Very very faint line on pregnancy test almost invisible mumsnet

Marissa is the writer of ThePracticalMommy and the blog Mommy Knows What's Best. She is a stay-at-home mom to four and was a teacher.

A very faint line on a pregnancy test can be confusing.

A very faint line on a pregnancy test can be confusing.

It can be frustrating to wait for the results of a pregnancy test, only to have a faint line (or lines) appear. What does it mean when they're so faint they're almost invisible and don't get darker? Are you pregnant or is it a negative?

Am I Pregnant If I See a Faint Line on My Pregnancy Test?

A faint line still indicates a positive pregnancy. According to fertility expert Dr. Aumatma Shah, "A faint result may mean that you took the test too early when there was not enough hCG available in your urine to produce a dark line. Or, it could be that the embryo didn't implant, and hence, there was not enough hCG being produced. If the embryo does in fact implant and begin to grow, hCG levels will rise and the line should get darker." hCG levels are abundantly present two to three days after your missed period (15 to 16 days after ovulation), so if you have a faint line, wait until after your missed period to test.

Reasons for a Faint Line on a Pregnancy Test

Testing Too Early

Testing at any time before your missed period means there won't be enough hCG hormone in your urine for the test to detect. I recommend waiting at least three days after your missed period to test again if you want to be sure, but a faint line still indicates pregnancy because there was enough hGC to produce a line, just not enough to produce a dark line.

Diluted Urine

Results are more accurate when hCG hormones are concentrated. Drinking water will dilute the urine and may result in a false negative pregnancy. This is why it's important to test your first morning's urine before you eat or drink.

Chemical Pregnancy or Early Miscarriage

Early miscarriages, otherwise known as "chemical pregnancies," occur in the first 12 weeks. Even though you are no longer carrying an embryo, there may still be residual hCG hormone for the test to detect. Dr. Amy Beckley, CEO of MFB Fertility Center, explains, "Chemical pregnancies can sometimes be due to low progesterone. Therefore, when a woman gets a faint positive pregnancy test, she could be at risk of losing her pregnancy. If low, a woman should seek medical help and get progesterone supplementation. A pregnancy with a faint positive can be saved by progesterone supplemental. In fact, 30% of pregnancies fail due to low progesterone and by monitoring progesterone levels in early pregnancy, we could be saving them."

Your Test Isn't Sensitive Enough

Many people suggest getting a test that can detect 15-20 mIU/L. This means that even with low amounts of hCG hormone, the test can detect a pregnancy. However, the test is only accurate 60% of the time, so it is still better to wait a few days after you've missed your period to test rather than testing early, even with a highly sensitive HPT.

Faint positive pregnancy test. The pregnancy test has 2 lines but one is very light.

Faint positive pregnancy test. The pregnancy test has 2 lines but one is very light.

Which Is the Most Sensitive Pregnancy Test?

First Response is currently the most sensitive home pregnancy test on the market, detecting hCG levels as low as 6.5 mIU/ml, while most home pregnancy tests can only detect a sensitivity of 20–25 miU/ml. The lowest concentration of hCG that can be detected is 5 mIU/ml, but there is no over-the-counter product that is that sensitive.

Can a Faint Line Be Negative?

Sometimes a faint line may indicate a false positive, meaning you are not pregnant. There are two reasons this faint line may appear: the line is either an evaporation line or you had an early miscarriage. With early miscarriage, otherwise known as a "chemical pregnancy," residual hCG hormone may still remain in a woman's body, and there may be just enough for it to show up on a home pregnancy test. But unless you experience bleeding, a negative faint line is just an evaporation line.

What Is an Evaporation Line and Is It Common?

An evaporation line is a faint, almost colorless line that commonly appears when the urine in the results window of your home pregnancy test fades and dries out. This is why it is so important to read your results within the designated reaction time frame (usually 3-5 minutes) and not after that, otherwise you might assume you're pregnant when you're actually not. So make to sure read the results in the allotted time frame, not after!

I See Two Lines on a Pregnancy Test, But One Is Very Light

Most home pregnancy tests will show two lines. The first is to indicate that the test is indeed working and the second is to indicate pregnancy. Normally, the first line will be dark and clear to read. It's the second line that could be a little faint. If you read the directions for the test, they will tell you that the second line may appear lighter than the first, but even so, it still indicates a positive pregnancy.

Why Is the Second Line Faint?

You may have a low level of hCG in your urine as it may be very early in your pregnancy, or you took it later in the day when the hCG isn't as concentrated in your urine. If you wait a few days or even a week, the line may appear darker.

If you're still not sure or if the line appears the same, you can contact your healthcare provider to have a blood test. A blood test works in the same way as the urine test except that it is able to detect smaller amounts of HCG.

What If I See an Extremely Faint Line?

If this is the case, it may be way too early for the test to determine pregnancy. You just don't have enough hCG in your system to be detected. The result could also be negative, and what you're seeing is simply an evaporation line. Wait until you have missed your period, or even a few days more, and take another test. If you cannot get a positive reading even though you have missed your period, contact your healthcare provider to ask about a blood test. Also, ask about possible reasons why your period hasn't arrived.

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In this home pregnancy test, the test line is darker than the positive line, but
it still means there's a pregnancy.

In this home pregnancy test, the test line is darker than the positive line, but it still means there's a pregnancy.

How Home Pregnancy Tests Work

Home pregnancy tests are usually fairly accurate when it comes to predicting pregnancy. It's important, though, to know how they work and how to get the most accurate results.

Home tests use your urine to determine how much of the hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) is in your system. This hormone starts entering your system around 6-12 days after conception when the ball of cells, known as the blastocyst, has implanted itself on your uterine wall. Does that mean that 6-12 days after conception (if you can figure out when that occurred), you should take a home pregnancy test? Well, not exactly. At that point in your cycle, assuming you have a regular 28-day menstrual cycle, you'd still be about a week away from your next expected period, and there probably isn't enough hCG in your system yet to be read on a home pregnancy test.

Normal Levels of hCG From Last Menstrual Period (LMP)

Weeks From LMPhCG Concentration (mIU/mL)

3 weeks

5 – 50 mIU/ml

4 weeks

5 – 426 mIU/ml

5 weeks

18 – 7,340 mIU/ml

6 weeks

1,080 – 56,500 mIU/ml

7-8 weeks

7, 650 – 229,000 mIU/ml

9-12 weeks

25,700 – 288,000 mIU/ml

13-16 weeks

13,300 – 254,000 mIU/ml

17-24 weeks

4,060 – 165,400 mIU/ml

25-40 weeks

3,640 – 117,000 mIU/ml

Not pregnant

0 – 5 mIU/mL


0 – 8 mIU/mL

How to Avoid Getting a Faint Test Line

  1. Take the test first thing in the morning. The first morning's urine works best because the hCG hormone is most concentrated in the morning when you haven't diluted it by drinking water.
  2. Wait until you've missed your period to take the test. My recommendation is to always wait until you miss your period because this is when implantation prompts your body to produce more hCG. You'll have greater chance (80-90%) of seeing an accurate result after a missed period. For an even greater chance, wait about a week after your missed period, when the hCG is really in full effect in your system and you can get a really accurate result.
  3. Pick a home pregnancy test that detects 15 mIU/L or higher. Not all pregnancy tests react the same way to the amount of HCG in your urine, of course. It all depends on how many milli-international units per liter (mIU/L) of hCG the test can read. Some tests claim to be able to detect pregnancy really early (but only about 60% of the time), while others are best to take after you have missed your period. A test that can pick up only 15-20 mIU/L of hCG would be more sensitive and perhaps able to determine pregnancy sooner than a test that is only sensitive to 30-50 mIU/L. That means that the early results tests (the more expensive ones) may be able to tell you if you're pregnant sooner than waiting for your next period to be missed, but there's no guarantee. If you're willing to try one (or two), go ahead and buy more than one. However, you may be disappointed to see a negative result only to have to buy more pregnancy tests a week or so later after you've missed your period. As I said, those kinds of tests are usually only accurate 60% of the time.

A Faint Line Is Most Likely a Positive Test Result

If there are two lines, no matter how faint the second one is, you're most likely pregnant! If you still need to know for sure, contact your healthcare provider to ask for a blood test.

Usually, about a week or so after you see your positive pregnancy test result, you'll start experiencing some of the common early pregnancy symptoms, and then, you'll know for sure you are pregnant. Until you know for sure, act as if you are pregnant. Take prenatal vitamins, eat a healthy diet, exercise when you can, and avoid anything you shouldn't be exposed to during pregnancy.

Best of luck to you!

Home Pregnancy Test


  1. "Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG): The Pregnancy Hormone,", August 22, 2017. Accessed April 21, 2018.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and does not substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, and/or dietary advice from a licensed health professional. Drugs, supplements, and natural remedies may have dangerous side effects. If pregnant or nursing, consult with a qualified provider on an individual basis. Seek immediate help if you are experiencing a medical emergency.

Questions & Answers

Question: I have a red line and faint one. Does it mean I’m pregnant or not?

Answer: If both lines appeared within the first 10 minutes, then yes it can mean pregnancy. You should wait a few days before testing again.

Question: I have two red lines on my pregnancy test, but one line is faint. Does it mean I'm pregnant or not?

Answer: If both lines appeared within the first 10 minutes of taking the test, that usually means pregnancy.

Question: There are two red lines on my pregnancy test, but one is not too clear. Am I pregnant?

Answer: If both of the lines appear within the first 10 minutes of taking the test, then yes, it could mean you are pregnant. After the first 10 minutes or so, the test is considered invalid, and any line that shows up after that is not considered a valid result.

Question: I have taken a pregnancy test. My C-line is dark and my T-line is light? Does it mean I'm pregnant or not?

Answer: If the lines appeared within the first 10 minutes of taking the test, then it usually means pregnancy.

Question: What causes invalid pregnancy test results?

Answer: Invalid pregnancy test results occur when the test is not taken according to the instructions, or the results are read after the initial 10-15 minutes.

Question: My pregnancy test shows a faint line. Should I consider it a positive?

Answer: If faint lines appeared within the first ten minutes of taking the test, pregnancy may be possible.

Question: What does it mean when pregnancy test T is a dark line and c is a light line?

Answer: If both lines appeared within the first 10 minutes of taking the test, it means pregnant.

Question: I took a pregnancy test, and after five minutes, it showed only one line going across. There were no faint lines. After ten minutes, it stayed the same, but then twenty minutes later a small faint line appeared. Is that the evaporation line?

Answer: After the first ten minutes, any result that appears would be considered invalid.

Question: The line on my pregnancy test didn't show up until the day after. Am I pregnant?

Answer: If you take a test one day but then don't look at it until the next day, the results by then are considered invalid.

Question: After a positive pregnancy test, when should I visit the doctor?

Answer: You should call the doctor to make an appointment. Usually, doctors see you between six and nine weeks. If you just missed your period before you took the test, that means you are around four weeks along.

Question: I recently had a miscarriage on February 12th, 2018. I bled for that week. After the bleeding stopped, I had intercourse, and haven't had my period since. It is now the end March. I took five to six pregnancy tests. Four tests were positive with the faint line. The first two were negative. Is it possible that I'm pregnant now?

Answer: First, I am very sorry about your miscarriage. If you got positive results, even if one of the lines was faint, it most likely means pregnancy.

Question: One line of my pregnancy test is red, and the other is a light red. What is the result?

Answer: If both lines appeared within 10 minutes of taking the test, then usually that means you're pregnant.

Question: Could I be pregnant if one of my breasts is leaking water?

Answer: Not necessarily. Hormones can cause that to happen at any time. The only way to know is to take a test.

Question: I have taken 7 test within the last 5 days. I had a miscarriage on March 9th, 2019 and I was 7 weeks and 4 days and with that said I have been devastated but I am confused about my period. My period returned heavy on the beginning of April and I guess that means I'm not late but I feel pregnant. Only one test had a very very faint positive line and the ones after(different brands) have only negative lines. Could I be pregnant?

Answer: It can take a while before the pregnancy hormones are fully out of your system. I suggest speaking with your doctor about a blood test.

Question: I had a faint line on my pregnancy test, and a blood test showed 1.20 miu/ ml. Also, my nipple hurts. Am I still pregnant?

Answer: the faint line would indicate that yes, you may be pregnant, but I'm not sure what the blood test results mean. I suggest speaking with your doctor.

Question: I am six days delayed. When I checked a pregnancy test, I only saw a faint line. Am I pregnant?

Answer: If there was only one line, then most likely not.

Question: I have two red lines but one is faint on my pregnancy test. After two days I had one red line on my pregnancy test. Does it mean I'm pregnant or not?

Answer: Did the two red lines appear within the first 10 minutes? If so, I suggest retesting. If not, then it means there isn't a pregnancy.

Question: I got a faint line on 3 tests 12 DPO then went in for a blood test to confirm. The test came back inconclusive and they want me to test again in 4 days time. Is an inconclusive blood test normal? I would have thought the blood test would indicate pregnancy before the HPT.

Answer: Sometimes, one of your hormone levels might go up while the other does not. If it continues to be that way, it could indicate an early miscarriage. This is probably why they want to retest.

Question: The first pregnancy test I used revealed a negative result. Then, I used a pregnancy test again after two days. The result this time around is two lines, but the other one is faint. What does it mean?

Answer: If both lines appeared within the first 10 minutes of taking the test, then it can mean pregnancy.

Question: I took a pregnancy test and one line was dark while the other was faint. What does that mean?

Answer: As it says in the article, you might not have enough HCG in your system yet for both lines to become dark.

Question: I have tested on the 36th day of my cycle. The first line is darker, and the second is lighter. Am I pregnant?

Answer: If both lines appeared within the first 10 minutes, then yes you may be pregnant.

Question: I've already missed my period but when I took a pregnancy test I got two lines but one was faint. Could I be pregnant?

Answer: If two lines appeared within the first 10 minutes, then yes, it's possible. If you continue to miss your period, the lines on new tests should continue to get a little darker. For some women, they never get any darker, but it still means pregnancy.

Question: I took a test and can see a very faint line in the light. Is it positive?

Answer: If you found it really hard to see a line without using a light, it may not be positive yet. I suggest waiting a few more days and retesting.

Question: I have a red line and faint line. It is showing light color. Does it mean I'm pregnant or not?

Answer: If two lines appeared within the first ten minutes of taking the test, then yes, it could mean pregnancy.

Question: I have one red line in the pregnancy test kit. Does it mean I am not pregnant?

Answer: Usually, one line means not pregnant. Read the pamphlet that comes with the test.

Question: I am in the 5th week. Still, I get the faint line. Am I pregnant?

Answer: After a while, the tests don't work quite like they do right in the beginning of a pregnancy. I suggest speaking with a doctor if you are concerned.

Question: I had one deep line and a faint one. 24 hrs after, I got my menstrual flow. What does that mean?

Answer: I'm sorry, but it most likely means that there's no pregnancy.

Question: I've had more the 10 faint lines on a pregnancy test over the course of 4 months. What does that mean? Pregnant, not pregnant, or should I just go to my doctor and see what's wrong?

Answer: Yes. If you are experiencing difficulty with fertility, you should see a doctor.

Question: I am a week late why is my test still faint? It is not getting darker.

Answer: some women do not get dark results on home pregnancy tests. It has to do with the levels of HCG in your system. If you are concerned about pregnancy, I suggest you speak with a doctor.

Question: After 3 days, would a faint line on a pregnancy test confirm that I am still pregnant?

Answer: Some women never get two solid lines on their pregnancy tests, yet are pregnant. I suggest getting a blood test to confirm.

Question: Two days after my missed period, and the test line is still faint. Do I have a dead baby?

Answer: Often times the lines just don't get darker. If you are concerned about the pregnancy, I suggest you speak with a doctor about a blood test.

Question: My period is eight days late. On a home pregnancy test, the second line is faint. After a week I retook the home pregnancy test. It's still faint. Am I pregnant?

Answer: Some women never get dark lines on pregnancy tests. If you are concerned, I suggest speaking with your doctor about a blood test to make sure that your numbers are going up.

Question: Why is my pregnancy test showing a faint first line, while the second is dark?

Answer: It could be that you don't quite have enough HCG in your system for both lines to be dark.

Question: l have a red line and faint one before and after my menstrual period. Does it mean am pregnant?

Answer: Did you miss your period? If so, yes, you may be pregnant.

Question: If there is a very light line on the pregnancy test what does it mean?

Answer: If both lines appear within the first 10 minutes, it could mean pregnancy.

Question: I took a pregnancy test and then after that two lines appear. C is darker than T. Maybe few hours it became one line only. What does it mean?

Answer: Tests are only considered valid within the first 10 minutes of taking them.

Question: I have one dark red line and one faint line. Am I pregnant?

Answer: If they both showed up within the first 10 minutes of taking the test, then usually it means pregnancy.

Question: I am three days late for my period. I took a pregnancy test this morning and left in on the counter. An hour later I checked it, and it had a very faint half second line. When I got home this afternoon, I looked at it again, and now I can see a more pronounced blue line. Is this still a positive?

Answer: After the first 10 minutes of taking a pregnancy test, it is considered invalid. I suggest retaking the test.

Question: When I took my first pregnancy test my two lines are clear but after two hours when I test there is only one line prominent. Could I still be pregnant?

Answer: Sometimes you use up all of the HCG in your system on your first test, and it takes a while to build back up, especially in early pregnancy.

Question: I have done 7 pregnancy tests over the past days. Every one showed a faint line. The digital says not pregnant and my bloodtest also. I am four days late. Am I pregnant or not?

Answer: It might be early for you to get an accurate reading. Some pregnancy tests have more sensitivity than others. It would be best to wait a week or more and then test again.

Question: My pregnancy test shows two faint lines. Does it mean I’m pregnant or not?

Answer: If two lines appeared within the first 10 minutes of taking the test, then yes, it may mean that you are pregnant.

Question: I have taken a pregnancy test. My C-line is faint and T-line is blank. Does this mean it's negative?

Answer: Yes.

Question: On my home pregnancy test, one line shows dark in color, and another one show very light. Am I pregnant?

Answer: If both lines appear within the first 10 minutes, it usually means pregnancy.

Question: I took three pregnancy tests. On the 1st test, the second line was a very dark positive. The 2nd test showed a lighter positive, while the 3rd test resulted in a very faint second line. What does this mean?

Answer: If you took all three tests at the same time, chances are that the HCG in your system just ran out at that time. If even one of those was positive, then chances are that you are pregnant. I suggest contacting your doctor.

Question: Yesterday, I took a pregnancy test, and it showed one clear line and another faint line. This morning, I took another test, but it showed only one line. Am I still pregnant?

Answer: It's possible that you're still pregnant.

Question: My test showed two faint lines, and after 5 to 10 minutes it showed two dark lines? Am I pregnant?

Answer: If you read the test within the allotted 10 minutes, then yes, you may be pregnant.

Question: I just took a pregnancy test, but the test line is lighter than the control line. Am I pregnant?

Answer: If both lines appeared within the first 10 minutes of taking the test, then you are most likely pregnant.

Question: My test has one red line, and another that is very faint. Am I pregnant?

Answer: If they both appear within the first 10 minutes of taking the test, then it can mean pregnancy.

Question: I have very faint line and one dark line. Am I pregnant?

Answer: If both lines appeared within the first 10 minutes, then yes, you may be pregnant.

Question: I went to the doctor today and had him test me and he said the first was fuzzy so they did another one and it was negative. I have taken two at home and they were faint lines. What do I do?

Answer: It's possible that you tested too early. I would wait a few more days and test again.

Sandhya on June 29, 2020:

I had periods on 10 june to 15june l got test on 25june there was one line dark and one was fant what lts meaning

Shelby on June 10, 2020:

I keep getting faint positive and then I get negatives I been testing since April and I took one today and it was negative but the one before tht was a faint positive

Marissa (author) from United States on May 16, 2020:

If there are two lines, it usually means pregnancy.

Karla on May 14, 2020:

I have pcos and I took a pregnancy test about an hour ago it came with 2 lines but the 2nd line is light am I pregnant

Marissa (author) from United States on April 25, 2020:

I would contact your doctor to see what they say about an appointment.

Sarah on April 20, 2020:

With the coronavirus I’m terrified to go get my blood drawn. I’ve taken probably 50+ pregnancy tests (Wondfo, Wonfo early results, Clearblue Digital, First Response Rapid, First Response Digital, and Walgreens) all came up positive, but light... for a full week. Well, the 2 digital were just “Pregnant” and “Yes +” but still the line ones are all weak, but I can’t stop peeing and drinking. Last night it killed me to wait 3 hours. I get up and pee about every 2 hours or so even if I don’t sip on water. I don’t think I have diabetes, besides crazy thirsty (which is always a symptom for me & so is peeing), I have no other symptoms.

What do you recommend? I have a bunch of symptoms. I’m 17 dpo. My husband thinks I should go in at 6 weeks unless I miscarry.

Oh I got the digital pluses at 12 dpo. I do know when I O’d. I have a history of chemical pregnancies but I have successful ones too.

mbaly on March 16, 2020:

I have dark line on my first test second test shows faint line

Marissa (author) from United States on January 31, 2020:

Adriana, if you've been testing for 2 weeks, you should go see your doctor instead.

Adriana Mitchell on January 30, 2020:

Had 3 test all really faint but showed faint withing ten min but those 3 test were spred out between two weeks and are still not darkening

Britney on January 19, 2020:

Ive done so many clear blue and these other test they coming up very light positive but other ones dont does that mean im pregnant

Lalitha on January 18, 2020:

I m Lalitha age menstrual cycle 26 days... I have PCOS and ovulation 40 day...I taken the pregnancy test... Both lines are verey light...I'm pregnant or not?

m. pallavi on December 17, 2019:

Add Your Comment.

1month ago 3weeks c line is dark T line is light iam pregent or not

Rk on December 03, 2019:

There is half pink line shows on T what it’s mean????

Kuunna on December 02, 2019:

There is dark line and another one is faint with haft... is I am a pregnant

Arathi on November 28, 2019:

Pregnancy test showimg toooo light 2nf line. One day delay missed prd and 19th day ovulation

JG on October 21, 2019:

Hi! I have took 5 PT all came back with faint line, the first time I took was 2 days before missed period I am now 3 days missed period but the faint line seems to be the same since the first day I took the test and also had a little brownish discharge when my period was due. Please help. Thank u

Carol Marie Tenney on October 04, 2019:

I have took two pregnancy tests Nd they both show up a positive faint line, what does that mean?

Marissa (author) from United States on August 27, 2019:

If two lines appear within the first 10 minutes of taking the test, then it usually means pregnant.

sushma.k on August 25, 2019:

This was my first baby test.i skip my period 28days back.C is getting lite pink and T is very dark colour.please tell me I am pregnant or not?

Marissa (author) from United States on August 21, 2019:

Tani, you should speak with a doctor.

Tani on August 14, 2019:

I have a pink line and an extremely faint line on my test this morning. But also started spotting yesterday which is when I should have started my period, and am still spotting. Does that mean I could still be pregnant ?

Emily on July 15, 2019:

Ugh this article. A pregnancy under 12 week is NOT A “chemical pregnancy”. A chemical pregnancy is not even a medical term, but it means that you have a positive test and nothing yet can be seen on ultrasound to confirm a pregnancy. You are still very much pregnant with a baby (not a chemical!), but many miscarriages do indeed happen before anything prominent is seen on a scan, like around the time a woman would kiss her period, and she wouldn’t have even known if she had not taken the test. Around 7-8 weeks you would see your baby, moving around, with little arms and legs. That’s before 12 weeks! Also the baby’s heart starts beating only 22 days give or take after you conceive. It can be detected through a scanner at as early as 5-6 weeks pregnant (2-3 weeks after conceiving. So update your article because a miscarriage before 12 weeks is devastating and not simply a “chemical pregnancy”.

Millicent on July 13, 2019:

I did a pregnancy test one line appeared nd i put it in my drower then wgen i check it in the morning two lines showed up that means m pregnant?

Marissa (author) from United States on June 17, 2019:

Ascincion, please contact your doctor.

Ascincion A. Bocal on June 03, 2019:

I took my pregnancy test last June 1,2019 it seems one is darker color and one is very light color my last period is April 23-29 2019.

Is this very positive pregnancy.?

Mam? I am worried because I have a 2 year old son .

Marissa (author) from United States on May 06, 2019:

Ana, it's possible.

Ana on May 03, 2019:

I am recently 5 days late on my period I took a pregnancy test on May 1,2019 and it was a very faint line then on May 3,2019 I took another one and the positive line was darker then the first test am I pregnant?

Marissa (author) from United States on May 01, 2019:

Juya, speak with your doctor.

Juya Khan on April 25, 2019:

I missed my period for 12 dey ,I repeat my pregnancy test for 4 time at regular intervals but it's still showing a faint line why

Michelle bounds on April 21, 2019:

I've had 4 or 5 cheap 88¢ tests say faint lines the last one was a little darker...but I took two clear blue digital tests they say not pregnant. But the first test I took was on the day I started bleeding three days...I guess my period hit early, but does that mean I'm pregnant?...

Marissa (author) from United States on April 04, 2019:

Carmilar, if the pill you are referencing is the morning after pill, it can mess with your cycles.

Carmilar on March 25, 2019:

I had my periods on 13 feb 2019 then had sex on 2 march an i took my pill dat same day and now im 12 days late...could i be pregnant

Marissa (author) from United States on March 09, 2019:

Renay, I would wait a few more days and test again.

Renay on March 07, 2019:

Week before i was supoosed to strt i had 2 days of wiping a light red then brown discharge after peeing, today is one day past my missed period and ive tken 3 tests all came back very faint second line but i cant tell if pregnancy or evap all within 5 minutes of testing. Any comments also when should i test again?

Marissa (author) from United States on February 18, 2019:

Keisha, if two lines appeared within the first 10 minutes, then yes, you may be pregnant.

Keisha on February 12, 2019:

Hello any help anyone i have T line fainr light and C line dark red done 3 test, would it mean am pregnant?

Lyndsi Kennedy on February 11, 2019:

Hi! So I feel like im losing it lol. I took two first response tests and both had lines sooo faint it was hard to tell if they were even there. I took one to my sis in law and she said yeah, no, wait yeah, idk lol. Both were the exact same.

You couldn't see them in a picture at all and you had to look hard to see that second line. How long should I wait to retest since I'm already three days late? Also do you think there's a good possibility in my chances of not being pregnant? I have a five month old and this is not really something I'm wanting to experience again so quickly. Any insight is appreciated, thank you!

Larissia on February 06, 2019:

I take a test monday night a it showing two line one bright and one faint.Am I pregnant?

Sufiya on February 06, 2019:

My result shoe one dark line and faint line i miss my period from 8_days my cycle is correctly .can had sex

Anjum kouser on January 24, 2019:

I have a red line and another line is showing light color does it mean I'm pregnant or not?

Leah on January 23, 2019:

I have positive faint line but before I had take PT I had sex with my husband last week and everytime we sex I got spotting I used contraceptive also last year and I stopped using it last month dec24 2018 my last period begins on Dec. 25 2018 am I pregnant?

Marissa (author) from United States on January 02, 2019:

Juliet, you should test again.

Marissa (author) from United States on December 28, 2018:

Sharleka, did they test your levels again?

Marissa (author) from United States on December 28, 2018:

Lakshmi, if two lines appeared within the first 10 minutes, it usually means pregnancy.

Sharleka Taylor on December 23, 2018:

Good morning, Thursday was the first day of my missed cycle and I tested positive that morning. A few hours later I started lite spotting and went to the dr and got a negative and they did bloodwork that came by with a level of 10 and suggested chemical pregnancy. I’m wondering could my levels just be low due to catching it so early? I tested Tuesday and it was negative so for me to get a positive on Thursday and be losing it Thursday isn’t really registering to me... is there any chance they were wrong? I’ve tested positive everyday since Thursday and even using evening urine but they’re all about the same darkness. Thursday-Sunday I’ve tested.

Nicola on December 11, 2018:

Can I be pregnant with one dark and one line was light

Marissa (author) from United States on December 11, 2018:

Sharika, it might mean that you are pregnant.

SHARIKA on December 08, 2018:

I see one red and one very faint line, the test was taken TWO day before I missed my period. what does it mean

Marissa (author) from United States on November 28, 2018:

Doreen, I highly suggest you speak to your doctor. While bleeding in early pregnancy is quite common, it could also be something else.

Marissa (author) from United States on November 28, 2018:

pg, Some women never get darker lines on pregnancy tests and still are pregnant. Unfortunately, there is no way to save a 'failing pregnancy'. I suggest speaking to your doctor about a blood test.

doreen gakii on November 28, 2018:

i did testing last week and got two lines one faint.yesterday i had a heavy bleeding but when i tested again i got two lines one lighter than before. what does it mean

pg on November 24, 2018:

I am 4 days past period and already took 5 tests, each came up extremely faint line, almost invisible.

what does that mean?

If there a way to save a failing pregnancy if that is what it us?

Marissa (author) from United States on November 23, 2018:

Smiley, I'm not sure what kind of suggestions you are looking for.

Marissa (author) from United States on November 23, 2018:

Tracy, yes, it happens all the time.

Marissa (author) from United States on November 23, 2018:

Akua, bleeding can occur in early pregnancy, but I would still speak with your doctor.

Marissa (author) from United States on November 23, 2018:

Sushmita, it means not pregnant.

Akua on November 17, 2018:

I see one red and one very faint line, almost invisible and the test was taken a day after I missed my period. Minutes later I see blood. Does it still mean that I’m pregnant

sushmita parmar on November 16, 2018:

Mykit showed C line but T line was not there wht does this mean

Yvette on November 14, 2018:

I tested on Tuesday got very faint line then tested in Thursday and got another very faint line I’m due for my periods in 3 days could I be pregnant?

Smiley on November 11, 2018:

Hey i just had a baby a year ago and this morning just found out im Pregnant.. Any suggestions any help cause my family is really not supportive

Marjorie on November 10, 2018:

Hi mam. Im asking last period is sep 19 and then oct is not came my period and i take pregnancy test in 5 times and its all positive sometimes there is a faint one but the other is positive line..then now i get spotting and bleeding what is it? Tnx

Marissa (author) from United States on November 09, 2018:

Zanele, two days after sex is too early to test.

Marissa (author) from United States on November 03, 2018:

Monique, if two lines appeared within the first 10 minutes of taking the test, then you may be pregnant.

Marissa (author) from United States on November 03, 2018:

Cy, it could just be a stomach virus.

Monique Seibeh Wesseh on October 30, 2018:

Did a pregnancy test few days ago,one line was dark and the other line was very faint.

But I’m having symptoms of early pregnancy,I’m pregnant?

cy on October 22, 2018:

after seeing my period I still have signs of nausea, then I tested but it was negative yet I don't feel satisfied because I still ve nausea.. am I pregnant??

Marissa (author) from United States on October 21, 2018:

Klair, sometimes it takes a while for both lines to darken. For some women, they never darken, but they are still pregnant. I suggest speaking with a doctor.

Klair on October 20, 2018:

Hi! I am currently wondering about all of this vut trying to get more of an insight. I had taken the test 10/19/18 and found fhat the first line was super dark, the other was faint! (First response, 3 days after missed period)

I took another test the next morning 10/20/18 and the results the sane but thr second line is just a very tad bit fainter, but so is the dark line.

Both lines appeared almost instantly however.

Im super excited but nervous at the same time, my fiance keeps telling me mot to stress to much!

Riji on October 10, 2018:

Hi my pragnancy text one line dark pink. Then secont line lite pink colour. I am pragnent?

Marissa (author) from United States on October 06, 2018:

Sharavani, you should speak with your doctor.

Marissa (author) from United States on October 06, 2018:

Shwetha, as I am not a doctor, I am not familiar with this medication. I highly suggest you speak to your doctor.

Shravani on October 03, 2018:


My last period date is aguest 30.iam testing with home kit on September shows T line is faint and weak.

Next iam testing september 3rd T line also good.why iam not seen T line is good on September 29th..??

It is ectopic pregnancy....??

Shwetha on October 02, 2018:

I got faint line it was little dark only .....i did test with upt and scan was negative but even after 47 days I have not got periods and seeing little bleeding. Doctor has given meprate tablet for 5 days. I am not able to understand what is happening can u pls give me a clarification. Why this tablet is given and if test result is negative why my periods is still not come

Leola on September 11, 2018:

Hi... I did a pregnancy test one line dark and the second line faint and after 2 hours later I did another test and it was negative.. funny I am having cramps..headache..nausea and my breast are sore ... what could this mean ? please help

Karthigaa praveen on August 28, 2018:

Hi ..... I had a half pink line when I tested yesterday near to one dark line ... Does it mean I'm pregnant ... Can u please say ....

Marissa (author) from United States on August 26, 2018:

Lildacone, ask your doctor for a blood test.

LilDacone on August 25, 2018:

Im just over a week late, had sex around ovulation time according to my tracking apps, been testing since just before missed period and been getting either very faint lines or negatives wothout any progression all week, would it be more likely to be evaps, never had these problems before when testing, only since ive been late

Jade on August 15, 2018:

I took 3 pregnancy tests yesterday morning 13/08/18 it came back with very faint lines does this mean that I’m pregnant? I’m very nervous. Iv had weird cravings and really sore boobs but recently they’ve been on there just a little sore now. Iv been told I must be quite early for the lines not too show up dark enough. Can someone give me some advice please because my partner is wanting a child and this is what I wanna give him.

Riya pradhan on August 06, 2018:

Hie I m Riya..I m 20 years old the month of April I got pregnant and I aborted the baby..after that in July I have been intimitated.then I missed my period .after that checked home pregnancy test it appears a faint line..I have been checked for 2 times and I get 2 times faint line ..and today I had bleeding and some pain in stomach it a miscarriage or late I pregnant or not? Plzz tell me what to do ?

Riya on August 06, 2018:

Hie I m Riya ..and I m 20 in April I had aborted the baby..after the abortion in July I had sex and then I missed my periods.after my periods 10 t0 12 I have tested it appears 2 times a faint line on test kit ..and today the bleeding started ..what's the reason the bleeding is happens .is it a miscarriage or late period..or am I pregnant or not? Please reply me fast

Marissa (author) from United States on August 02, 2018:

Shruti, it could mean pregnancy.

Shruti hanamantaray on July 31, 2018:

If T is dark and C is faint then what's the mean?

Marissa (author) from United States on July 28, 2018:

Fiona, you should retest.

Marissa (author) from United States on July 28, 2018:

Kaash, you should wait a few more days and retest.

Fiona on July 23, 2018:

If my lines are very VERY faint but showed up on two tests, then the next day, there were no lines, is it possible I am pregnant?

Kaash on July 21, 2018:

I Had a dark line and very faint line in pregnancy test what does it mean.i checked 5 days before period date

Marissa (author) from United States on July 17, 2018:

Azeh, I'm sorry, but we don't have that capability here.

Marissa (author) from United States on July 08, 2018:

Vino, I would speak to your doctor.

Marissa (author) from United States on July 08, 2018:

Jummy, it was too early to test.

vino on July 05, 2018:

I was tested on 5th day of my missed period &also I have bleeding but in my test result I found one dark line &one mild line but that line didn't any color am I pregnant or not

jummy on July 03, 2018:

I took a pregnancy test 3days after my ovulation and I saw one faint line. what does that mean?.

Azmira Yeasmin on June 26, 2018:

On a pregnancy test, what if 1 line is very light and the other is very dark?

Aswa on June 24, 2018:

What is the result if the c line is a slight line?

Kanisha wright on June 14, 2018:

I took a test today at 5:45 am and I left my home I came back and seen a dark line and a faint line then i retested at 2pm but only see one line! What does this mean?

Marissa (author) from United States on June 12, 2018:

Sarita, I suggest speaking with your doctor.

Marissa (author) from United States on June 12, 2018:

Gairo, even if one is faint, it can still mean pregnancy.

Marissa (author) from United States on June 12, 2018:

Rachael, if only one line appeared, it usually means not pregnant.

Sarita on June 11, 2018:

Hi ladies,

I had my 1 frozen embryo (6AB) transferred on June 1st. I have been doing HPT since day 7 post transfer till today and they all show a very faint line. I read a faint line is still a line but it’s freaking me out because the line doesn’t get any darker! I have tested 5 times already and they are all the same not even slightly darker. I even read ovulation kit will show positive if you are pregnant and I have done 2 ovulation test yesterday and both were negative. My blood is scheduled for Wednesday and I’m already driving myself crazy. I don’t have any other signs of pregnancy rather than cramping which I also had during my fresh cycle and I believe it’s because of hormones. Could hormones be a reason for the faint line? I’m taking Prometrium and Lupin-estadiol. Could they be reason of consistent faint line? I’m using First Response test by the way. I'm attaching a picture of today's test which is 10dpt.

Does anyone had any similar experience?

Sarita on June 11, 2018:

Hi ladies,

I had my 1 frozen embryo (6AB) transferred on June 1st. I have been doing HPT since day 7 post transfer till today and they all show a very faint line. I read a faint line is still a line but it’s freaking me out because the line doesn’t get any darker! I have tested 5 times already and they are all the same not even slightly darker. I even read ovulation kit will show positive if you are pregnant and I have done 2 ovulation test yesterday and both were negative. My blood is scheduled for Wednesday and I’m already driving myself crazy. I don’t have any other signs of pregnancy rather than cramping which I also had during my fresh cycle and I believe it’s because of hormones. Could hormones be a reason for the faint line? I’m taking Prometrium and Lupin-estadiol. Could they be reason of consistent faint line? I’m using First Response test by the way.

Does anyone had any similar experience?

Gairo on June 11, 2018:

At 11today I took a test shows two line one is faint im 3 days late with periods wot do this mean

Is a barely visible line a positive pregnancy test?

Any positive line, no matter how faint, means your result is pregnant. Levels of hCG in your body will increase over the course of your pregnancy. If you test early, your hCG levels may be still be low and you'll see a faint positive line.

Why did the faint line on my pregnancy test disappear?

The levels of hCG are very low at first and then they rise quickly, doubling every three days in early pregnancy. That's why you might have a faintly positive result at first and one that's crystal clear a few days later.

Can a faint line be thin?

What Do Faint Pregnancy Test Lines Mean? If you follow all of the instructions correctly, you may notice a thin, faint test line that appears within a few minutes. It can seem at first that the line is too faint to count, but after 10 minutes, it darkens.