How often do people get canker sores

Canker sores can happen to anyone, at any age. Although simple canker sores are mostly common in the age group of 10 to 20, complex canker sores can happen at any age. Complex canker sores are rare but people with a history of simple canker sores are prone to them. Scientifically, there is still an open and unsettled debate as to what precisely causes canker sores. Unlike most other dental or oral problems, canker sores do not have a surefire specific cause. There are many arguments and speculations. While there can be some rare factors for an individual, these five reasons are the most common and widespread causes of canker sores among all and sundry.

1. Vitamin deficiency

      Most problems of the skin and outermost layers of the human body in areas such as the inside of the mouth are owing to vitamin deficiencies. In case of canker sores, the specific vitamin is B-12. Kids require more vitamins than adults because they are consistently growing and the body keeps demanding more vitamins. Also, kids are the most averse to vitamins. Fruits and vegetables are not typically a dear favorite of the young guns. Thus, vitamin B-12 deficiency is rather common among kids. If this is the cause of canker sores, then taking vitamin capsules or applying the contents of vitamin B-12 capsules directly to areas where sores have developed can offer quick and painless results.

        2. Nutritional deficiency

        It has been noted in several studies that canker sores are either caused or triggered further when there is a deficiency of folic acid, zinc, or iron in the human body. Deficiencies of calcium can also cause canker sores, but more than causing them, calcium deficiency can worsen the situation. Healthy eating is the best solution to such a nutritional deficiency.

        3. Stress/injury

        Stress on the tissues or any type of injury in the mouth can cause canker sores. Since the sores are actually tiny ulcers, they can be caused by any kind of hard brushing or eating something that can cause bruises or lead to tissue inflammation in the mouth. Also, many people suffer from injuries from dental equipment such as braces. Using harsh mouthwashes or oral products that can damage the outermost layering of the mouth can also lead to canker sores. Poorly fitted dentures, brushing too roughly, not keeping the mouth clean, or using any harsh product can lead to stress or injury of the tissues and that may cause canker sores!

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          4. Fruits and vegetables

          Ironically, some fruits that are considered to be very healthy due to their nutrients are actually not desirable when one has canker sores. Many citrus fruits are highly acidic and can cause or worsen canker sores. While it is not entirely accurate to state that fruits such as oranges, lemons, or pineapples can in and of themselves cause canker sores, they can when there is already some stress on the tissues and the surfaces inside the mouth are prone to burn or react to the acidic nature of the fruits. Strawberries, figs, tomatoes, and apples are some of the foods that should be avoided if one has canker sores.

          5. Poor immune system

          People who have a poor immune system are more prone to canker sores. It is difficult to find a specific correlation of immune system with canker sores and pinpoint what exactly is in one’s immunity that triggers canker sores, but the fact that the immune system cannot prevent or repair it quickly is reason enough to consider it to be a contributing factor. Besides, there is evidence that gastrointestinal problems and other diseases contribute to or cause canker sores.

          Originally posted in 2013 and updated regularly

            Canker sores, also called aphthous ulcers, are small painful sores inside the mouth. The lesions are oval shaped ulcers with a yellow-gray center that a red ring surrounds. Canker sores typically last 1–2 weeks.

            Canker sores can make eating, drinking, and talking painful. They usually go away without treatment within 2 weeks. Several over-the-counter (OTC) treatments are available to help speed up healing.

            Canker sores are one of the most common medical conditions that affect the mucous membranes of the mouth. Most people get their first canker sore during their teenage years.

            The exact cause of canker sores is unclear. However, they may have links to hormone changes, mouth injuries, and nutritional deficiencies.

            In this article, we examine how long canker sores last. We also look at their healing timeline and the available treatments.

            Canker sores are a common oral condition that affects about 20% of the population.

            Although canker sores can occur on any mucous membrane in the body, the mouth is the most common site.

            Canker sores typically form on the soft areas of the mouth. These areas include the:

            • inside of the lip or cheek
            • tongue
            • floor of the mouth
            • soft palate
            • back of the throat

            A canker sore usually progresses from a sore spot into an ulcer over 1–3 days. The ulcer then enlarges to its final size over the next 3–4 days and stabilizes before it begins to heal.

            In most individuals, canker sores resolve in 7–14 days.

            The duration of a canker sore depends on its type. The different types are:

            • Minor canker sores: These are the most common type of canker sores. They are up to 5 millimeters (mm) in diameter and last 7–14 days.
            • Major canker sores: These are larger than 10 mm, and can extend to 3 centimeters. Major canker sores typically last for several weeks.
            • Herpetiform canker sores: These are a much less common type of canker sore. They are the size of a pinpoint and often develop in clusters, which may join to form one large ulcer. Herpetiform canker sores can last for 1–2 weeks.

            Canker sores usually heal without any treatment within a 2-week time frame.

            The first stage of healing is the prodromal, or beginning stage, which is the period before the ulcer forms. An individual might feel a burning or prickling sensation that precedes a painful, raised reddened area on the mucous membrane.

            In the next stage, the typical yellow-gray ulcer forms, with redness surrounding the ulcer like a halo. During this period, the pain may increase.

            Finally, the healing stage begins, and healthy tissue starts closing over the sore. The pain goes away as the ulcer gets smaller.

            The exact duration of each stage will vary among individuals, but the following timeline provides a guide of what to expect.

            Prodromal stage

            The prodromal stage, before the canker sore appears, lasts 1–3 days.

            Ulcer stage

            The ulcer has usually fully formed by about the third day. This stage tends to last 3–6 days, but in some cases, it can be longer.

            Healing stage

            The healing time frame of a canker sore depends on the type of lesion.

            • Mild canker sores last between 7–14 days and should heal without scarring.
            • Major canker sores can last for several weeks and be painful for longer. They often leave a scar in the mucous membrane.
            • Herpetiform canker sores can last for 10–14 days and typically heal without scarring.

            There is no cure for canker sores. Treatments and strategies that may lessen the pain and promote healing include:

            • applying topical OTC protective gels or patches to form a barrier around the ulcer
            • applying an OTC benzocaine pain liquid
            • gargling with a homemade mouth rinse comprising 1 teaspoon of salt or baking soda in 1 cup of warm water
            • using a cotton tipped swab to apply a small amount of sesame oil to the ulcer four times a day for 5 days
            • taking ibuprofen to reduce inflammation and ease pain
            • avoiding common canker sore irritants, such as hard, spicy, or citrus foods that could irritate the ulcer
            • drinking cold fluids with a straw, eating Popsicles, or applying a small piece of ice to the sore for a short time to help numb the pain
            • avoiding chewing gum
            • keeping the mouth clean by brushing at least twice daily with a soft toothbrush
            • correcting any vitamin deficiencies, such as folate and vitamin B-12 deficiencies
            • practicing stress management techniques

            People can purchase benzocaine pain liquid or protective gels or patches online.

            A person should see a doctor or dentist if the canker sore:

            • is unusually large or painful
            • has not healed after 2 weeks
            • occurs with other symptoms
            • affects the ability to eat or drink

            A doctor may suggest treatments such as:

            • applying a prescription corticosteroid directly to the sore
            • taking oral corticosteroids
            • using a mouthwash three or four times a day that comprises equal parts lidocaine, diphenhydramine, and a liquid antacid to help reduce pain
            • using chlorhexidine or corticosteroid mouth rinses
            • applying OTC topical products containing benzocaine (e.g., Anbusol or Orajel)

            Certain underlying medical problems can sometimes be associated with recurring canker sores. These include:

            • Crohn’s disease
            • celiac disease
            • HIV
            • Behcet’s disease

            A doctor may order additional tests if a person with canker sores has additional symptoms, such as a rash, stomach pain, or swollen lymph glands.

            They may recommend a biopsy for oral ulcers lasting longer than 3–4 weeks.

            Canker sores are a common type of mouth ulcer that typically lasts 1–2 weeks. They usually occur for the first time during a person’s teenage years.

            People can treat canker sores with OTC pain-relieving gels, saltwater rinses, and prescription medications.

            Although they are painful, canker sores are rarely severe, and they tend to go away on their own.

            A person should see a doctor for canker sores that last longer than 2 weeks or are unusually large and painful.

            How often do you get canker sores?

            Simple canker sores: These may appear three or four times a year and last up to a week. Complex canker sores: These are less common and occur more often in the people who have previously had them.

            What does it mean if you get canker sores often?

            If they keep on coming back, it might be due one or more of the following factors: Certain food groups: wheat, chocolate, citric acid, spicy foods or those eaten very hot. Irritation from foreign objects in the mouth like poorly fitting dentures or braces. Hormonal changes e.g. during menstruation or pregnancy.

            Is it normal to get canker sores every week?

            A long-lasting or recurring mouth ulcers may be a sign of deeper issues, so it is best to get it checked out by a dentist. However, trauma, vitamin B12 deficiency, specific allergies, and diseases such as lupus, Behçet's syndrome, and Crohn's disease can cause mouth ulcers to reoccur.

            Are occasional canker sores normal?

            They can occur at any age but are more likely in younger adults and women. Children as young as 2 years may develop canker sores, but they do not normally appear until adolescence. Although most people only have occasional canker sores, around 20-30 percent of people have recurrent episodes.