How do i register my edd customer account number

I got a continued claim form in the mail from EDD (filed on 3/17) but I haven’t received any info on signing up online like the EDD Customer Account Number. Should I wait to see if that comes? Or should I fill this out and mail it back? I really would prefer to have an online account.

EDIT: I never got an email from EDD after I filed either. Is that normal?

I applied for unemployment at the end of February and never received my EDD customer account number. But then I got a job, and didn't think I'd need the unemployment so I never looked into it.

Joke's on me though, because after two weeks of work the governor of CA declared the stay at home order and I was out of a job.

Now when I go on the unemployment website it won't let me file a new claim because I've filed a claim in the last 12 months and I can't log on to view my current claim because I never got the EDD customer account number. Obviously, I've called and there's been no way to get through to anyone, which makes sense because so many people are filing for unemployment and the poor workers at the unemployment office are probably swamped, but I don't really know what else to do now.

I submitted an Ask EDD question requesting my EDD number, so fingers crossed that works soon so I can file, but if anyone has any advice or tips, or even if you know how long it'll take Ask EDD to get back to me, anything is appreciated.

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    • May 14, 2020
    • 1 min read

Updated: Feb 9, 2021

Facebook thread here

You’ve been approved for benefits but you are still waiting on your EDD account number (EDDCAN), which gains you access to the UI online portal to check benefit awards and certify online. Instead of waiting on the mail, this tip has proven to work: Login to your EDD account and register for SDI online (don't apply - just register!).  Enter all your personal info. On the last page it gives you your account #. Now use your account # and log back in to EDD online. You will now be able to check your account info and certify for your benefits online.

  • EDD is auto completing registration, so EDDCAN won't be required for most claimants to log-in

  • Use AskEDD to request EDDCAN. You should get your EDDCAN within 5 days.

  • Call 1-833-978-2511 or 800-815-9387

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How do i register my edd customer account number
How do i register my edd customer account number

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How do i register my edd customer account number
How do i register my edd customer account number

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How do i register my edd customer account number
How do i register my edd customer account number

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How do i register my edd customer account number