Process of iui treatment step by step

IUI or Intrauterine Insemination is now the first choice of any couple who are trying to have a baby for the past 6 months to a year. However, before going for Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) there are some points that you should keep in mind. One of the most important is, at least one fallopian tube must be open and the male partner must have at least a few healthy sperm. IUI is a daycare procedure and it does not need any kind of anesthesia or recovery period. Here are the details of the IUI step by step procedure to help you get ready for it:

Medical Evaluation

First of all, semen analysis for men and ultrasonography and blood tests for women are performed. This gives a fair idea of the ovarian reserve in women, which means the number of follicles left in the ovaries. This evaluation also involves checking the semen quality, amount of sperm, hormonal levels in women (FSH and AMH) and the chances of a healthy pregnancy.

Increasing the Ovarian Growth

To increase the growth of ovarian follicles, some medications are given. These injections and medicines help in boosting ovarian growth which increases the chances of getting pregnant.

Test to Check the Right Time for IUI

With the ongoing medications, an ultrasound is performed to check for the proper growth of eggs. When one mature egg is found, an IUI cycle is started.

Ovulation Stimulation

Then an ovulation stimulation injection is given to stimulate ovulation. This releases the egg within 36 hours.

Retrieving and Washing of the Sperms

Sperm samples are then collected from the male partner or the donor. Then the sperms are washed to remove immobile, low-quality or ill-shaped sperms. Only healthy and mobile sperm are retained for further process.

IUI Procedure

The patient lies on the examining table and the sperms are injected by a catheter. This is a painless procedure and it takes just a few minutes to complete. You can go home and resume your daily activities immediately after the procedure. However, some strenuous activities should be avoided.

Pregnancy Test

A pregnancy test is performed after 14 days of the IUI procedure. Patients who are prone to miscarriage are given progesterone therapy to help support the uterus lining in the meanwhile.

The chances of pregnancy in every IUI cycle is about 10-15%. Although, the chances vary as per the other health conditions of the patient. Some patients get pregnant in the first cycle, while others take about 3 or more of them. About 3-5 IUI cycles are performed, after which IVF is advised to the couple. After the completion of an IUI session, here are some success tips for you to increase your chances of getting pregnant. Ferticity is one of the high success IUI treatment centres in Delhi with its experienced staff and doctors. Ferticity is equipped with the latest machinery, a dedicated team and a lot of sensitivity towards its patients.

To get your Queries solved, and get your Infertility treated by our fertility experts, Book an appointment with Ferticity, the Best IUI centre in Delhi or Call us at +91-11-45890000, 9910120674 now!

What Is IUI?

Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) is a type of artificial insemination that involves a simple procedure of placing the sperms directly inside the uterus during ovulation period. This helps the sperm to get closer to the egg. This procedure can be performed either with the partner’s sperm or with sperm taken from a donor.

Who Need IUI?

IUI is effective for unexplained infertility, mild endometriosis, chronic cervical inflammation (cervicitis) or poor cervical mucus, low sperm count and motility, erectile dysfunction, and problems with ejaculation.

Couple who needs donor sperm, such as same-sex couple or single women wishing to conceive can prefer IUI as first choice of fertility treatment. Also, for couples who had timed intercourse cycles with medication but still have not seen positive results, IUI might be an ideal next step.

Process of iui treatment step by step

IUI might not be effective in women with severe endometriosis, fallopian tube blockage, severe fallopian tube disorders, multiple pelvic infections and in men with no sperm production unless the couple willing to use donor sperm

How Does IUI Work?

IUI is also called donor insemination or artificial insemination. In IUI, placing the sperm directly inside the uterus reduces the time and distance the sperm has to travel to reach the egg. This makes the IUI process successful by increasing the chance of fertilization.

Before going through the insemination procedure, ovarian stimulation medicines are given to the woman to stimulate the ovaries to release an egg or eggs.

Process of iui treatment step by step

Next, semen is collected from the male partner or the donor. It goes through a process called ‘sperm washing’ to remove the mucus and non-motile sperm in the semen and to improve the chances of fertilization through healthy motile and progressive sperm.

The catheter is used to place the washed sperm inside the uterine cavity bypassing the cervical mucus barrier, thereby increasing the concentration of sperm at the site of fertilization. Successful pregnancy happens if the sperm cells fertilize the egg and the fertilized egg implants in the lining of the uterus. IUI is a low-tech, simple and less expensive procedure than other types of fertility treatments.

Difference Between IUI And IVF Procedure

The major difference between IUI and IVF is that in IUI, fertilization occurs internally. That is, the sperm is injected directly into the uterus and if fertilization occurs, the embryo implants there as well.

With IVF, fertilization takes place outside the uterus, in a laboratory. The sperm and the egg are fused and after fertilization and the successfully fertilized eggs would be placed in the uterus. Preferably, the fertilized egg would then implant in the lining of the uterus and result in pregnancy.

Process of iui treatment step by step

IUI is less expensive and less invasive than IVF. It is generally recommended that couples try at least 6 cycles of IUI before moving on to IVF.

How IUI Is Done?

The Following Steps Will Be Followed During The IUI Procedure

Stimulate Egg Growth:

The woman starts on medication to stimulate the growth and maturation of eggs. Oral medication is taken regularly for 5 days and injectable medication is generally taken for 8-12 days based on the response of the ovaries.

Process of iui treatment step by step

Ultrasound & Blood Monitoring:

While on medication, a brief ultrasound is done every 2-3 days to monitor the stimulation of ovaries and the development of eggs. Blood tests are also done to assess the hormone levels associated with egg growth and ovarian function. Through this monitoring, we ensure everything is progressing safely and sound.

Ovulation Induced:

Once the egg is ripe, the patient receives a “trigger shot” to ovulate within about 36 hours. The shot is given either at the clinic or self-administered at home.

Sperm Sample:

Semen sample is processed by sperm washing,a process by which the healthy, motile (swimming) sperm is separated from the dead or nonmotile sperm, enzymes and fluids of seminal fluid.

Insemination Procedure:

The procedure of IUI takes about 15 to 20 minutes and is generally done in a clinic. The IUI procedure doesn’t require any medications or pain relievers. Either a specialist or trained nurse performs the procedure.

Ø During the procedure

The patient will be asked to lie down with legs into stirrups and speculum is inserted inside the vaginal cavity. During the procedure, the specialist or nurse:

• Connect a vial containing the sperm sample to the end of a long, thin, flexible tube (catheter)
• Inserts the catheter into the vagina, through your cervical opening and further into your uterus
• Pushes the sperm sample through catheter into your uterus
• Take away the catheter, followed by the speculum

Ø After the procedure

After insemination, the patient will be asked to lie on their back for a short period. Once the procedure is over, they can proceed to normal daily activities. Some light spotting for a day or two can be expected after the procedure.


A week after ovulation, progesterone levels are often tested.
Progesterone support is often used for women with recurrent miscarriage

Additional Testing:

About two weeks after insemination, follow up blood testing determines if pregnancy has resulted.

The Aftermath

To successfully become pregnant, the sperm has to fertilize the egg. This can happen anywhere from a few hours to a day or two following IUI. Even if the egg is successfully fertilized, you won’t immediately feel any symptoms of pregnancy.

Chances Of Pregnancy

What are your overall odds of getting pregnant after the IUI procedure? That is an individual factor and no doctor can give you a definite yes or no answer and can fully or accurately estimate the likeliness of you getting pregnant.

Process of iui treatment step by step

Nonetheless, it is a good idea to ask your doctor some key questions to assess the chances of getting successfully pregnant. Those questions are:

1. What is your successful IUI treatment rate?
2. What is your success rate among cases of women like me?
3. What can increase my odds of getting pregnant?
4. What factors can decrease my chances of getting pregnant?
5. Is there anything I can do after the procedure to increase my chances of getting pregnant?
6. Are hormonal treatments helpful? Should we try them?

What Are The Factors That Increase Your Chances Of Pregnant?

• You are younger than 35.
• Your eggs as well as your partner or your donor’s sperms are healthy.
• You don’t have a history of three or more than three miscarriages.
• You do not have a luteal phase defect.
• You have a fertility issue that can easily be managed with hormone treatments.
• You do not have any chronic illnesses.

Here Are Some Of The Most Commonly Asked Questions (FAQ) About IUI’s And Their Answers:

What Are The Chances Of Getting Pregnant With The Iui Treatment?

Women have a 10-20 percent chance of getting pregnant with each IUI cycle. The more cycles a woman goes through, the better are the chances of her getting pregnant.

Is The IUI Procedure Painful?

The IUI procedure is not at all painful, many women compare the procedure to a pap smear. The procedure takes place at the doctor’s office or the fertility clinic and there is no pain during the procedure however some women feel mild cramping after the procedure.

How long does the whole process take from start to finish?

Women who undergo the IUI procedure usually have to have their ovaries stimulated beforehand to mature the eggs and take a trigger shot to release one egg. Then, the partner or donor sperm will be used for insemination to fertilize the eggs. This whole stimulation process can take about 10 days.

What to do and not to do after the IUI procedure?

Do not take medications not prescribed by your doctor. Many women suffer from pain and cramps after the procedure. In that case, take a pain relief medication prescribed by your doctor instead of self-medication as it might reduce the chances of fertilization.

Are There Chances Of Getting Twins And Triplets From The Procedure?

Yes. The ovulation-stimulating medications that are often given in IUI cycles may help the body produce multiple eggs that may release at the same time. If two (or more) are fertilized and implanted, twins are a possibility. This happens in about 10-20% of cases with the IUI procedure.

Are Multiple Iui’s Needed To Get Successfully Pregnant?

When a woman does not become pregnant after one IUI cycle, a minimum of 3 cycles is recommended to enhance the success rate.

How Much Time After The Treatment Does It Take To Find Out If You Are Pregnant Or Not?

7-12 days after the egg gets fertilized and the implantation cycle is complete.

Where is the sperm collected?

The sperm sample is collected through ejaculation into a sterile collection cup. The male partner or donor can choose to collect his sperm sample at home or at the doctor’s office. If the sperm sample is being sent by the sperm bank, it will be sent directly to the doctor.

When Is The Best Time To Do An IUI Procedure?

Ideally, an IUI procedure should be performed within 6 hours on either side of ovulation. If two consecutive IUI’s are scheduled, they are usually spaced at least a day apart.


So, in conclusion, IUI is one of the best as well as inexpensive procedures of infertility treatment for couples who couldn’t conceive through natural means.

How long is the IUI process from start to finish?

This process can take up to 2 hours to complete. IUI is performed near the time that the woman is ovulating. The IUI procedure is relatively simple and only takes a few minutes once the semen sample is ready.

Is IUI a painful process?

IUI should not be painful, and most women don't experience much discomfort. The procedure takes about five to 10 minutes at the clinic, and does not require anesthesia or painkillers. That being said, it's not unusual to experience cramping or slight bleeding during or after the procedure.

How do I prepare for my first IUI?

10 Aug Preparing for a Successful IUI. ... .
Choose a fertility specialist with statistics in your favor. ... .
Reduce stress and anxiety (consider acupuncture…) ... .
Ask about sperm washing. ... .
Do not ejaculate for at least three days prior. ... .
Use an oral fertility medication. ... .
Make healthy lifestyle choices..

How many rounds of IUI does it take?

For women under 35, our doctors recommend doing 3 rounds of IUI before considering IVF, but this recommendation can go up to 6 in carefully selected patients. If you are over 35, this recommendation will likely be lower given that age has a profound impact on fertility.