Can someone on facebook tell if you look at their pictures

Can someone on facebook tell if you look at their pictures

That’s you pro-stalking your ex on Facebook (Picture: Getty)

Facebook, the world’s biggest social network, has been prime land for people to exercise their stalking capabilities for years.

Can someone on facebook tell if you look at their pictures
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Whether you find yourself late at night scrolling around the profile of an ex or you have decided you want to see the pictures from your hairdresser’s holiday to Greece in 2010, most people love a good stalk on Facebook.

Facebook allows its hundreds or millions of users to search, stalk, creep and enjoy the full scope the social network offers.

Can someone on facebook tell if you look at their pictures

This is you and all your friends stalking each other (Picture: Getty)

One of the main novelties surrounding Facebook is the anonymity of your stalking abilities.

However, rumours circulating on the world wide web had people worried that what they thought was innocent anonymous stalking actually had a consequence.

A rather embarrassing one.

The idea that if you viewed someone’s profile on Facebook your name would come up in their People You May Know section was doing the rounds, and it has people in hysterics regularly.

The rumours are most likely not true, and as Facebook has asserted multiple times that people do not know who views their profile.

Facebook states on their website that: ‘Facebook doesn’t let people track who views their profile.’

Can someone on facebook tell if you look at their pictures

(Picture: Getty )

There are also apps you can sign up to or even buy to see who is viewing your personal private profile but they cannot, in fact, provide the functionality they promise and Facebook says: ‘Third-party apps also can’t provide this functionality. If you come across an app that claims to offer this ability, please report the app.’

The answer is no, someone cannot tell if you have been looking at their Facebook and stop being paranoid, throw caution to the wind and stalk to your heart’s desire.

Facebook did, however, introduce Facebook Stories this year and you can see who views those posts and ho has viewed your Facebook story, much like Instagram and Snapchat versions of the feature.

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If you look at someone's facebook pictures then is there a way for the person to be able to know that you have been looking at them? As I've noticed that before I would have search down the list of results a bit before the person who's profile I looked at would show up but now they are at the top. Surely this must have some effect at their end especially if they have not been added as friends and also with facebook applications like stalker tracker or whatever it is called.

Can someone on facebook tell if you look at their pictures

Basically am I now screwed?

No they can't find out. So stalk as much as you want

Can someone on facebook tell if you look at their pictures

Yes they also know when you knock one out to them

No, you're fine. Unless you do it loads and loads so you come up at the top of their top followers.

Just think, do you you know everyone who looks at your photos?

Haha breh everyone stalks each other. It's what baitbook is for. No-one will find out so have fun.

(Original post by Fragile_Illusions)
No, you're fine. Unless you do it loads and loads so you come up at the top of their top followers.

Just think, do you you know everyone who looks at your photos?

No that only works if you interact with their page a lot i.e you comment on their walls and message them a lot etc. If you're just flicking through photos it won't register.

(Original post by Fragile_Illusions)
No, you're fine. Unless you do it loads and loads so you come up at the top of their top followers.

Just think, do you you know everyone who looks at your photos?

Top followers? So there is a way of me being found out?

Can someone on facebook tell if you look at their pictures

I bloody well hope not.

Girls would probably think I'm a creep or something - I just look at them for amusing comments...

Can someone on facebook tell if you look at their pictures

(Original post by DarkSenrine)
I bloody well hope not.

Girls would probably think I'm a creep or something - I just look at them for amusing comments...

Can someone on facebook tell if you look at their pictures

Well that's a lot less creepy than my reason which is that I actually have a crush. Also considering I haven't added them it would be very creepy.

Can someone on facebook tell if you look at their pictures

No they won't know if you've viewed their photos. Although recently there's a new app where people can find out who's been viewing their profile, they'd have to get the app first though.

(Original post by ChoccyLovaa)
No they won't know if you've viewed their photos. Although recently there's a new app where people can find out who's been viewing their profile, they'd have to get the app first though.

The app is fake.

No, not unless you 'like' their pictures by accident or something.

I hope not

Can someone on facebook tell if you look at their pictures

(Original post by beecher)
Yes they also know when you knock one out to them


Can someone on facebook tell if you look at their pictures

Nope. And hopefully there never will be. How embarrassing.

And the age old question rises again. Don't worry mate, facebook has made sure that we can stalk with no fear

Can someone on facebook tell if you look at their pictures

If they could then facebook would be finished

Can someone on facebook tell if you look at their pictures
... they should just change the name stalkbook

Also don't fall for the ''join dis group 2 find out whoz beeeen lookin at yo profile lolzzzzzz'' - it's bull****.

I hope not ...

Can someone on facebook tell if you look at their pictures

Isn't it kind of scary that you need to ask this question? Who've you been FB stalking?

Can I see who is looking at my Facebook photos?

No. Facebook doesn't let you track who views your profile or your posts (ex: your photos.) Third-party apps are also unable to do this.

Can someone tell if you look at their pictures on Facebook 2021?

No, Facebook doesn't tell people that you've seen their profile. Third-party apps also can't provide this functionality.