When getting a passport do they keep your birth certificate

Does lack of documentary evidence apply to you? Then you need to show that it really is not possible for you to get a passport and/or birth certificate. ​You must prove with documents why this is not possible. The IND then determines, for your situation, if you are unable to meet the standard of proof.

You must have a good explanation for why you are not able to obtain to a birth certificate and/or passport. Can you not get a passport? Please explain with evidence why your government will not or cannot give you a passport. For a birth certificate and/or passport you may need to travel. Sometimes you need to travel to your country of origin. This takes you a lot of effort. You must show what you have done and why it did not succeed.

Documents to proof lack of documentary evidence

You do not easily get an exemption from the obligation to provide a birth certificate or travel document. Only on the basis of your personal situation can you be given an exemption. You could, for example, show one of the following pieces of evidence:

  • A declaration from your authorities stating that you are not able to show a passport and/or birth certificate. The declaration also states why this is not possible. You can contact your embassy for this. You can also contact the authorities in the country of origin.
  • Documentary evidence from which it is evident that you have made an effort to obtain a passport and/or birth certificate. For example, travel documents (tickets) of trips that you and/or your family members have made. Letters or emails containing information you have requested or requests that you have submitted. Documents from schools, churches, lawyers or other organisations that you have requested to help.

Examples of lack of documentary evidence

In these examples, there is lack of documentary evidence.

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  • Example 1 lack of documentary evidence

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    Bao Tran is Vietnamese. She wants to become a Dutch citizen, but she does not have a Vietnamese passport or birth certificate. She applies to the Vietnamese embassy for a passport and birth certificate. She receives 2 statements that these documents cannot be given. In the statements the following reason is given: "after you left the locality without declaration, therefore we did not have any record". This means that the authorities have no registration anymore of Bao Tran.

    The IND knows that Vietnamese persons who have been living abroad for over 2 years, are no longer in the HuKau. Vietnamese nationals who are no longer in the HuKau can only obtain documents if they are registered again. This can only be done if they themselves go to Vietnam.

    The IND grants Bao Tran lack of documentary evidence, because: 

    • she has statements from the Vietnamese Government;
    • the IND knows that Vietnamese persons who live abroad for a long time will be removed from the HuKau;
    • and there is no doubt about the identity of Bao Tran.

  • Example 2 lack of documentary evidence

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    Joseph was born in Angola. He has an Angolan passport and a non-certified birth certificate. He has asked the Angolan Ministry of Foreign Affairs several times to legalise his birth certificate. He has asked someone in Angola to help him. He also travelled to Angola himself for the legalisation. His requests have been rejected without any real refusal or reason.

    With his application to become a Dutch citizen, Joseph encloses a letter stating everything he has done to legalise the birth certificate. He also has various documents that prove everything he has done. His passport and identity card are valid and correct.

    The IND grants Joseph lack of documentary evidence, because:

    • he has shown that he has done as much as possible to have the birth certificate legalised;
    • the Angolan Government has given Joseph a valid and correct passport.

Examples of no lack of documentary evidence

In these examples, there is no lack of documentary evidence.

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  • Example 1 no lack of documentary evidence

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    Asiye is Lebanese and born in Lebanon. She has a Lebanese passport but no birth certificate. Asiye sends letters to the Embassy of Lebanon in the Netherlands. She also asks the Embassy in Germany for a declaration. The declaration states that she was born in Lebanon. The embassies do not issue a statement. Asiye calls the embassies several times. Asiye has tried to obtain a birth certificate, but this is not enough. She can still try to obtain the birth certificate herself in Lebanon. Because she has not done anything else and also because she cannot show any evidence, she is not granted lack of documentary evidence.

  • Example 2 no lack of documentary evidence

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    Joseph was born in Angola. He has no Angolan passport and no birth certificate. To get these documents, he went to the embassy of Angola in Brussels. The embassy could do nothing for him. Joseph cannot prove that he was at the embassy. For example with a train ticket or a waiting ticket that shows that he was at the embassy. Furthermore, Joseph says that, due to illness, he cannot travel to his native country. He has a medical statement for this.

    The IND investigates the lack of documentary evidence. The Medical Assessment Section of the IND assesses that Joseph is able to travel. It also says that Joseph can get treatment for his illness in Angola. Joseph would thus be able to travel to Angola himself to get a birth certificate and a passport.

    Joseph is therefore not granted lack of documentary evidence. He can also ask family or friends in Angola for help. The Consulate of Angola namely issues proxies so that Joseph's family can do this. Joseph would not need not to travel himself.

  • Example 3 no lack of documentary evidence

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    Mei Ling comes from China and has the Chinese nationality. Mei Ling and her two minor children want to become Dutch citizens. Mei Ling has a Medical Birth Certificate and a Chinese passport. Her children do not have passports and birth certificates. Mei Ling never registered her children in the civil register of China. Mei Ling has contacted the Embassy. The embassy cannot help her. Mei Ling does not want to travel to China, this is expensive and the children must go to school in the Netherlands.

    Mei Ling is not granted lack of documentary evidence. She can travel to China herself. She can also ask for help from family or someone else in China.

  • Example 4 no lack of documentary evidence

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    Deniz was born in Turkey, he has the Turkish nationality. Deniz has no birth certificate and will have to request this in Turkey. If Deniz goes to Turkey to request his birth certificate, he will be drafted into military service. He does not want this. Deniz has also no money to buy off the compulsory military service. This is not a valid reason for lack of documentary evidence.
    But if Deniz is summoned from Turkey for military service, a passport is not necessary. The summons shows that Deniz has the Turkish nationality. He then does not have to show a valid Turkish passport. The summons for compulsory military service must not be older than 1 year.

What holds you back from getting a passport?

The principal law enforcement reasons for passport denial are a valid unsealed federal warrant of arrest, a federal or state criminal court order, a condition of parole or probation forbidding departure from the United States (or the jurisdiction of the court), or a request for extradition.

How long does it take to get supporting documents back from Passport Office UK?

If you're eligible, you'll usually get your documents back within 10 working days.