, and the courage to model it in our own behavior, let us pray to the Lord.

For our faith community, that we may celebrate and welcome the diverse faces of Christ in our worship, our ministries, and our leaders, let us pray to the Lord.

For our faith community, that we may respond boldly to the Holy Spirit's call to act together to end violence and racism, let us pray to the Lord.

For healing and justice for all those who have experienced violence and racism, let us pray to the Lord.

For the protection of all police and first responders who risk their lives daily to ensure our safety; for fair and just policing that will promote peace and wellbeing in all our neighborhoods, let us pray to the Lord.

For our public officials, that they will strive to work for fair education, adequate housing, and equal opportunities for employment for all, let us pray to the Lord.

For our parish, that we may cultivate welcome, extend hospitality, and encourage the participation of people of all cultures, ethnicities and backgrounds, let us pray to the Lord.

For the courage to have difficult conversations about racism, and for a better appreciation of how our words and actions – or even our silence – can impact our communities, let us pray to the Lord.

For solidarity in our global human family, that we may work together to protect those who are most vulnerable and most in need, let us pray to the Lord.

Last Updated on September 29, 2022 by

Prayers of the faithful 2022 pdf

WEEK OF OCT. 2, 2022


Rosemarie Chiffy (Happy 96th Birthday) — The Chaineys

Cornelius Deep — David Struz

Chet Kukowski — The Chaineys

Victoria Perritano — David Struz

Pat and Jim Schaefer and family — Julia Elacqua

For an end to abortion

For the respect of life from conception until natural death

Children and grandchildren — mom


Mario Bevivino — wife and children

Michael Castelli — Sharon and Gary Carrock

Kathleen Cichon — famiy

Mary Coriale — Paulene Santino

Angelina Cucchareali — Fred and Anne Bruzzese

Tom, Grace and Tommy DeCrescenzo — family

Theresa Rubino Dubyna — Jeannine and Gus Givonetti

Theresa Dubyna — Meola Family

Sandy Dziok — Philip and Gloria Enea

Ginny Eannace — Peter and Karen

Norton Esposito — Bee

Dawn DiMasse Finlon — daughter

Carmella Graziadei Grande — Rocco and Lisa Grande and family

Julia Coppola Grandinetta — daughter Fiorinda Grandinetta Wilson

Una E. Hahn — Dick and Diane Basile

Joe Inserra — Barbara Inserra

Joe Inserra — David Struz

Pasquale and Roma Inserra — Barbara Inserra

Barbara Janis — V. Rocci

Alex Kogut — Tom and Roseanne Gerace

Mr. Joseph LaMachia — Rick and Dolores Chainey

MaryBeth LaNeve — Tom and Roseanne Gerace

Ida and Josephine Manze — David Struz

Ida M. and Josephine D. Manze and family — will

Manze and Motto Families — will

Anthony Martin — Carol and Phil Scampone

Mrs. Clorinda Mondi — cousins Rick and Dolores Chainey

Fanny J. Panetta — will

Eleanor Pape — David Struz

Mrs. Eleanor Pape — Rick, Dolores and Maryellen

Augustine (A.J.) Pedone — father, brothers and sister

Pedone Family — Andy and family

Yolanda Gigante Pedone — hon and children

Carol Sebergandio — Aunt Ann and family

Lisa Spiridigliozzi — mother Bruna and sister Teresa

Stan and Mary Struz — family

Maria and Alberta Testa — granddaughter Jean

Denise Timpano — Grace and Carl Trozzi

Anthony R. and Erminia M. Trino — daughter Edye

Maria Sorce Vullo — Rocco and Lisa Grande and family

Michael, Bill and Chancey Wicks — will

WEEK OF OCT. 2, 2022

Response: Receive our prayer, O God.

For the Church. Stir up your Spirit within us that we may love without expectation, forgive without condition and Hope without limits.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For a flowering of faith in the world. That all people can believe in the possibility of a more humane and compassionate world where the hungry, the poor and the alienated are satisfied and treated with dignity. We pray for patience so that we never abandon our hope.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For world leaders and governments. May they seek vision so that their work may bring joy, promise and peace for all people, and especially for those who are weak, powerless and hopeless.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For a greater respect for human life. May every person deeply honor and appreciate the great gift of life from conception to natural death.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For the grace to support each other’s hopes and dreams, and the strength to build and affirm each other’s faith through all of life’s difficulties and transitions.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

Bring comfort to our beloved sick, addicted, dying and grieving, and hear the intentions we hold in silence …

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

WEEK OF SEPT. 25, 2022

Response: Receive our prayer, O God.

For the Church. May your Spirit guide us to show care and compassion toward the poor, the hungry, the immigrant and the alienated.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For those who are owned by their possessions and who continue to create the growing abyss between the rich and the poor. Open their hearts and minds toward generosity and continuous sharing.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For our country. Heal the divisions that politics has caused among us. For a growth in understanding and compassion toward people of all races, faiths and economic status.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For all who are in despair. For refugees and for the homeless. For children orphaned by war, terrorism or disease. For those dying of hunger or untreated illness.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For a lasting peace. Inspire efforts of diplomacy to end human bloodshed, terrorism and destruction.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For the needs of our community and parish family. Strengthen the weary, the sick and the dying. Enlighten those who are confused or grieving. Bring hope to the addicted and to all who are in pain. Hear the intentions we offer in our silence …

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

WEEK OF SEPT. 18, 2022

Response: Receive our prayer, O God.

May the vision of Pope Francis take root throughout the entire world that we may become more and more a church for the poor, sharing our gifts and using them for the benefit of others.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For growth in ethics, honesty, civility and morality in business and government. May those who lead be guided by God’s Spirit to show greater compassion, respect, and justice toward all.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For the grace to live life to the fullest. Grant courage, energy, opportunity and vision so that all people can pursue goals and develop abilities.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For the gifts of peace and serenity. Inspire world leaders to find ways to end hatred, bigotry, prejudice and violence. May immigrants be welcomed everywhere in peace.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For the prayers we hold in our hearts. For our beloved sick, dying and grieving; and for the needs of our parish, families and friends …

 We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

WEEK OF SEPT. 11, 2O22

Response: Receive our prayer, O Lord.

For the church. May those who are estranged from religion because of hurt, anger, policy or prejudice find acceptance, healing and welcome in the Church.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O Lord.

May we have the grace to forgive those who have injured us.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O Lord.

For runaway and missing children. For orphans, family members who are alienated or those separated by distance. For those who live alone by choice or circumstance. May all know God’s care and love.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O Lord.

For all who died in the 9/11 attacks and for all who mourn or still suffer from that event. May God’s love shepherd all and bring healing;

We ask: Receive our prayer, O Lord.

For all in need of our prayer. For those threatened by poverty, prejudice, violence or disease. May we find ways to establish peace and justice.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O Lord.

For the sick, addicted, dying and grieving; and for the intentions we hold in our silence …

We ask: Receive our prayer, O Lord.

WEEK OF SEPT. 4, 2022

Response: Lord, receive our prayer.

For wisdom in the Church and in government. Give us insight that we may lay aside our selfishness, serve the poor, provide safety for immigrants and refugees, build bridges where there is division.

We ask: Lord, receive our prayer.

For the grace to set priorities correctly. Open us to renounce those obstacles, beliefs and practices that prevent us from being true disciples of Jesus.

We ask: Lord, receive our prayer.

For all who suffer — the addicted, anyone afflicted with disease, risoners, victims of human trafficking, people who struggle with rehabilitation and treatments, those devastated by violence and war. Give them strength, encouragement and open pathways toward healing.

We ask: Lord, receive our prayer.

For people in ministry who are challenged by others who are damaged or whose faith is closed. For all who suffer injustice because of faith or with the Church. Give them insight, perseverance and hope.

We ask: Lord, receive our prayer.

For all who labor. Bless their work and their rest. Give courage to the unemployed and under-employed. Inspire more people to dedicate their lives to labor.

We ask: Lord, receive our prayer.

For the blessings of the end of summer. For students and teachers, and all who begin new endeavors in autumn. We pray for the needs of our parish community and for those experiencing sickness, dying or grief. Hear all the prayers we hold in silence …

We ask: Lord, receive our prayer.

WEEK OF AUG. 28, 2022

Response: Receive our prayer, O God.

For greater humility in the Church and in government. May we recognize that our accomplishments are the result of God’s love and grace.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For a growth of hospitality within our world. May all people experience welcome in new countries, neighborhoods, places of worship, in their jobs and in social circles.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For deeper intimacy with God. May the sick, aged, addicted or those challenged in any way receive our tender care, attention and love.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For all who are declining mentally or who have dementia. May God protect them from harm and give strength to those who care for them.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For the gift of peace. Inspire all who work to end war, prejudice and violence between nations, religions and cultures.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For the particular needs of our parish community and all those we hold in our hearts. For those who are dying and for those who grieve …

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

WEEK OF AUG. 21, 2022

Response: Receive our prayer, O God.

For the Church. Shape us into courageous disciples filled with your Spirit, opening our hearts to all people And always willing to grow in faith.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For anyone who faces trials or difficult choices. May government leaders find ways to work together so that all people may have better lives, especially those who have struggled so long to find freedom, integrity and wholeness.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For the grace to enter through the narrow gate. Inspire us to live as people of forgiveness, compassion and openness.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For places in our world where there is tension. For immigrants separated from their families. For victims of war and ethnic hatred. Open hearts, banish fear, dismantle prejudice until all people find healing and peace.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For our beloved sick, addicted, dying and grieving. And for the intentions we hold in our silence …

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

WEEK OF AUG. 14, 2022

Response: Receive our prayer, O God.

May the Church find stronger ways to influence the world. That greed, selfishness, divisions and wars will cease; that all people may be energized by deeper faith and carry profound respect for each other.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For Christians in our nation and in the world. May we find unity in these times of political division. May faithfulness to Christ mark our values, choices and thinking.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For relationships that need healing within families, among friends with co-workers. May we be able to open inroads of kindness and gentleness.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For those who are mistreated, abandoned or shunned by society. For those who suffer in prisons or other institutions. For any who are victimized by human trafficking or immigration. May they know the freedom of safety and peace.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For young people heading off to college, particularly those going away for the first time. May God guide them to make wise decisions and develop good and solid friendships.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For what we ask in silence … We pray for blessings on our beloved addicted, sick, dying and grieving.

 We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

WEEK OF AUG. 7, 2022

Response: Receive our prayer, O God.

For the Church. May we believe that faith will guide us through all turmoil. May we trust God’s will and direction for our lives.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For those who have lost faith. May God’s Spirit renew their hearts and open their hearts and minds to pathways of discovery.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For patience and trust for all who wait. For those expecting children, for families who await the return of loved one, for anyone seeking reconciliation with a friend or family member, for immigrants asking for welcome and a new life.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For a deeper awareness of God’s presence in our lives. May we learn to live each day as faithful disciples, trusting in God’s promises and serving others.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For those who are ill, grieving, addicted or dying. And for the intentions we place in God’s heart …

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

WEEK OF JULY 31, 2022

Response: Lord, receive our prayer.

For a deeper commitment to the teachings of our faith. May we not be seduced by illusions of wealth, fame, power or control.

We ask: Lord, receive our prayer.

Sustain those burdened by hunger or poverty. Inspire the wealthy and comfortable to be more generous in our sharing.

We ask: Lord, receive our prayer.

For all who struggle with finances or employment. For those who suffer the effects of COVID. For those who are alone, addicted or depressed. Open pathways of healing for them.

We ask: Lord, receive our prayer.

Touch all people with the majesty of your grace. May we see and feel the beauty that you unfold before us with each new day.

We ask: Lord, receive our prayer.

For an end to prejudice, judgment, violence and war. Inspire all people to be peacemakers — to courageously end divisions within the human family and to promote peace, justice and reconciliation.

We ask: Lord, receive our prayer.

For the needs we hold in silence. And especially for our beloved sick, dying and grieving …

We ask: Lord, receive our prayer.

WEEK OF JULY 24, 2022

Response: Lord, receive our prayer.

For the Church. May our prayer be constant, encouraging a more united world, hoping for a flourishing of justice and peace.

We ask: Lord, receive our prayer.

For the world and all in need of daily bread. Touch the hearts of those who live with abundance to share more freely and give more compassionately.

We ask: Lord, receive our prayer.

For a spiritual renewal in all our lives. May we discover new directions and renewed energy. May truth and integrity help us to act with higher standards. May our worship be meaningful.

We ask: Lord, receive our prayer.

Provide safety for all who travel and guidance to those who are away from home. May every country treat immigrants humanely. Bless those serving in the military or in the missions.

We ask: Lord, receive our prayer.

For the needs we offer in silence. For our beloved sick, addicted, dying and grieving …

We ask: Lord, receive our prayer.

WEEK OF JULY 17, 2022

Response: Lord, receive our prayer.

May the church and the world offer hospitality, welcome and acceptance to all people, and especially to immigrants and refugees who seek safety and opportunity for their families.

We ask: Lord, receive our prayer.

For openness to the great gift of life. May all children, stepchildren, adopted children and foster children be loved abundantly and encouraged to grow in faith and with values that will encourage peace and justice.

We ask: Lord, receive our prayer.

For those consumed with work and who neglect the joy of living. May they free themselves to recognize and celebrate the relationships that bring them life.

We ask: Lord, receive our prayer.

For blessing on our parish community. May this weekend of festivity be filled with love and joy. May we be a sign of hospitality and welcome to many.

We ask: Lord, receive our prayer.

For our beloved sick and dying. For those who are afraid, addicted or depressed. May they find comfort and peace.

We ask: Lord, receive our prayer.

In grateful memory of our ancestors and benefactors who built and sustained our parish community. May their dedication inspire us to build a strong future — and may God know the prayers within our hearts …

We ask: Lord, receive our prayer.

WEEK OF JULY 10, 2022

Response: Lord, receive our prayer.

May we be a Church of compassion and insight, finding ways to alleviate suffering, moving beyond hard boundaries and responding with genuine love.

We ask: Lord, receive our prayer.

May victims of crime and prejudice find healing. May immigrants be welcomed and treated with care. May there be reconciliation and peace wherever there is division, suffering or violence.

We ask: Lord, receive our prayer.

For the addicted, the sick, the dying and the grieving. May they know tenderness, love and human warmth.

We ask: Lord, receive our prayer.

Strengthen all who provide continual care for others — people who work in outreach or social ministries to prisoners, to the homebound, to those who suffer from neglect or depression.

We ask: Lord, receive our prayer.

For our own community. May this Boilermaker weekend be a time of safety and refreshment for all.

We ask: Lord, receive our prayer.

For the prayers and intentions that we offer in silence

We ask: Lord, receive our prayer.

WEEK OF JULY 3, 2022

Response: Lord, receive our prayer.

For the Church. Show us how to be welcoming, loving, joyful witnesses of the Gospel.

We ask: Lord, receive our prayer.

For our world. Inspire hope in all who struggle through crime, poverty, war and injustice. Open our hearts to those who seek refuge and peace.

We ask: Lord, receive our prayer.

For missionaries and all who are called to ministry. Renew their spirits, give them courage and support for their work.

We ask: Lord, receive our prayer.

For our country. Heal all that divides us. Help us abandon our fears and prejudices. Envision the happiness that can come from our unity, and work together for the common good.

We ask: Lord, receive our prayer.

For those in special need. Tenderly hold the sick and the dying, all who are addicted, alone or grieving.

We ask: Lord, receive our prayer.

For our personal intentions that we hold in silence …

We ask: Lord, receive our prayer.

WEEK OF JUNE 26, 2022

Response: Lord, receive our prayer.

For the Church. May we become stronger and eager disciples of Christ, willing to confront all types of injustice and prejudice and make inroads for peace in our world.

We ask: Lord, receive our prayer.

For our world. May tensions, conflicts, and wars end soon so that nations may use their energies to cure disease and alleviate poverty and hunger.

We ask: Lord, receive our prayer.

For high school graduates and for all who are making life decisions at this time. May they have the courage to choose generative and fulfilling pathways.

We ask: Lord, receive our prayer.

May summer bring us peace and refreshment, time to nourish our spiritual lives and time for reflection and discernment.

We ask: Lord, receive our prayer.

For our beloved sick, dying and grieving. For all who are prisoners of addiction, and for those who seek welcome in new lands.

We ask: Lord, receive our prayer.

For the needs we hold in our silence …

We ask: Lord, receive our prayer.

WEEK OF JUNE 19, 2022

Response: Receive our prayer, O God.

For the Church. Inspire us to live as a Eucharistic people generously giving of ourselves so that others may have life.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For our pastor, Father Jim, all priests, and all people who exercise priestly ministry. Renew their vision and strengthen them. Draw them closer to your people.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For the hungry and the poor of the world. For immigrants seeking refuge, safety and peace. Open our hearts to find ways to sustain their lives and to work for justice.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For the gift of peace in our world. Heal our divisions. Enlighten our dialogue to encourage unity. Help us end selfishness, greed, prejudice and all forms of violence.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For our fathers, grandfathers, stepfathers and godfathers. Empower and strengthen them to be our guides — models of holiness and truth for all.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

Bring comfort and healing to those who suffer through illness, addiction and grief. Bring understanding and peace to the dying, and hear the prayers we hold in silence …

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

WEEK OF JUNE 12, 2022

Response: Receive our prayer, O God.

For the Church. May we understand and proclaim the length, breadth and depth of your love. Empower us to be faithful disciples of Jesus.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For the world. May we appreciate and delight in your gift of nature, behold your handiwork in all created people and things, exert positive energy to conserve creation’s beauty for our children and their children.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For the entire human family. Kindle deep within us a desire for truth. Help us renew and heal broken relationships,

And strengthen our commitment to non-violence.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For our fathers, grandfathers, stepfathers and godfathers. Empower and strengthen them to be our guides — models of holiness and truth for all.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

Heal the sick and the grieving. Comfort the dying. Sustain all who suffer because hunger, poverty or violence. Bring peace to people who are alienated, afraid and alone. Open hearts of welcome to immigrants and refugees.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For the intentions we make in this silence … We remember our deceased fathers and grandfathers and the love that they still share with us.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

WEEK OF JUNE 5, 2022

Response: Come to us, Spirit of God.

For Pope Francis and the whole Church. Fill us with the fruits of your Spirit. Inspire our worship to be relevant and joyful. May we be a sign of life and celebration for the entire world.

We ask: Come to us, Spirit of God.

Bring hope to those who are burdened by grief or despair. Bring new vision to their lives. Fill them with hope and direction.

We ask: Come to us, Spirit of God.

Help us end all types of violence, prejudice and the mismanagement of government throughout the world.I nspire us to work together toward the common good, to promote healing and to further reconciliation.

We ask: Come to us, Spirit of God.

For those who experience injustice. Heal their pain and inspire them to trust again. For immigrants who have not been welcomed, for all who suffer from the effects of aggression or violence, and for people who struggle with disease or addiction

We ask: Come to us, Spirit of God.

In thanksgiving for your many gifts. The hope and beauty and refreshment that will come with the days of summer.

The dreams for which we can find fulfillment.

We ask: Come to us, Spirit of God.

For the intentions we hold in our hearts. For the needs of our families and friends. For those who grieve loss, or confront sickness or death.

We ask: Come to us, Spirit of God.

WEEK OF MAY 29, 2022

Response: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

For unity with Christians and with all world religions. May all strive to be one in Love, in truth and in compassion, together in believing that we live together with God.

We pray: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

For healing within the human family. May men and women, adults and children — young and old, rich and poor, powerful and powerless — share our pain and embrace our joys together.

We pray: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

For a deeper vision for our lives and directions. May we hear and embrace God’s call to serve each other and generously respond to meeting the needs of the lonely and suffering.

We pray: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

For all who deal with illness or unbearable grief: for the addicted and all who feel powerless to help themselves, for those who face insurmountable problems, for immigrants and refugees who seek safety and welcome. Give them peace and hold them in love.

We pray: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

For the intentions we hold in our hearts …

We pray: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

WEEK OF MAY 22, 2022

Response: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

For the Church. Make us attentive to the creative work of the Spirit. Inspire us to find new ways to nourish faith. Strengthen the ongoing work of the synod throughout the world.

We ask: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

For all people. May we know God’s presence surrounding us, the peace and comfort of the Spirit within us and the strength of Christ encouraging and supporting us.

We ask: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

For the many promises held by the months of May and June: For college and high school students facing graduations and new directions; for couples preparing for marriage; for deacons and priests who will be ordained; for those expecting children to be born; for new opportunities that come to those who are single or in ministry. May all people have God’s blessings.

We ask: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

Bring peace to all who are troubled, particularly the hungry and the homeless, victims of crime, immigrants who try to escape violence. Bring peace to the homebound, the sick and dying, the lonely and afraid, the addicted and all who grieve.

We ask: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

For the intentions we hold in silence …

We ask: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

WEEK OF MAY 15, 2022

Response: Risen Lord, receive our prayer.

For the Church. Show us how to be more gentle and loving. Help us grow in compassion and forgiveness. May we recognize your goodness in every part of our world, in every person.

We ask: Risen Lord, receive our prayer.

For the world. Heal those who have been abused or are addicted. Help those who struggle with daily burdens. Relieve the sufferings of the sick, the poor, the migrants and the hungry.

We ask: Risen Lord, receive our prayer.

For freedom of mind and freedom of heart. Inspire us to refashion broken relationships, to engage in new forms of service, to welcome new visions for our lives and to love those whom we have judged.

We ask: Risen Lord, receive our prayer.

For peace in every part of our world. Help us to recognize the value of each and every individual, to cherish the treasure of our loving relationships, to understand that your love always brings us closer together;

We ask: Risen Lord, receive our prayer.

For our  parish children who receive the Eucharist for the first time this weekend. May they be signs to us of God’s love in our community, and for the personal needs that we hold in silence …

We ask: Risen Lord, receive our prayer.

WEEK OF MAY 8, 2022

Response: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

For the Church. May we recognize the Shepherd’s voice that calls us to wipe away the tears of all who suffer.

We ask: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

Ease the worries and the burdens of our world. Open all minds to envision better ways of living. Open all hearts to practice thoughtfulness and compassion.  Inspire our willingness to work together for the common good.

We ask: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

We pray for peace in our world. For unity where there is division; hope where there is mistrust; peace where there is violence. May all people find happiness.

We ask: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

For our own pastor and shepherd Father Jim, and for all who minister in our faith community. May their compassionate and welcoming service be a sign of your generous love.

We ask: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

For all mothers, stepmothers, grandmothers and godmothers. May God bless them abundantly. May their continued love influence our lives and our relationships.

We ask: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

For our beloved sick, dying and grieving. We especially remember our mothers who have died and any intentions that we hold in our silence …

We ask: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

WEEK OF MAY 1, 2022

Response: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

For the Church. Broaden our vision for the entire world. Help us find ways to encourage genuine forgiveness and hospitality.

We ask: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

For the world and its leaders. Make them unafraid to honestly confront the challenges of inequality, racism and violence.

We ask: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

Inspire Pope Francis and all church leaders and ministers. Help them make decisions that uphold the dignity of our human family through the process of the world-wide synod.

We ask: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

Nourish the hungers we hold in our hearts. Open our minds to deeper faith. Stir us with compassion for those who suffer.

We ask: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

For peace on our planet and for a flourishing of love in every home, parish community, school and workplace.

We ask: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

For those who are suffering — the sick, the addicted, the dying and the grieving. And for our own personal needs …

We ask: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

WEEK OF APRIL 24, 2022

Response: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

For the Church. May we reveal the power of resurrection and new life in every part of our global society, especially to those who have lost hope.

We ask: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

For the gift of peace. May nations and people know the power of forgiveness that there may be a lasting peace in every part of our world.

We ask: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

For the grace of healing. May our wounds of body, mind and spirit enable us to become instruments of new life and hope to others.

We ask: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

For a blossoming of hope. May our world be flooded with faith. May we not trust the illusions and false promises of secular society but rather bring all people to a deeper awareness of God’s love.

We ask: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

For those who question their faith or who have left the Church or hurt by her. May our constant witness lead them to a deeper understanding of God’s abiding presence.

We ask: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

For our own intentions — for our sick, dying and grieving and for those needs we hold in silence …

We ask: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

WEEK OF APRIL 17, 2022

Response: Risen Lord, receive our prayer.

We pray for the Church on Earth. May our journey together be radiant with the light of Christ, inspired by our confident faith and filled with resurrection joy.

We ask: Risen Lord, receive our prayer.

For a renewed vision of who we are within the Church and in the world. May suffering anywhere unite us in empathy and compassion. May we offer help and hope to those who live in despair — the poor, the hungry, those displaced by war, the abused, the persecuted and the forgotten.

We ask: Risen Lord, receive our prayer.

For an end to all prejudice, war and violence. May all people grow in reverence toward each other honoring the gifts of every race and culture, and working together to bring peace to every nation.

We ask: Risen Lord, receive our prayer.

May Easter inspire us to begin a new era where truth can open the way to peace, where welcome can be offered at every border, where listening can bridge all divisions, where love and understanding can fill all emptiness.

We ask: Risen Lord, receive our prayer.

For the many needs we hold in our hearts. For those who are sick, addicted, dying and grieving. For our beloved deceased whose memories we cherish. And for loved ones separated from us today.

We ask: Risen Lord, receive our prayer.

WEEK OF APRIL 10, 2022

Response: Receive our prayer, O God.

Inspire Pope Francis and the entire Church. Give us renewed vision and strong direction. May Holy Week all over the world be a sacred inspiration for peace everywhere.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

Give us the courage to empty ourselves and to gratefully surrender our lives into God’s hands, to give up our anxieties and worries and to embrace our suffering with understanding.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For all who carry the crosses of poverty and suffering. For those who are hungry, poor or suffering. For those who are lonely or experience stress. For those who are persecuted, unjustly accused, abused, forgotten, sick or addicted.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

May governments and people of every nation welcome immigrants, reject violence, resolve conflict peacefully, find answers to the climate crisis and discover the best ways to foster reconciliation and healing.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For peace and an end to violence in every corner of our world. May the sacred events we recall this week inspire our world and fill us with hope.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For all the prayers we hold in silence …

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.


Third Scrutiny: Deliverance from cosmic, universal evil

God is power God is might. God will triumph over sin.
Kyrie Eleison—Christe Eleison—Kyrie Eleison.

  • When the dignity of humanity is threatened or destroyed, when the thirst for power drives government and politics; when people are victimized by discrimination, deceit or neglect. Deliver us, O God.
  • When indifference answers the cries of the poor and needy; when people’s lives are threatened by political oppression; wherever the innocent are victimized by war. Deliver us, O God.
  • Wherever prisoners are tortured and humiliated; wherever people are not free to practice faith; wherever the spirit of the powerless is stifled and crushed. Deliver us, O God.
  • From the ungrateful depletion of our atmosphere; from our failure to save energy and resources for future generations; rom our exploitation of natural wonders given freely by God. Deliver us, O God.
  • That peace and love may reign in our world; that justice and dignity may prevail in our time; that all creation may live in unity and harmony. Deliver us, O God.

Prayer of Exorcism

We lift before you O God,
our brothers and sisters preparing for the Easter sacraments,
and this entire assembly
who seeks renewal in our faith.
May the power of your word
change our lives and invigorate our spirit.
Free us from any falsehood and evil;
and create in all of us a clean heart,
a renewed vision,
a deepened sense of your indwelling holiness.
We ask you this through Jesus, your son and our Lord. Amen.

WEEK OF MARCH 27, 2022

Second Scrutiny: Deliverance from institutional evil

God is power God is might. God will triumph over sin.
Kyrie Eleison … Christe Eleison … Kyrie Eleison.

  • When we disregard the rights of children and their education. When we refuse to help the poor, the hungry and the homeless. When we degrade others because of sex, race, lifestyle or social class. Deliver us, O God! (refrain)
  • When we ignore the wisdom and dignity of the elderly. When we refuse medical care or insurance to the needy. When we silence our prophets and our visionaries.  Deliver us, O God! (refrain)
  • From the prostitution of people and principles. From the enslavement and abuse of children and adults. From injustice in the Church and in enterprise. From violence in our homes, on our streets and in our schools. Deliver us, O God! (refrain)
  • From the power of false news, propaganda and pornography. From mismanagement and greed in enterprise and industry. From corruption, deceit and the abuse of time in our political systems. Deliver us, O God! (refrain)
  • From mistreatment in prisons, old-age homes and institutions for the marginalized. From the cult of Satan and the exaltation of evil. From our refusal to grow in our faith. From our denial of the holiness of others. Deliver us, O God! (refrain)

Prayer of Exorcism

We lift before you O God,
those preparing for the Easter sacraments,
and this assembly who seeks a renewal in faith.
May the power of your word
change our lives and invigorate our spirit.
free us from any falsehood and evil.
Create in us a clean heart, a renewed vision,
a deeper sense of your indwelling holiness.
Lord Jesus, in your gentle strength
set free our spirit.
Touch our minds and our hearts
awaken our sense of mission.
Guide your chosen people through life’s journey.

WEEK OF MARCH 20, 2022

First Scrutiny: Deliverance from personal evil

God is power God is might; God will triumph over sin.
Kyrie Eleison…. Christe Eleison… Kyrie Eleison!

  • When we fail to seek forgiveness and proclaim faith,
    when greed and selfishness divide us,
    when hatred and fear enslave us. (Refrain)
  • Wherever we ignore the needs of others,
    wherever we have built walls of division,
    wherever we have shown arrogance or prejudice. (Refrain)
  • From the lure of wealth, power and glory
    from our desires to manipulate and exploit,
    from our need to stay in control. (Refrain)
  • When we desire to hold revenge,
    when we hesitate to forgive,
    when we injure by our words and gossip. (Refrain)
  • From our impatience, anger and deceit,
    from our mistrust, conceit and pride,
    from our addictions, self-pity and envy. (Refrain)

Prayer of Exorcism

We lift before you O God,
those preparing for the Easter sacraments,
and this assembly who seeks a renewal in faith.
May the power of your word
change our lives and invigorate our spirit.
Free us from any falsehood and evil;
create in us a clean heart, a renewed vision,
a deeper sense of your indwelling holiness.
Lord Jesus, in your gentle strength
set free our spirit,
touch our minds and our hearts,
awaken our sense of mission.
Guide your chosen people through life’s journey.
May we be signs to the world
of the great power of your unconditional love. Amen

WEEK OF MARCH 13, 2022

Response: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For the Church. Enlighten us with your Spirit. Help us to be vessels of holiness.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For our world. May the homeless find shelter and welcome. May those who have lost hope find fulfillment. May we acknowledge every person as a holy child of God. May we work together to end divisions, prejudices, violence and killing.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For those who live under clouds of fear or anxiety; who suffer from depression, illness or addiction; who live in unsafe communities or with abuse; who struggle with poverty; for those who live without affirmation or without faith.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For the blessings of Lent. Inspire all those who prepare for Easter sacraments and bless all people who are on a spiritual journey.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

Bring peace to the human family. Guide us to find ways to end hunger, terrorism and war.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For our personal needs. For our beloved sick and dying. For all who grieve, and for the prayers we hold in our silence …

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.


Response: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For Pope Francis and the universal Church. May this time of Lent bring clarity and healing to all who suffer and to all who have felt disappointed or abandoned by the Church. May God bless the progress of our World Wide Synod.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

May every government offer safety to those who flee from danger and oppression. May there be more compassion and empathy within the policies and practices that restrict borders so that all nations can welcome the stranger.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For all who are incarcerated. For those imprisoned by depression, anxiety or addictions to drugs, alcohol, gambling, technology or pornography. May we find adequate funding to develop skilled treatments that can encourage deeper healing.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For us as we begin this Lenten journey. For perseverance to overcome personal temptations that hurt our relationship with God and others. May we be instruments of reconciliation in all our broken relationships, and may we be strengthened in our faith.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For all who are sick, dying or grieving. For people who are alone and need support and love. For a deeper care and understanding toward all who are living …

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For the intentions we hold in silence …

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

WEEK OF FEB. 27, 2022

Response: Receive our prayer, O God.

For those in the church who are fearful or feel alienated. For those who have lost hope or who have been blinded to the constancy of God’s presence because of hurt, abuse, dissension, politics or judgment. May they be stirred by the movement of God’s Spirit.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For government leaders. May they share and encourage truthful dialogue, enact laws that protect the least among us and govern with compassion and transparency.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For the wisdom to listen with empathy, to judge gently and to endure suffering patiently. May we learn to use our words wisely so we do not alienate others or cause division.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For all who are marginalized because of race, gender, social status or any other form of prejudice. Give us the courage to understand how we may alienate others. Help us to build bridges with welcoming, healing love for all.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

Comfort those who suffer from chronic disease, those who cannot afford medical treatment, those who suffer because of addiction. Encourage medical professionals who work tirelessly to bring healing.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For all who suffer from the effects of this pandemic. For those who face death and for all who grieve. And for the prayers we offer in silence …

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

WEEK OF FEB. 20, 2022

Response: Receive our prayer O God.

For the church. May we seek forgiveness for our sins of scandal and pride, our temptations to maintain control and to hold power. Bless our present efforts to redirect ourselves, to move on, to listen to how your Spirit speaks through all people, and to find new ways to grow in faith, love and community.

We ask: Receive our prayer O God.

May the hearts of dictators and tyrants be softened. May there be an end to racial and ethnic hatred in our world. May everyone learn how to honor the dignity of every other person as a child of God.

We ask: Receive our prayer O God.

For an end to our righteous condemnations and our exclusion of others because of their politics or values. May we learn to listen, love, accept and understand that we may be bearers of peace in our world.

We ask: Receive our prayer O God.

For the sick and the dying. For those addicted to opioids or other drugs. For families and friends who struggle to cope under pressure.  And for those who experience fear or grief.  May our prayers, concern and help bring healing to those in pain.

We ask: Receive our prayer O God.

For the prayers we hold in our hearts and for peace in our world …

We ask: Receive our prayer O God.

WEEK OF FEB. 13, 2022

Response: Receive our prayer, O God.

For the Church.  May we continue to challenge those who are wealthy and powerful that they may know the blessedness of the poor and those who suffer by reaching out to them with open minds and open hearts. Inspire the Church to find ways to teach the world how to listen, empathize and offer compassion and help.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For world leaders. May they work together for the common good to end this pandemic, to encourage a sense of sharing of wealth and resources, to open every border and welcome those who seek refuge,to create political systems that foster equality and dignity.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For all who suffer under regimes of tyranny or under styles of dictatorship. For those leaders who care only about selfish gain and power. May their hearts be softened and their minds opened that they would bring care and gentleness to government and find a deeper happiness for themselves and others.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

May we each recognize the moral traps caused by our contentment and satisfaction. May we dedicate our lives to finding ways to touch and heal Those filled with the sorrow of grief, illness or addiction. May we find ways to free those who are imprisoned by their own egos or by their selfish desires.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For our beloved deceased, and for all the intentions we hold in our hearts …

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

WEEK OF FEB. 6, 2022

Response: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For the Church. Strengthen our faith and discernment that we may meet the present challenges of our world. Remove our fears and limitations that the dignity of all people may be affirmed.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

Bless all who suffer — those who are judged or abused; those who feel unworthy or removed from holiness;

those who suffer persecution, hunger, poverty, homelessness or fear. May we find ways to ease their suffering and restore their wholeness.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For the grace to venture deeper into our own hearts. Give us greater insight into the demands of the Gospel. Help us hear your invitation and your encouragement to be stronger ministers of your love and care.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

Bring healing to all in need: the frail and the aged; the sick, the dying and the grieving; all who are addicted or victimized in any way; all who suffer with depression or debilitating disease; anyone who is devastated by the effects of this pandemic.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For all who have been away from Church because of Covid or fear. May they know our love and prayers. And for the personal intentions we hold in our silence …

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

WEEK OF JAN. 30, 2O22

Response: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

Guide Pope Francis and the Church during this time of our listening and walking together. Strengthen our willingness to welcome the outcast, to free those who are judged or victimized, and to care for those in need.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

Illuminate our minds with vision and courage that we may learn to build bridges and not contribute to division. We pray for all who are manipulated by lies or trapped by fear. May they find the truth and experience freedom.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

Deepen our acceptance and love for all people. Help us rejoice in our companionship, become channels of forgiveness, hold the hurting in our hearts, and show generous and tender compassion to all.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For all who are in positions of authority within nations or institutions. May they not be seduced by power or blinded by arrogance. Inspire them to use their positions with wisdom and vision and to promote the common good.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

Lovingly touch the sick, the dying and those who mourn. Bring healing to those who are abused or addicted. Help us to work together to end this pandemic — and hear the intentions we hold in silence …

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

WEEK OF JAN. 23, 2022

Response: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

May the Church in every country work together as one. Tenderly and carefully, may we hand down our faith tradition to our young people, confident that they will shape the world with goodness.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For a deeper awareness of those who struggle in any way. Open our minds, hearts and hands to the poor, the challenged, the abused and the addicted; to those who suffer through immigration or violence; to those who live in fear or with the effects of this pandemic.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For a profound sense of the presence of God’s Spirit among us. May God’s Word form our inner being, fill our hearts and guide our decisions. May we treasure God’s Word to the point that it will always move us to tears.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For missionaries all over the world and the people they serve. For all who struggle to live with poverty, oppression and violence. May God’s Word be a source of new life and fill all people with joy, forgiveness, direction and purpose.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For the needs of our beloved sick, dying and grieving. For the needs of those who are abused and addicted. And for the personal needs we all have that we hold in silence …

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

WEEK OF JAN. 16, 2022

Response: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For the Church. Inspire us that we may be like full, rich wine that brings healing joy to all parts of our world.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For the world. Help us dismantle our prejudices and attitudes of superiority. May we humbly recognize how your gifts are given to all people — every culture, every race and every religion.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

May all who are engaged, married, single or widowed be channels of your love. Inspire all people toward a deeper commitment to help and welcome those who are poor, suffering, hated or marginalized by society.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For the unity of all Christians. Heal our wounds, barriers and divisions so that together we may find more effective ways to bring healing to our broken world.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For all who have lost hope. May they believe that miracles can restore their lives. May they find inspiration in faith and strength through prayer.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For all who are sick, dying or grieving. For those burdened with addiction or fear, and all who suffer in abusive relationships. Help us to effectively end this pandemic throughout the entire world. WHear the personal intentions hold in silence …

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

WEEK OF JAN. 9, 2022

Response: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

Renew the church. Stir up the gift of the Spirit within us. Make us bold in our faith and dynamic witnesses to your love.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

Embrace our world. Strengthen us to bear daily challenges and to confront our struggles with faith. Help us find ways to heal discrimination, injustice, poverty and violence.

W We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

Inspire all the baptized and confirmed to be faithful to their promises. Fill them with zeal and courage.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

Heal all who are blind to your love. May those alienated from the Church know and feel that they are welcome. Open our hearts to all who are seeking.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

Shepherd our beloved sick and grieving. Console the homebound, those alone, afraid and imprisoned. Comfort the dying; release the addicted and the abused. Bring us peace of mind and safety during this time of pandemic.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

Hear the prayers we offer in silence …

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

WEEK OF JAN. 2, 2022

Response: Receive our prayer, O God.

Bless the Church with wisdom and understanding. Give us a mature faith that is open. May we heal those who have been hurt, angry and abused.  Welcome those who have felt inferior or afraid. Understand and alleviate the spiritual hungers of our young people.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

Bless our world and its leaders with honesty and compassion that we may stop the hateful violence caused by prejudice. We pray for an end to racial intolerance and anti-Semitism. May we embrace that truth that all people are God’s children.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

May this be a year of blessing and grace for the needy. May the poor find dignity, the hungry be fed, the hurting be strengthened, the angry find forgiveness. May migrants and refugees be welcomed, respected and allowed to establish new lives for their families. May medical research and the cooperation of all people bring this pandemic to a swift end.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

Bless Father Jim and our parish family. May this be a year of grace and growth for us. May our faith deepen and shape our experience. May we journey together directed by our dreams. We pray for blessings upon the Burmese members of our parish and on all who come to worship here from other faiths or cultures.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

Sustain all who are in need — the sick and dying; those experiencing grief, depression, unemployment and addiction; for those who suffer from COVID or its effects. And for all who need our prayer …

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

WEEK OF DEC. 26, 2021

Response: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For the Church. Give us the faith and trust of Mary and Joseph. Help us persevere when we confront trials, dilemmas or uncertainties.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For healing in our human family. Help our brothers and sisters who struggle through poverty, hunger and war. Open our hearts to migrants and refugees. Bring lasting peace to our world.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

Bless married and engaged couples and single people. Bless our children and our aged parents. Inspire all who are alienated by broken families. Show us how to best accept and love each other.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For all who are away from their families at this time. For children who are missing or at risk. For those who live alone and without family support. Help them find healing, direction and care.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For those who suffer because of bad health or grief. For children and adolescents who need direction. For victims of abuse and addiction. Open their pathways toward healing.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For the intentions we bring to mind in our silence …

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

WEEK OF DEC. 19, 2021

Response: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For the Church. May we know the fullness of your grace. Like Mary, may we allow you to do great things through us. Bless this time of dialogue within our world.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For a listening heart. Still us and quiet us that we may hear your word as it comes to us in the events of every day.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For all who live in Bethlehem and the hills of Judah. For Christians, Jews and Muslims. Open new pathways of peace and hope for them.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

Bless the lonely, the infirm, the homebound, the addicted, the fearful, the sick and the institutionalized. Comfort all who grieve. Bring hope to those affected by war, violence or pandemic. Open pathways to those who seek a new homeland or who are victimized by prejudice or injustice.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

We pray for the safety of all who travel to celebrate these days with family and friends, and for the personal intentions that we hold in silence …

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

WEEK OF DEC. 12, 2021

Response: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

May the Church be a sign of joy for all people. May we ease the burdens that others carry and become instruments of hope for all who suffer.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

Bring peace to our world. Turn us away from all kinds of violence. Bring forth a new flowering of justice in every place and mutual respect in every relationship.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

Open our eyes in deep reverence to all of creation. May we experience holiness of every person no matter his or her politics, race, culture or faith.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

Touch the hearts of all who are held captive — immigrants, imprisoned, addicted, scared; those who have lost faith, courage or hope. Open pathways of freedom, opportunity and joy for them;

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For all in need. For the sick, the dying and the grieving. For the lonely and the abandoned. For those who find the pressures of this season too difficult to bear.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For the prayers we offer in silence …

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

WEEK OF DEC. 5, 2021

Response: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For Pope Francis and all church leaders. Guide them to straighten the pathways of the Church. Inspire all members of the Church to be better listeners and bridge builders so that we may be vessels of healing for our world.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

Bless the world with hope. Help us to defeat evil, to end hostility and to restore unity to the human family. Open the borders of our fears and insecurity for immigrants and their children.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

Level the obstacles of our selfishness. Remove our resentment, anger and our inability to forgive. Free us from whatever blinds us to know goodness. Dismantle our injustices and prejudices.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

Bring healing to all who are sick or suffer. Bring freedom to those who struggle with grief, illness, addiction or depression.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

Bring courage to those who live in the shadows of violence. Bless our world with peace. Hear the prayers we offer in silence …

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

WEEK OF NOV. 28, 2021

Response: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For the Church. Guide our actions and decisions. May we be a beacon of hope for all people. May this time of synod dialogue and listening reap great blessings for the entire world.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For our world and for every nation. Guide us through these dark times of fear and anxiety. Strengthen our faith and inspire our leaders that we may come together to address those who are in need and work together for the common good.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For a deeper openness to the gifts of Your Spirit. May our lives abound in love and with holiness. May we be open to the wondrous joys of this season.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For those who find it difficult to celebrate at this time. For those wrapped in addiction, grief or loneliness. For people who suffer abuse, illness or disease. For those who face imminent death. Give them strength, courage and hope.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For all who wait. For expectant parents, the unemployed, those facing challenges or difficult decisions. For prisoners and patients, immigrants and refugees. May their lives be blessed with a strong sense of hope and optimism.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For the prayers we offer in our silence …

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

WEEK OF NOV. 21, 2021

Response: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For the Church. Give us the grace to grow in faithful discipleship, to discern the truth with clarity and to love others with generous abandon.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For our world. For journalists, news agencies, those involved in social media, preachers, law enforcers, teachers, counselors and judges. Strengthen them to be committed to proclaiming the truth rather than instilling fear or seeking personal gain.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

Help us find better ways to alleviate and end the pain and suffering of those who are poor, starving or persecuted; victims of violence, prejudice, abuse or addiction.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For all working to promote truth and justice. For scientists and all who dedicate themselves to the health of our planet and universe. Grant wisdom to newly elected leaders and all in government that they may address the pressures of our world, promote the common good and transform the human family.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For the safety of all who travel for this Thanksgiving holiday. May this season be a time of joy and gratitude for all.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For those who are sick and alone. For those who face addiction, illness, death or grief. For those who seek welcome and safety, and for all those we bring to our silent remembrance …

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

NOV. 14, 2021

Response: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For the Church. Be light for us as we begin this process of the synod. May we be open to listening to each other that we may reconcile with those who feel alienated and welcome back those who have strayed.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For our world. Ease the pain of so many who suffer through depression, persecution, hunger, violence or injustice.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For all who are making commitments, Guide and sustain the hope of those who are engaged, becoming parents, making religious profession, preparing to receive sacraments or embracing new directions for their lives.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For all who lack hope. Inspire them with optimism and ambition. Help all people to abandon their fears and to live with courage and faith.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

In thanksgiving for friends and family members who have died. May the memories we cherish comfort and teach us. Bring healing to our beloved sick, addicted and grieving. And hear the prayers we hold in our silence …

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

NOV. 7, 2021

Response: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For the Church. May we live with humility and in holiness, welcoming others with warm hospitality, opening our hearts to the poor and needy, listening to each other and working together in solidarity.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For our world. May government leaders use their power to serve others and abandon any desire to profit from their positions. May leaders be honest and transparent, and uniquely dedicated to strengthening the common good.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For an end to prejudice of any kind and for purity in our religious practices. May we not use religion to condemn others but rather walk together as companions, supporting each other with prayer and understanding

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For widows, widowers and single parents. For orphans and children who are abused or neglected. For veterans, and for all who are aged and infirm. May they find support and care within the Church and our Christian communities.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For an end to violence and mass killings. May peace and justice replace anger and revenge. For the sick, the dying, the bereaved and the addicted, may comfort and compassion bring healing.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

In loving memory of our friends and fellow parishioners who have died during this past year, and for all the prayers we offer in silence …

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

OCT. 31, 2021

Response: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For the Church. Inspire our motivations and directions. May our decisions and actions show the world that your love is unconditional. Bless every effort of the Church synod throughout the world

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For every government and for people in every nation. Give us wisdom to reverence every person, that our world may be more generous and welcoming, less judgmental, kinder and more compassionate.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For those who are questioning or skeptical about faith. Give them the insight to make life-giving choices filled with forgiveness, love and understanding.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

Invigorate the spirit of the downtrodden. Bring peace to the sick, dying and grieving. Provide opportunities for the hungry and the poor. Open our hearts to all who are devastated by violence, war and addiction.

For what we place before God in our silence …

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

OCT. 24, 2021

Response: Receive our prayer, O God.

1For the pope, all bishops, priests, and all who minister in the Church. Inspire them with vision and hope as they minister through their gifts and weakness.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For growth in our faith. May we trust the strength of prayer and have a greater reliance on God’s help and grace in every area of our lives and during our times of hardship.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For more caring and sensitive hearts. May we never ignore or try to silence those who cry out for attention and assistance. May we honor those who are maligned or challenged, mentally, emotionally or physically.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For all who are ill, incapacitated, angry or addicted. For people who suffer from the effects of COVID. For all who are dying or grieving loss. May they be blest with healing and comfort.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For peace in our world. May every government and world leader take bold steps ro end violence, hunger and prejudice; to welcome refugees; and to support the common good.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For the personal prayers we offer in silence …

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

OCT. 17, 2021

Response: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For the Church and all who minister within the Church. May we learn to surrender our fears, ambitions, ego and power. May our modeling as servants help the world to find healing.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For those who face difficulty and hardship. For people overwhelmed by the pressures of life — the hungry; the abandoned; the addicted; the unemployed; immigrants; and all who cope with COVID, with death or disaster. Inspire us to find ways to serve those who need us.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For leaders in the church, government and enterprise. And for all who have power over other people. May they center their values, decisions and action on the common good and to benefit the needy.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

In thanksgiving for those who dedicate their lives to serving others — in the church; government; the military; in areas of social justice, medicine and education. May their dedication to goodness and service be strengthened and reaffirmed.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

In thanksgiving to God for our parish family. In this year of jubilee, we ask God’s continued grace upon us. Help us to reach out more effectively to the poor and to all who need to strengthen their faith.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For an end to violence and prejudice. For a deeper commitment from all people to create a peaceful world. For our beloved sick, dying and grieving, and for the personal intentions we hold in silence …

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

WEEK OF OCT. 10, 2021

Response: Receive our prayer, O God.

For the grace to be better listeners. May God’s word form the deepest desires of the Church and reveal directions for us that are filled with wisdom.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For the gift of insight. May all people recognize the limits of power, prestige and wealth. May we learn to depend on God’s will and find stronger ways to serve the needs of the poor, the afflicted, the troubled, the hungry and refugees.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For all who are overwhelmed, confused, manipulated or misdirected. Enlighten and strengthen them that they may find the truth.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For peace among nations and governments. For reconciliation wherever there is division. For a quick end to violence and killing. May we be blest with wisdom in our words, our choices and our decisions.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For our beloved sick, addicted, dying or grieving. For those who are abused, ignored or mistreated. And for the personal needs we place in God’s hands …

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

WEEK OF OCT. 3, 2021

Response: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For the Church and our leadership. May we work together to find unity, healing and peace. May we be a sign of God’s love in the world.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For the grace of fidelity. May we be faithful in all our relationships — with spouses, siblings, parents, children, relatives, neighbors and friends.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

Heal the divisions and ease the tensions that pull us apart from each other. Strengthen the hope and the resolve of all immigrants that they may find welcome.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

Instill in us a deep respect for all human life from conception to natural death. May we honor the sacredness of every person and find ways to share the resources of our planet and to deal with climate change and natural disasters.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

Tenderly hold all who are persecuted in our world. Touch their lives with peace. Inspire leaders to find non-violent ways to resolve tension and conflict, and to inspire unity in our nation and throughout the world.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For the intentions we offer in silence. For all who are sick, addicted, dying and grieving …

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

WEEK OF SEPT. 26, 2021

Response: Lord, hear your people’s prayer

For the Church. May God’s spirit be evident in our leadership and in our service so that the poor, the marginalized and the victimized are not forgotten — but rather cared for and honored.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer

For world leaders and policy makers. May the Spirit of God encourage work that fosters peace and justice in every nation hat all people may find healing and happiness.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer

For a deeper spirit of openness and welcome. May we renounce any temptation that is based on prestige, power and prejudice. Give us welcoming hearts that we may acknowledge God’s presence in all people.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer

For young people. Fill them with courage and vision that they may help reshape our world into a place where love is shared sincerely, and all people are deeply valued.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer

For all in special need, the sick, the addicted, the dying and the grieving. For all who suffer with this pandemic and its effects. And for those we remember during this moment of silence …

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer

WEEK OF SEPT. 19, 2021

Response: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

Give the Church and our leaders the grace of wisdom that we may honestly confront our failings, feel our common humanity with all people, and walk humbly together toward wholeness and holiness.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

Give the grace of discernment to Pope Francis that he may lead us with courage to be channels of love, peace, justice and healing in our world.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

Free us from any ambition for wealth, status or power. Open our hearts to be compassionate and selfless and to serve those who are marginalized, abused or forgotten.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

Bless the children of our world. Keep them safe through these times of COVID. Open their minds with understanding and fill their hearts with faith. We pray for the success of our parish catechetical programs that our young people may grow in wisdom and love.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For all in need of our prayer. Comfort those who are anxious, depressed or in pain. Heal those who have faced abuse, who struggle with shame or who are challenged by addiction.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For the needs of our beloved sick, dying and grieving, and for the intentions we hold in silence …

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

WEEK OF SEPT. 12, 2021

Response: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For the Church. Help us to find ways to let go of power and politics, to support Pope Francis and the direction he provides, and to embrace the cross of serving our world in every way;

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For the world and for leaders of all nations. May they know the grace of surrender, have the strength to deny selfishness and encourage peace and prosperity for all people.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

Fill us with a vibrant faith that we may have compassion for the wounded, give direction to those who are lost, counsel the lonely and the depressed.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

Strengthen those who face daily burdens — the alienated and impoverished; those who suffer physical, emotional or mental pain; those challenged by addiction or health concerns; anyone facing death or dealing with grief.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

Quiet the unrest in our world. Give hope and safety to all who flee their homeland. Protect the world’s children from COVID and disease. Enlighten us on how to help with environment concerns and climate change.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For the intentions we hold in silence …

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

WEEK OF SEPT. 5, 2021

Response: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For Pope Francis and the church all over the world. Enable us to open the hearts and minds of all people That we may bring hope and healing to all who suffer from COVID, lack of vaccine, climate change and natural disaster.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For the world and the leaders of nations and governments. Open their hearts in compassion and establishing ways to serve the poor, immigrants and victims of prejudice and violence.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

Grace all people with a spirit of true listening. Free us from all that distracts and blocks us from understanding faith more deeply and from becoming people of welcome, concern and warmth.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For all who have experienced abuse, discrimination, victimization or hatred. For people who are dealing with depression or addiction. For all who suffer with disabilities to sight, hearing or speech. For those who are sick, dying or grieving, heal their pain and renew their spirits.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For our personal intentions. We ask for blessings of growth and safety upon students and teachers. For blessings upon our nation as we honor all who labor. May opportunities open for those who have had economic pain because of COVID. And for all who have asked for our support or our prayer.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

WEEK OF AUG. 29, 2021

Response: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For Pope Francis and the Church all over the world. May we experience a deeper conversion of mind and heart, allowing Your Word to instruct, guide and free us.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For a better understanding of our responsibility to be good stewards of our planet and its resources. May we discover new ways to share our abundance with those in need.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For all who pass on our faith tradition — priests, sisters, religious leaders, teachers and parents. May they encourage us to understand that faith must immerse every part of our lives and strengthen our willingness to accept and love all people.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For all who are victims of the evil of human hearts. For all who are judged and manipulated by others. For those who are abandoned, lonely or depressed. Heal their hurt and give them hope.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For children and adolescents beginning a new school year. Help them grow physically, intellectually and spiritually. May the challenges of this year not overburden them and may they remain safe and healthy.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For the prayers we hold in silence … For our beloved addicted, sick, dying and grieving. For people who are challenged physically, mentally or emotionally.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

WEEK OF AUG. 22, 2021

Response: Receive our prayer, O God.

May we, as Church, recommit ourselves to Christian discipleship. May the teachings of Pope Francis bring us closer to knowing Christ, that we may intentionally choose to follow Christ always — and especially during times of difficulty.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For the grace of freedom from our many addictions. May we not be enslaved by power, money, fame, work or depression. Keep our minds open in these times when politics divides us. Give us wholeness and courage to embrace the values of Christian living.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For those who are persecuted because they follow Christ. For those who need to be strengthened in faith. For those who seek direction and asylum. For those who need to be welcomed in a foreign land.  May God give them hope and strength.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For college students who begin to return to school. May they travel in safety and experience a year of growth and discernment.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For the needs of our beloved sick, dying and grieving. For all who have lost homes, security and loved ones because of injustice, war and terrorism.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For all those people and personal intentions that we hold in prayer during this moment of silence …

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

WEEK OF AUG. 15, 2021

Response: Receive our prayer O God.

We pray for Mother Church in our time. May she uphold the dignity of all women, honoring their ministry and their gifts within the church and promoting the rights of women in every culture of our world.

We ask: Receive our prayer O God.

We pray for our world and its many places of conflict. May the Queen of Peace inspire reconciliation between nations at war, love where family and neighbors are divided, and an end to violence that destroys and kills.

We ask: Receive our prayer O God.

May we be bearers of Christ in our world: Signs of holiness to others, beacons of faith, gentleness and wisdom. May we know the grace of deepening our sense of hospitality and welcome especially to immigrants who need our help and kindness.

We ask: Receive our prayer O God.

For all who face life-threatening illness, addiction, grief or death. May they have faith in the resurrection of the body and hope in the promise of eternal life.

We ask: Receive our prayer O God.

For the needs we have in our personal lives, and for the needs of those to whom we have promised our prayer and our concern …

We ask: Receive our prayer O God.

WEEK OF AUG. 8, 2021

Response: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For the Church. Help us to nourish the world with faith and hope. Bless us with the gifts of unity and joy. May we walk together as loving and dedicated disciples.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

Transform our minds and our hearts. Free us from judgment, bitterness and anger that we may be open to your Spirit — Inspired, guided and directed toward holiness.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

Guide government leaders to respect religious freedom, to work for greater social justice, to recognize the dignity of every human person and to earnestly resolve the problems of poverty, hunger, immigration and oppression.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

May these days of summer bring renewal and refreshment. May we find time to reset our priorities, bring balance to our lives and know the fullness that prayer can bring to our lives.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For the needs we mention in our silence … We remember our beloved sick, addicted, dying and grieving. Bless them with healing and with peace.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

WEEK OF AUG. 1, 2021

Response: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

Bless the Church with the grace of conversion. Free us from prejudice and judgmental attitudes. Strengthen us to reform habits that have stolen our joy. Open our minds to the miracles you provide so abundantly.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

Deepen our trust in your providence. Free us from our compulsions to hoard and our selfish addictions.  Deepen our awareness and gratitude for your constant blessings.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

Inspire business and government leaders to find new ways to alleviate hunger, to distribute food and to provide for the many needs of the poor, the Immigrants, refugees and victims of violence and war.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

Be light to all who are lost and seek direction. Open pathways of opportunity and welcome for them that they may find security, safety and hospitality.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For the intentions we hold in our hearts … Bring healing to those who suffer from addiction, illness or grief. Bring comfort to those who face death.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

WEEK OF JULY 25, 2021

Response: Receive our prayer, O God.

For the Church. Give us the grace of patience and gentleness. Open our hearts and minds to share more deeply from our abundance. May we be a sign of your generous love for all.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For a sharper awareness of the hungers within our hearts. May we rely on your grace and providence to satisfy and fill us, and to give us direction.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

Bless all who bring food to our tables daily — farmers, harvesters, transporters, grocers and cooks. Renew their dedication with energy, perseverance and inspiration.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For all in our world who endure hunger for food, for love or for acceptance: Orphans, refugees, immigrants, those who live on the fringes of society, those who struggle amid devastation or violence. Help us find ways to satisfy their hungers, to remain aware of their needs and to offer our assistance.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

Bring safety to travelers, blessings to the aged and the infirm, opportunity to the unemployed and depressed, health to the sick and the addicted, peace to the dying and comfort to the grieving.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For the intentions we hold in our hearts …

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

WEEK OF JULY 18, 2021

Response: Receive our prayer, O God.

For the Church all over the world and her leaders. Together with Pope Francis, may we be a source of patience, instruction and gentle care to all who find life’s journey burdensome.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

Inspire every world leader to use his or her powers unselfishly — caring for the welfare of all people, especially the poor, the immigrant, and those marginalized because of war, violence, injustice or aggression.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

May all people work toward achieving unity and peace. May we strive to end our judgments and divisions caused by politics. May we become one — as God sees us — a united flock, caring and concerned for each other’s well-being, shepherding and guiding each other toward health and happiness.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

In thanksgiving for our parish community. We ask for God’s continued blessings on our pastor, Father Jim, for his wisdom, insight and continued health as he shepherds us all toward holiness and growth. We remember in gratitude the many generations of people who formed the foundation of this parish community.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

Bring healing, hope and courage to all who suffer. Help us find the ways to end all that encourages violence. Hear the prayers we offer in silence for our beloved sick, addicted, dying and grieving family members and friends.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

WEEK OF JULY 11, 2021

Response: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For the Church. Strengthen our vision and our support for Pope Francis. Deepen our dependency on God rather than on our possessions, accomplishments or power.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For the world. Give us discernment, wisdom and strength that we might oppose the many injustices of our time and be able to face rejection with courage.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For the grace to travel lightly. Open our hearts and our hands that we may surrender all that we cling to.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For our companions on this faith journey. For our families, friends, co-workers and members of our parish community. Hold us together in faithfulness to each other and unify our commitment to Christian values during this time of polarization.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

Bring healing to all in need. Invigorate those who are saddened or having difficulty. Restore life to the sick, the dying and the grieving. Inspire the addicted and the destitute. Create life-giving pathways for immigrants and for all who are afflicted.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For the prayers we offer in silence.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

WEEK OF JULY 4, 2021

Response: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

Inspire the Church and strengthen today’s prophets to speak boldly — that governments and national leaders may listen so that peace can be achieved, so that immigrants may find welcome, so that those in need may be satisfied.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

Open our hearts and minds to the many gifts that others offer. May we accept those who are different from us and welcome all who seek our companionship.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

We pray for openness in our nation to the teachings of Pope Francis. That we may hear his call to work together in the world to protect the Earth for future generations and to treat others with holy dignity.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For unity in our country. That as we heal from COVID we may find a balance that does not exclude others because of politics or prejudice. As we celebrate our freedom this weekend, may we be truly grateful for the vision of our founders and use our liberty responsibly for the common good.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For the prayers we hold in our silence. We remember the sick, the addicted, the dying and grieving. May their faith be strong and may they know God’s healing.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

WEEK OF JUNE 27, 2021

Response: Receive our prayer, O God.

For the Church. May we trust in the constancy of your love that we may become a healing presence in our world and guide others to experience life more abundantly.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For our world. For all who struggle through persecution, war, famine, immigration, violence and natural disaster. May we find effective ways to relieve those who are overcome by the challenges they face.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For our beloved sick and dying. Heal their bodies and their spirits. For all who grieve the death of children or young adults. Hold them tenderly. Ease their pain.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For all who are weakened by age, disability, mental illness, addiction or illiteracy. May they find respect and dignity, and the medical and psychological care they need.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For the prayers we hold in our hearts. We pray for young and old who lead lonely lives. We pray for all who are separated from their loved ones. We pray for those who need to be strengthened in faith.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

WEEK OF JUNE 20, 2021

Response: Receive our prayer, O God.

For Pope Francis and for a deepening dependency of the Church upon his faith and upon his direction. We pray for his continued health and for unity within the Church of our nation and our world.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For a calming of the storms within our lives. Inspire peace among all peoples of every nation. Sustain so many who feel the challenges of life, especially in the course of this pandemic. Give us courage, enduring hope and pathways to healing.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For all who lack faith and hope. For those who doubt. For those alienated from the Church and those who have left the Church. For immigrants and refugees. For the addicted and the imprisoned. For those who suffer from loneliness or debilitating disease.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For fathers, grandfathers, godfathers, stepfathers and all men who have shown us a father’s love. May they be beacons of light and sources of encouragement for us throughout our lives.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

Bring comfort to our beloved sick, dying and grieving. We remember our deceased fathers and grandfathers. May we cherish their memories and may their words of wisdom still guide us.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For our personal intentions …

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

WEEK OF JUNE 13, 2021

Response: Receive our prayer, O God.

For the Church all over the world. May the seeds of faith planted within all people grow beautifully and bountifully that the entire Earth may be a sign of God’s kingdom.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For our country and our world. May we grow in hope and in patience. May we be courageous in times of difficulty. For immigrant families, for all who are addicted, for prisoners and those who suffer with debilitating disease. For all who struggle to survive in war-torn lands or amid violence.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For all who need patience to experience growth. For the young, and those who have just discovered faith. For graduates and those beginning a new job. For the engaged and newly married. For all who seek to be in stronger relationships. For those who await the birth of a child or who embrace a new ministry. For people who are retired and seek new direction.mFor anyone who is eager or experiencing impatience. For nations that are rebuilding slowly. May all our dreams for growth and goodness be empowered by God’s Spirit.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For peace in our world and in our hearts. Grant solace to those who suffer and grieve. And hear the prayers we offer in silence.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

WEEK OF JUNE 6, 2021

Response: Receive our prayer, O God.

For the Church — many members and yet one body. May we grow in unity and love. Strengthen our commitment to serve each other.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For our world. For those who are hungry. For refugees displaced by violence. May we find ways to provide food, refuge and welcome for them.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

Bless us with a deeper sense of joy and gratitude. As we begin to emerge from this pandemic, may we conscious of the sacredness of all life and discover anew the treasures we have in each other.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For Pope Francis and Bishop Lucia; for our pastor, Father Jim, and for all priests and all who are ministers of the Eucharist. May they be signs of Your loving presence in our lives.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

Inspire governments and all people to work for justice, to have strength and courage to speak the truth and to find ways to bring healing and peace to our world.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For all who are sick, addicted, alone, dying or grieving. For those who struggle with depression or through abuse. And for the intentions we hold in our hearts.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

WEEK OF MAY 30, 2021

Response: Receive our prayer, O God.

For Pope Francis and the Church. Give us all a deeper awareness of our mission as disciples. May we be vibrant channels of your love and proclaim our faith with determination and strength.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For our world. Bring consolation to those who suffer. Bring rest to all who are weary. May people of all nations be instruments of healing, welcome and compassion.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For all who are struggling because of natural disasters. For people who suffer under oppressive regimes. For those who are hungry, homeless, alone or abused. Give them peace and comfort.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

Bless those who are single by choice or by circumstance. May they discover the joy of ministering to others with sincerity, openness and generosity.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For all who have died in service to our nation. Grant them rest and eternal peace. We pray for an end to all war and violence, and for the blossoming of peace in our world.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For the intentions we hold in silence. We pray for those who struggle with addiction, those who suffer from life threatening illnesses, and those who are overcome with grief.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

WEEK OF MAY 23, 2021

Response: Come to us, Spirit of God.

For Pope Francis and the whole Church. Fill us with the fruits of your Spirit that we may be signs of your love, joy and peace in all that we do.

We ask: Come to us, Spirit of God.

For all who are burdened by grief or despair. Bring hope to their hearts and new vision to their lives.

We ask: Come to us, Spirit of God.

Help us to end violence and divisions in our world, to work together toward the common good and to promote healing and reconciliation.

We ask: Come to us, Spirit of God.

For all who experience injustice, heal their pain and inspire them to trust again. For immigrants who have not been welcomed, for those who suffer still from the effects of this pandemic and for all who struggle with disease or addiction.

We ask: Come to us, Spirit of God.

In thanksgiving for your many gifts — the hope, beauty and refreshment that will come with the days of summer; the dreams for which we can find fulfillment.

We ask: Come to us, Spirit of God.

For the many intentions we hold in our hearts. For the needs of our families and friends and for the many people of our world who suffer in so many different ways.

We ask: Come to us, Spirit of God.

WEEK OF MAY 16, 2021

Response: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

Embrace the Church, O God, in your holy care. Renew our minds and our hearts. Strengthen our desire to serve as bearers of peace and justice for all people.

We ask: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

Unite all Christians. Remove our misunderstandings. Bind the wounds that time and history have created. Give us a new vision so we can witness together in joy.

We ask: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

Heal all who feel separated or disillusioned. Comfort those who still suffer from this pandemic. Stir us to help all who struggle with poverty and hunger. May all people know the warmth of human love.

We ask: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

Touch us with the gift of peace. Open the minds of world leaders toward new solutions and deeper insights that they may together create a world of peace and welcome.

We ask: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

For the children from our parish who will receive First Communion this weekend. And for the young men and women from our parish who will receive Confirmation this coming week. May they be signs of Christ’s presence in our community.

We ask: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

For the prayers we offer in silence … For our beloved sick and dying, and for all who are addicted or facing difficulty…

We ask: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

WEEK OF MAY 9, 2021

Response: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

Give wisdom and understanding to the Church. Teach us to love and nurture others with care. May we support and encourage all people to live in joy and peace.

We ask: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

Renew the strength and commitment of all who are called daily to serve the needs of others — parents, health care workers, ministers, teachers, counselors and public safety workers. Give them strength for their missions.

We ask: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

Protect those who are separated from families, friends and community. Guide their steps and their mindsets and bring them safely home.

We ask: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

Bless all who are treated unjustly — hostages, immigrants and victims of human trafficking. Free them from harm, heal them and restore their spirits.

We ask: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

Bless all our mothers, grandmothers and godmothers living or deceased, in thanksgiving for their love, care and tenderness.

We ask: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

For the intentions we hold in our hearts … and we remember our beloved sick, dying and grieving. We pray for the addicted and for all who need care.

We ask: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

WEEK OF MAY 2, 2021

Response: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

For the Church all over the world. May our faith be deepened and our hope be strengthened. May our love for others abound with energy and enthusiasm, and may we be channels of peace, justice and truth;

We ask: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

For our world. Guide all who are experiencing loss, transition or change. Strengthen all who have been discouraged or victimized by this pandemic, and all who grieve the loss of a loved one.

We ask: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

For anyone who feels cut off from God or community. May they discover new connections and relationships that can inspire faith, hospitality and consolation.

We ask: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

For the troubled areas of our world. We pray especially for the people of Myanmar and for the families and friends of our Burmese community. May human dignity be restored to all people by governments that encourage peace, democracy and security.

We ask: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

For the children from our parish who will receive First Communion this weekend. wMay they be signs of Christ’s presence in our faith community;

We ask: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

For the sick, the dying and the grieving. For all who are addicted or facing difficulty, and for the personal prayers we hold in silence …

We ask: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

WEEK OF APRIL 25, 2021

Response: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

For the Church. May we, among the beloved of God, recognize God’s love, live as God’s children and follow the voice of the Shepherd in all we do.

We ask: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

For peace on the earth. May governments and world leaders act in compassion, work together to end violence and develop policies that advance the common good.

We ask: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

For all who are burdened by poverty, disease and oppression. May the Good Shepherd touch the hearts and open the understanding of the wealthy and satisfied that we may better address the needs of the poor, the hungry and the infirm.

We ask: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

For our shepherd and pastor, Father Jim; for our bishop Douglas and for all who lead and minister within the Church. May their compassionate service be a sign of God’s generous love.

We ask: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

For all our parish children and young adults, and especially those who have been preparing for First Eucharist and Confirmation. Enfold them in your love.

We ask: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

For our beloved sick, dying and grieving, and for all who suffer loneliness or the effects of this pandemic. We pray for the needs we remember in our silence …

We ask: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

WEEK OF APRIL 18, 2021

Response: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

For the church. May our words and actions teach your healing love and your compassionate mercy. May we encourage understanding, welcome and sharing in all our endeavors that the world may know the promise of new life.

We ask: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

Give us the grace to know you as our Risen Lord. May we experience your presence every time we break bread and share our lives with each other, and every time leaders and governments take steps to heal.

We ask: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

For all who seek happiness, wholeness and peace — the poor and the disillusioned, the sick and the searching, the grieving and the despairing, the addicted and the broken. May their hope in you and the generosity of others toward them never waver.

We ask: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

For all who feel bound by their past, imprisoned by this pandemic or by grief or loss. Free them to live more fully.

We ask: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

May justice and peace flourish in every land. May immigrants be welcomed and cared for. And may God hear the prayers we offer in silence …

We ask: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

WEEK OF APRIL 11, 2021

Response: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

For the church. May we know the power of resurrection and the promise of new life in every aspect of our lives. May we find ways to heal the effects of this pandemic.

We ask: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

May we know the power of forgiveness. Free us from doubt, anger and resentment. Give us patience with ourselves and with others. Fill us with peace.

We ask: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

For the grace of healing. May our wounds of body, mind and spirit. Enable us to be instruments of healing and hope for the poor, the homeless, the homebound and the immigrant.

We ask: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

May the world be flooded with faith. May we find the truth through prayer and discernment. And may we have strength to confront the illusions, lies and false promises that surround us.

Be with those who question or doubt the power of faith and the hope of religion. Guide their thoughts, judgments or fear. May they witness God’s presence through the love and acceptance of others.

We ask: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

For our own intentions. For our beloved sick and our dying, for all who are afflicted by addiction or by grief; and for all who are in need of our prayers and support.

We ask: Risen Lord, hear our prayer.


Response: Risen Lord, receive our prayer.

We pray for the church. May we be radiant with the light of Christ, confident in our faith and filled with resurrection hope and joy.

We ask: Risen Lord, receive our prayer.

For renewed vision of who we are within the church and within the world. May this pandemic unite us and help us to understand humanity in deeper, more gentle ways. May we respond more fully to the needs of those who live in despair and without hope — the poor, the hungry, the displaced, the abused and the forgotten.

We ask: Risen Lord, receive our prayer.

For an end to prejudice, war and violence. May this pandemic teach us to respect the value of all human life. May we may grow in reverence for every person of every race and culture.

We ask: Risen Lord, receive our prayer.

May this Easter call us to begin a new era in our world where Truth can show us the way to peace.

We ask: Risen Lord, receive our prayer.

For the needs we hold in our hearts — for our beloved sick, dying and grieving. For those who have died whose memories we cherish. For loved ones who we are separated from today. For the needs we hold in our hearts and the needs of our families and friends …

We ask: Risen Lord, receive our prayer.

WEEK OF MARCH 28, 2021

Response: Receive our prayer, O God.

Inspire Pope Francis and the entire church. Give us renewed vision and strong direction. May Holy Week all over the world be a vibrant expression of faith.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

Give us the courage to empty ourselves ad to gratefully surrender our lives into God’s hands, to embrace our suffering with hope and to live each day with courage.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For all who carry the crosses of poverty and suffering, unemployment, stress, persecution, prejudice, abuse or addiction. For all who are sick, forgotten or alone.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

Guide governments to bring healing to our world, to welcome immigrants, reject violence and resolve conflict peacefully. May we uncover effective ways to foster reconciliation and forgiveness.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For peace in the world and an end to the pandemic. We remember our friends and loved ones who have died and those who are away from us today and this week. For all the prayers we hold in silence …

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God

WEEK OF MARCH 21, 2021

Scrutiny 3: Deliverance from cosmic, universal evil

Response: God is power God is might -God will triumph over sin.

Kyrie Eleison / Christe Eleison / Kyrie Eleison/ Deliver us O God

When the dignity of humanity is threatened or destroyed.
When the thirst for power drives government officials.
When people are victimized by discrimination, deceit or neglect.

When indifference answers the cry of the poor and those in need.
When people’s lives are threatened by political oppression.
When the innocent are victimized by war or terrorism.

Wherever prisoners are tortured and humiliated.
Wherever people are not free to practice faith.
Wherever the spirit of the powerless is stifled and crushed.

From the ungrateful depletion of our atmosphere.
From our failure to save energy and resources for future generations.
From our exploitation of natural wonders given freely by God.

That peace and love may reign in our world.
That justice and dignity may prevail in our time.
That all creation may live in unity and harmony.

Prayer of exorcism

May the power of your word change our lives and invigorate our spirit. Free us from any falsehood and evil and create in us a clean heart, a renewed vision, a deepened sense of your indwelling holiness. Lord Jesus, in your gentle strength set free our spirit, touch our minds and our hearts, awaken our sense of mission. Guide us through life’s journey. May we be signs to the world of the great power of your unconditional love. Amen.

WEEK OF MARCH 14, 2021

Scrutiny 2: Deliverance from Institutional Evil

Response: God is power God is might. God will triumph over sin.
Kyrie Eleison /Christe Eleison/ Kyrie Eleison/ Deliver Us O God

When we disregard the rights of children and their education.

When we refuse to help the poor, the immigrant and the homeless.

When we degrade others because of sex, race, lifestyle or social class.


When we ignore the wisdom and the dignity of the elderly.

When we deny medical care or insurance to the needy.

When we silence our prophets and our visionaries


From the prostitution of people and principles.

From the enslavement and abuse of children and adults.

From injustice in the church and in enterprise.

From all types of domestic violence and domestic terrorism.


From the power of false news, propaganda and pornography.

From mismanagement and greed in enterprise and industry.

From government corruption, deceit, manipulation and the abuse of time.


From mistreatment in prisons, old age homes and institutions  for the marginalized.

From the cult of Satan and the exaltation of evil.

From the refusal to grow in our faith.

From our denial of the holiness of others.


Prayer of Exorcism

May the power of your word
change our lives and invigorate our spirit.
Free us from any falsehood and evil.
Create in us a clean heart, a renewed vision,
a deeper sense of your indwelling holiness.
Lord Jesus, in your gentle strength
set free our spirit,
touch our minds and our hearts,
awaken our sense of mission.
Guide us through life’s journey.
May we be signs to the world
of the great power of your unconditional love. Amen


First scrutiny: Deliverance from personal evil

Response:  God is power; God is might. God will triumph over sin.

Kyrie Eleison / Christe Eleison / Deliver Us O God

When we fail to seek forgiveness or proclaim faith,
When greed and selfishness divide us,
When hatred and fear enslave us.

Wherever we ignore the needs of others,
Wherever we have built walls of division,
Wherever we have shown arrogance or prejudice.

From the lure of wealth, power and glory
From our desires to manipulate and exploit,
From our need to stay in control.

When we desire to hold revenge,
When we hesitate to forgive,
When we injure by our words and gossip.

From our impatience, anger and deceit,
From our mistrust, conceit and pride,
From our addictions, self-pity, and envy.

Prayer of Exorcism

May the power of your word change my life and invigorate my spirit.
Free me from any falsehood and evil;
create in me a clean heart, a renewed vision,
a deeper sense of your indwelling holiness.
Lord Jesus, in your gentle strength
Set free my spirit,
touch my mind and my heart,
awaken my sense of mission.
guide me through my life’s journey.
May I be a sign to the world
of the great power of your unconditional love. Amen

WEEK OF FEB. 28, 2021

Response: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

Enlighten the church. Open our hearts and minds to know your truth to find direction during these times of division and pandemic, and to rediscover holiness within us and within all creation.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

Soften the hearts of every national leader that they may work together to confront the devastation that faces all people and to share a common morality that respects the dignity of every person.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

Liberate us to feel your constant presence in our struggles as well as our joys. May we follow your direction and deny ourselves and our egos, that we may know the joy of our blessedness.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

Lead us to find ways to end the suffering of those who struggle with hunger, disease and addiction. Help us to find ways to end violence, war, terrorism, injustice and aggression.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For peace in our lives. May all who are sick, dying or grieving know your loving presence. We pray for our own personal needs and for the needs of others we hold in silence …

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer

WEEK OF FEB. 21, 2021

Response: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For your church. May your Spirit lead us to live the Gospel more fully, to be a sign to the world of your deep love for all, to herald justice and peace, and to be faithful to the truth.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For the grace to resist temptation. Open our minds and hearts to recognize our shortcoming, and to rely on our inner holiness. Strengthen us to renounce earthly attractions, politics, greed, addictions and falsehoods.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For all humanity. May we respect your Covenant with all living creatures by striving toward greater stewardship of our air, land, water and resources given for our good and for the sustenance of future generations.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

Comfort and empower all who live with pain and anxiety: the poor, the homeless, the immigrant, the captive, those who suffer from illness or addiction, all who are trapped in fear and loneliness, all who confront death or struggle through grief.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

Bring us through this desert time of Lent. Renew our spirits and strengthen our faith. May the coming of springtime bring healing and renewal, and may this time of Lent bring us closer to you.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For all the people and intentions we bring to mind in our silence …

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

WEEK OF FEB. 14, 2021

Response: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For the church. May we be signs of your love and care to all, especially those who are marginalized or outcast, those who deny or doubt their own value and all who need their true dignity restored.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For unity and civility within government and the human family. Inspire a healing spirit of cooperation among all people that we may address solutions to restore the common good, to promote non-violence, justice and peace; and to reunite children at the border with their parents.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For all who work in health care and medical research. Guide their efforts to fight disease and to promote life. Inspire governments to distribute vaccine equitably so that the elderly, the poor and the compromised may be helped quickly.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For all who carry physical, mental, emotional or economic wounds. For those who suffer because of addiction or grief. Heal all who are challenged so greatly during this pandemic. Lead them to wholeness and give them hope.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

Strengthen our relationships. Stir our compassionate concern and assistance toward all who are alone or isolated.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For any other personal intentions we hold in silence. For the sick, the dying, and all who are in pain …

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

WEEK OF FEB. 7, 2021

Response: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For the Church. Make us instruments of your hope and healing that we may relieve the suffering and pain of all who are burdened with illness, addiction, injury or frailty.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For those who struggle with each passing day. All who flee from war or violence. Those who have no food, no homes or no opportunity. Those forced to live on city streets. All who are scared and alone because of this pandemic. Those in nursing homes and hospitals who struggle to survive.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For missionaries, volunteers and government workers who serve your people in places where there is crime, violence or poverty. May they bring hope to those who live in fear.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

Touch all who experience brokenness or incompleteness. Restore them to fullness in health, in relationships and in direction.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For all others we remember in our silence. For those who grieve the loss of loved ones. In thanksgiving for the energy and commitment of first responders, and for all intentions that we hold in our silence …

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

WEEK OF JAN. 31, 2021

Response: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For the church in her beautiful diversity. May we all be grounded in You: people of every race and culture, rich or poor, healthy or compromised, celibate, single, married or widowed. May we all know that you are the source of our life and our hope.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For modern prophets you have raised within our midst — those who whisper their fears and those who shout their protests. May they awaken new insights for renewal in us, in the church and in the world.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For all who exercise authority in any way. May they use their power to free and to heal others, to build community and restore dignity, to develop the common good and empower all to dream.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For all who are bound by evil. May your Spirit release those who held captive by their addiction, greed, vengeance and selfishness.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For all who struggle. May governments all over the world hear the needs of the powerless and the marginalized and prioritize legislation to help them.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For the intentions we hold in our hearts. For those who are afraid and burdened by the pandemic. For all who are sick, for those who are dying, and for all who grieve. Hear the prayers that remain within the silence of our hearts …

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

WEEK OF JAN. 24, 2021

Response:  Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For Pope Francis and the church. Strengthen us all that our faith may not hide behind our institution, but rather actively affirm God’s Holy Word that we are the Living Body of Christ called to love all people.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

May we embrace a spirit of repentance. Heal us in this time of pandemic. Strengthen us to leave our complacency and abandon our prejudices and judgment that we may find healing as we open our eyes and hearts to respecting all people.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For a spirit of holy detachment. May we understand that all our relationships and possessions are gifts and blessings from you.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For all world leaders and for the newly elected leaders of our nation. May we find ways to heal divisions, to break away from our fears, hatred, anger and violence that together we may move toward harmony and peace in every part of our world.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

Sustain and provide hope to all who are afraid and who suffer; to all who are alone or grieving loss; to all who are held by addiction or anger; to those who seek to find a new beginning, opportunity or direction. Help us break from old patterns that have not been healthy, wholesome or happy.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For our personal needs, for the sick and the dying and for the intentions we hold in silence.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

WEEK OF JAN. 17, 2021

Response: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For Pope Francis and the church all over the world. May we welcome others by our loving deeds and our truthful words.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For young people seeking direction in their lives. May they recognize the invitations of God’s Spirit to use their gifts and talents in loving service to others.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

Heal the deep wounds within our human family. Loosen the grip we hold on hatred, prejudice, racism and fear. Inspire us to work together to bring openness, peace and justice. Lead our nation toward unity and harmony.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For Christian Unity. May all Christians work together to confront evil and injustice.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

Bring healing and peace to all who suffer from this pandemic — those who are sick or dying in hospitals or old age homes, those who have lost loved ones due to COVID. May we find success in the distribution and effects of vaccination. We pray in thanksgiving for the continued health and dedication of our first responders. For all of these concerns that touch so many of us.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For our own needs. For people suffering because of alienation, addiction or loneliness. For those who are frustrated and cannot find direction. For all people who are in need our prayer and compassion. And for the needs we hold in our silence …

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

WEEK OF JAN. 10, 2021

Response: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

Renew the church. Stir up the gift of the Spirit within us. Make us bold in our faith and dynamic witnesses to your love.

Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

Embrace our world. Strengthen us to bear daily challenges and to confront our struggles with faith. Help us find ways to heal discrimination, injustice, poverty and violence.

Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

Inspire all the baptized and confirmed to be faithful to their promises. Fill them with zeal and courage.

Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

Heal all who are blind to your love. May those alienated from the church know and feel that they are welcome. Open our hearts to all who are seeking.

Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

Shepherd our beloved sick and grieving. Console the homebound, those alone, afraid and imprisoned. Comfort the dying; release the addicted and the abused. Bring us peace of mind and safety during this time of pandemic.

Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

Hear the prayers we offer in silence …

Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

WEEK OF JAN. 3, 2021

Response: Receive our prayer, O God.

Bless the with wisdom and understanding. Give us a mature faith that is open to healing those who have been hurt, angry and abused; to welcome those who have felt inferior or afraid; to understand and alleviate the spiritual hungers of our young people and all who are marginalized.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

Bless our world and its leaders with church honesty and compassion that we may stop the hateful violence caused by prejudice. We pray for an end to racial intolerance and anti-Semitism. May we embrace that truth that all people are God’s children.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

May this be a year of blessing and grace for the needy. May the poor find dignity; the hungry be fed, the hurting be strengthened, the angry find forgiveness. May migrants and refugees be welcomed and respected and allowed to establish new lives for their families. May medical research and the cooperation of all people bring this pandemic to a swift end.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

Bless Father Jim and our parish. May this be a year of grace and growth for us. May our faith deepen and shape our experience that we may journey together, directed by our dreams. We pray for blessings upon the Vietnamese, Burmese and all Immigrant families who are part of our parish community. 

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

Sustain all who are in need — the sick and dying; those experiencing grief, depression, unemployment and addiction; for family members and friends who suffer with COVID; and for all who need our prayer …

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

WEEK OF DEC. 27, 2020

Response: Receive our prayer O God.

For the family of the church in the world. Unite us in faith and in common purpose. Inspire Pope Francis and protect his leadership. Together with him, may we find ways to remove the burdens of the poor and the persecuted.

We ask: Receive our prayer O God.

Inspire all mothers love their children unselfishly. Guide them in the ways of truth and holiness. Inspire all fathers to seek wisdom and lead their children toward maturity and wholeness.May all children discover their truest dignity as children of God.

We ask: Receive our prayer O God.

Heal the many divisions that exist in marriages and families. May patience, honesty and forgiveness give way to nurturing and sustaining love.

We ask: Receive our prayer O God.

In thanksgiving for all who support and sustain family life – those who are single, widowed, childless, ordained or professed religious.

We ask: Receive our prayer O God.

For families separated by war, disaster and pandemic. For prisoners and those held in refugee camps. For families wounded by divorce or addiction and for all who are destroyed by prejudice or wounded and victimized by the arrogance of others.

We ask: Receive our prayer O God.

For blessings on the fragile young and the fragile old; for healing of orphans and anyone alienated from family. May our beloved sick, dying and grieving know compassion, and may our deceased family members rest in God’s love.

We ask: Receive our prayer O God.

WEEK OF DEC. 20, 2020

Response: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For Pope Francis and the church. May we know your grace and favor in our efforts and courageously cooperate with your Spirit who leads our world toward harmony and peace.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

Give us listening hearts to hear your voice and follow your will in these times of darkness, separation, division, pain, and pandemic. Help us to live in compassion and with sensitivity so that we may become channels of healing for our world.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

Bless pregnant women and families with children. May they know your presence and strength during these times of expectation. May all children shine with the promise of your love and remind us of the tender blessings you hold for the innocent.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For the lonely, the infirm, the homebound, the addicted. For all in hospitals, nursing homes, prisons or other institutions. Comfort those who grieve or struggle with the challenges of this time. Fill their emptiness with hope and energy.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

Hold safely those who travel during this season. May those who are separated from their loved ones find ways to communicate and celebrate the days ahead. Bless our parish with hope that we may soon be together again. We pray for all the personal intentions we hold in silence …

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

WEEK OF DEC. 13, 2020

Response: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For Pope Francis and the entire church. May we find ways to be channels of abundant joy,  to ease the heavy burdens that others carry and to be instruments of hope to the weary.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

Fill us with deep joy that we may understand the gifts of our relationships, the blessings we share in our faith and the promises of hope that the future can hold.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

Touch the hearts of all who are held captive — in prison, by addiction, with disease or in depression. Open for them the doors of opportunity, healing and freedom.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

Bring forth a new springtime of justice and peace in every land. May all elected officials, legislators and policy makers advocate for the needs of the poor and those in need.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For the sick, the dying and the grieving. For the lonely and the abandoned. For those who find the pressures of this season and the struggles of this pandemic too difficult to bear.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For the prayers we offer in silence …

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

WEEK OF DEC. 6, 2020

Response: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For the Church. Give us energy to encourage conversion, strength to bring forth justice and courage to live in deeper holiness.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For Christians all over the world during this Advent season. May this time of waiting. Inspire us to listen, heal and act with tenderness and compassion.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For all who are experiencing a profound loneliness made more acute by coping with this pandemic. Help them find the way to embrace a new vision for their lives.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For an easing of tensions within governments and among nations. May we find effective ways that can lead us toward better communication and deeper resolution. Give courage to those who must find ways to change so that everyone may live in peace and harmony.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For the blessings of this season upon the sick, the addicted, the dying and the grieving. Bless all who face these days with sadness and suffering. Help us find ways to end prejudice, violence and bloodshed.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For the prayers we offer in silence …

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

WEEK OF NOV. 29, 2020

Response: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For the church. May this season of Advent help us find a way to be light for the world, to bring unity within and among nations, and to restore healing to all peoples.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For a greater awareness among world leaders of how governments can work together to encourage the common good; to eradicate prejudice, violence, poverty and injustice; and to know the power that can come through our patience.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For any who have wandered away from an invitation to intimacy with God. For those who are afraid and suffering during this time of pandemic. May the memories and beauty of this season restore our hope and lead us closer to God’s constant love and warm compassion.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For all who spend this time waiting in hope — expectant parents, the unemployed, hospital and nursing home patients, prisoners, immigrants, refugees, the addicted and terminally ill, anyone who lives in constant expectation or distress. May their time of waiting be blessed with joy and possibility;

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For the prayers we offer in silence … We remember our beloved sick, dying and grieving …

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

WEEK OF NOV. 22, 2020

Response: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For Pope Francis, and all who lead within the church. May they be strong in shepherding the world with compassion and with love that we all may know the joy of welcoming the lost, healing the injured and caring for the abused

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For the grace to live in the spirit of Jesus. May we regard all others with dignity and with respect. May we be willing to give without expectation to all who are in need and to those who depend upon us.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

May every world leader comprehend the depth of human suffering that prevails in our world at this time. May they work together to find more effective ways to deal with this pandemic, to curb the destructive forces of selfishness, and to bring peace where there is violence and division.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For those facing difficulty, depression or unemployment. For those confronting addiction, grief or insecurity. For those who are alone, afraid, helpless or dependent. May all people find the support, courage and hope they need.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

We pray for our country during this season of thanksgiving. May we find reasons to be grateful and ease our tensions in order to remember our many blessings. May this time of suffering help us to grow in gratitude and prayer.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For the prayers we offer in silence … We remember especially our beloved sick and dying …

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

WEEK OF NOV. 15, 2020

Response: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For the Church. May we be good stewards of the many gifts you entrust to us. May they help us bring direction to our planet and uplift all humanity with sacred dignity, treasuring and securing the rights of every person.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For freedom from all that makes us afraid: the costly pervasive demands of this pandemic, the polarization of politics and people, the selfishness that engenders violence, the injustice that pervades so many facets of society. Give us the grace of courage, confidence and discernment.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

In thanksgiving for the blessings of youth and old age. May we be inspired by their wisdom and innocence. May we open our hearts and minds to our beloved young and old allowing their influence to shape our decisions.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For blessings on the newly elected leaders of our nation. May they work together for the common good that our country may be a beacon of light, illuminating pathways of freedom and opportunity for all who have suffered from this pandemic and for all oppressed by poverty, prejudice and illness.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

Strengthen the spirits of all people who suffer — immigrants, prisoners, victims, children who are lost or abused; those who are addicted, sick, dying and grieving. Open pathways of comfort and healing for everyone.

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

For the intentions that we hold within our hearts …

We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.

WEEK OF NOV. 8, 2020

Response: Receive our prayer, O God.

For Pope Francis and the church. Together, may we have wisdom and insight that we may find ways to strengthen the marginalized and the frightened, lighting the way for Christ to shine in every life.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For the gift of understanding. May government leaders and newly elected officials face issues with honesty; work for unity, justice and the common good.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For all who are waiting. Those struggling through fatal illness; those facing surgery; parents of sick children; prisoners, lovers and friends who are separated; people seeking employment; the aged and the lonely. May all know the hope, strength, and comfort of God’s love.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

In thanksgiving for military veterans who have defended and protected us in the past.And for the safety of those who serve in the military.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For those who have died — family members, friends, immigrant parents and children; victims of terrorism and war; missionaries; public servants and members of the military. May they know the eternal light of God’s peace;

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For the needs we place before God in our silence … We remember those who are alone, All who struggle through this pandemic — the sick, the addicted, the challenged and all who confront prejudice and despair.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

WEEK OF NOV. 1, 2020

Response: Receive our prayer, O God.

For a greater unity in the church under Pope Francis. May men, women and children from every land, race, and culture — rich, poor, powerful and powerless — be joined together as one body of faith, service and witness, faithful to the holy leadership provided by Pope Francis

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For blessings upon all world leaders and those we will elect in our country. May all government leaders recognize the dignity of all people as children of God. May they work together across aisles and borders toward the common good.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

May our world be inspired with vision. May the saints of our faith and tradition along with our beloved deceased who loved and led us in faith inspire us to live with Gospel values and to work hard to bring justice and peace to our world.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

Provide hope for the persecuted; courage for peacemakers; comfort for those who mourn; strength for the meek, the merciful and the poor in spirit. And guide us through our struggles with prejudice, addiction and the demands of this pandemic.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For our beloved deceased who we celebrate during this month of remembrance. May our relationship with them strengthen through our prayer and faith. May they inspire us with wisdom, courage and direction.

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

For our own intentions and for all who need our prayer at this time …

We ask: Receive our prayer, O God.

What is the prayer of the faithful today?

Lord, hear us. May the God of all consolation be with all who are in sorrow and mourning the loss of X May he give them the courage and strength to live through this time of suffering which has been laid upon them and give them a deep peace, which only can give.

What do we pray for in the prayer of the faithful?

We pray for peace in the midst of violence and tragedy in this world. May we have the patience to be understanding, the strength to be forgiving and the grace to admit when we are wrong. We pray to the Lord. Loving God, you sent you sent your only Son to show us how to live a life of love and compassion.

What do you pray for this year 2022?

May your year be filled with peace, prosperity and love. May God's blessings shower upon you and bestow upon each of you a bright, healthy and peaceful new year.