Unit 5 polynomial functions homework 5 solving polynomial equations

Chapter 5.pdf


Unit 5 FAQs.pdf

Before starting this unit, lets get familiar with Desmos

Apr 27th - Use Desmos to graph

5.1 Identifying Polynomial Functions.pdf

5.1 done.pdf

Apr 28th - Use Desmos to graph this discovery lesson. AW Text is is posted on my MCT4C home screen (scroll down)

5.2a Graphs of Polynomial Functions.pdf

5.2a done.pdf

Apr 29th - use Desmos for technology

5.2b Graphs of Polynomial Functions.pdf

5.2b done.pdf

5.3a Comparing Polynomial Functions.pdf

5.3a done.pdf

5.3b Comparing Polynomial Functions.pdf

5.3b Investigation and Homework.pdf

5.3b Homework Solutions.pdf

5.3b done.pdf

May 5th - use Desmos (third video) for technology

5.4 Evaluating Polynomial Functions.pdf

5.4 done.pdf

May 6th -Use Desmos for technology

5.5 Solving Problems Involving Polynomial Functions.pdf

5.5 done.pdf

Mid-Chapter review time

-Complete sections 5.1 to 5.5 of the review

Unit 5 Review - Polynomial Functions.pdf

Review Unit 5 Solutions.pdf

May 7th or 8th Mid- Unit Quiz

No Week 5 check-in and Quiz b/c of Mid-Unit Quiz

5.6 Factoring Polynomial Expressions.pdf

5.6 done.pdf

5.7 Facotring Polynomial Expressions.pdf

5.7 done.pdf

5.8 Dividing Polynomials.pdf

5.8 done.pdf

5.9 The Remainder Theorem.pdf

5.9 done.pdf

5.9 Investigation.pdf

5.10 The Factor Theorem.pdf

5.10 done.pdf

5.11 Intercepts of Polynomial Functions.pdf

5.11 done.pdf

Unit 5 Review - Polynomial Functions.pdf

Review Unit 5 Solutions.pdf

May 22nd - End of Unit 5 Test

No Week 7 check-in and Quiz b/c of Unit Test


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