What food to eat to increase breast milk

New motherhood is full of surprises and life-altering changes. As a lactating mother, your body involves several changes in a day that should be addressed wisely and taken care of. Your body actively produces milk from the number of calories consumed in a day, and therefore, a breastfeeding mother often feels hungry. There should be a proper diet for breastfeeding mothers to increase milk and nutrient consumption. 

New moms feel concerned about their breast milk but often forget to examine the foods to eat while breastfeeding to increase milk supply. So let’s discuss some of the foods rich in minerals and promote a healthy milk supply.

1. Oatmeal and porridge:

What food to eat to increase breast milk
Oatmeal and Porridge

Oats are undoubtedly the best source of calcium, fiber, iron, and essential nutrients. In addition, oatmeal is the best food for breast milk as it contains saponins, which maximize the efficacy of breast milk supply hormones. There are several ways in which you can add oats to your diet.

Some of the easy preparations are:

  • Porridge: Adding a bowl of porridge to your diet can surprisingly increase breast milk production. Many women feel that slow-cooked porridge is better than instant ones. 
  • Oat Bars: Oat bars can be consumed as a snack along with tea or coffee. Homemade bars with jaggery are flavorsome and beneficial at the same time.

2. Fenugreek seeds:

What food to eat to increase breast milk
Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek seeds are a popular ingredient in many Asian recipes. It is an herb and is one of the best foods to increase breast milk. Fenugreek is rich in plant estrogen, and therefore, it helps in breast milk supply. Some of the fenugreek seeds recipes that you can prepare are:

  • Fenugreek tea: You can prepare fenugreek tea by boiling some seeds in water for three to five minutes. Strain the fenugreek seeds, and you can have it like hot tea. You can also place it in a container and consume it as a cold drink. Consume it two to three times regularly for good results.
  • Fenugreek cookies: Fenugreek cookies are easy to make and can be very effective in the long term. You can add ingredients like whole wheat flour, brewer’s yeast, oats, cinnamon, and brown sugar, along with fenugreek seeds.

3. Garlic:

What food to eat to increase breast milk

Garlic is rich in galactagogue and is one of the best foods to increase breast milk supply. It is nutritious and beneficial for a mother's body. Studies show that breastfeeding mothers who consume garlic have longer breastfeeding hours than others. Garlic has natural compounds that enter a mother's milk and strengthen the baby's immune system. You can add a moderate amount of garlic (one or two cloves) to your regular diet. It can be added as a flavor in various dishes like pasta, fried vegetables, or soup. 

4. Barley:

What food to eat to increase breast milk

Barley is one of the richest sources of beta-glucan that helps increase the prolactin levels in mothers. Barley malt can also be an excellent supplement for breast milk supply. It is made with barley grains that are allowed to germinate. After some time, it becomes a sweet syrup malt that can be a substitute for maple syrup.

5. Sesame seeds:

What food to eat to increase breast milk
Sesame Seeds

Sesame seeds or til is a good source of omega-six fatty acids, minerals, and calcium. It is the best food for breast milk as it contains plant estrogen that improves the breast milk supply. You can eat them just as seeds or sprinkle them in your salads or other food recipes. As they have higher Calcium content, they are beneficial for the mother and her baby. Traditionally, they are stuffed in ladoos in Indian households or can be added with jaggery to gajaks. 

6. Brewers yeast:

What food to eat to increase breast milk
Brewers Yeast

It is used as a nutritional supplement and has a higher content of vitamin B, protein, chromium, and selenium. It has probiotic properties and is proven as the best food that increases milk production in mothers. It has incredible power to uplift the mood and elevate the energy levels in mothers.

 7. Papaya:

What food to eat to increase breast milk

Papaya is a delicious fruit and has lots of health benefits. It regulates the production of a hormone called oxytocin in the mother’s body and increases the breast milk supply. Papaya is undoubtedly one of the foods that increase milk production in new moms. Some recipes to make it more interesting are:

  • Papaya salad or soup: You can prepare a green papaya salad along with some basil leaves for your daily meal, or you can prepare green papaya soup.
  • Papaya paratha: You can make your regular paratha more interesting by stuffing grated raw papaya in it.

8. Chickpeas:

What food to eat to increase breast milk

Chickpeas are undoubtedly one of the best foods to eat while breastfeeding to increase milk supply. They are a good source of galactagogues and have good protein content for producing enough breast milk. There are endless ways to involve chickpeas in your regular diet. You can make hummus and eat it with carrots, pita chips, or a sandwich. Roasted or baked chickpeas can be added to different dishes for a flavorsome meal.

9. Ginger root:

What food to eat to increase breast milk
 Ginger Root

Ginger should be included in a regular diet for breastfeeding mothers to increase milk production. Ginger roots are very effective in healing mothers after childbirth and stimulating the breast milk supply. It has a galactagogue that maintains milk production. You can easily add ginger to your food recipes or tea. Ginger ale or dried ginger supplements can be consumed once or twice a day for best results regarding lactation supply. 

You should consume the best foods that increase milk production and are beneficial for your breastfeeding days. But if you struggle with your milk production, you must visit a lactation consultant for better guidance. Being a new mother involves several changes, so be ready to tackle them with these foods to increase milk supply. Apart from breastfeeding, many mothers even opt for formula feeding. Here is everything you need to know about formula feeding.

What foods help generate breast milk?

10 Foods That Increase Milk Supply.
Dark Green Vegetables. Dark leafy green vegetables such as alfalfa, lettuce, kale, spinach, and broccoli are full of nutrients, especially calcium. ... .
Fennell. Fennel is a plant from the Mediterranean. ... .
Garlic. ... .
Chickpeas. ... .
Sesame Seeds. ... .
Almonds. ... .
Fresh Ginger Root. ... .
Brewer's Yeast..

How can I naturally increase my breast milk?

Some of the best ways to naturally increase breast milk include:.
Evaluating your baby's latch..
Continuing to breastfeed..
Using a breast compression..
Stimulating your breasts..
Using a supplemental nursing system..
Making healthy lifestyle changes..
Breastfeeding longer..
Not skipping feedings or using formula..

How can I increase my breast milk quickly?

Increasing Your Milk Supply.
Breastfeed every time your baby is hungry. ... .
Make sure your baby is latching well..
Offer both breasts at each feeding. ... .
Empty your breasts at each feeding. ... .
Avoid bottles and pacifiers in the early weeks. ... .
Get plenty of sleep, and eat a healthy diet..
Pump or express your milk. ... .
Relax and massage..