How soon can you get breast tenderness in pregnancy

Sore breasts are a very common problem among women, and usually, this condition is misunderstood as a sign of pregnancy. Although it is one of the early symptoms of pregnancy, more often than not, it may be because of a whole other reason.

If you’re trying to conceive, you might not be happy to know that this is yet another inconclusive sign of pregnancy. But if we dig a little deeper into the kind of soreness you feel in your breasts, you’ll be able to identify it better.

How Do Your Breasts Feel During Pregnancy?

Breast pain can be of many forms. It may affect one or both breasts. It may arise in a specific spot, all over, or moving outward towards your armpits. The soreness can be occasional or may stay there at all times. Here’s a detailed overview of the same.

What Does The Soreness Feel Like During The Initial Days Of Pregnancy?

  • Dull and achy breast pain
  • Heavy or swollen breasts
  • Extremely sensitive to touch, exercising, or sex
  • Very painful if you try to sleep on your stomach

How Do They Feel During The Early Weeks?

During the early weeks, the nipples are so sensitive that you won’t be able to touch or dry them after taking a shower. Even putting on a bra seems like an impossible task. This soreness, however, passes within a few weeks.

How Do They Feel As The First Trimester Progresses?

During this time, the women feel fullness and heaviness instead of tenderness. A few women also feel a tingling sensation in the nipples during this time.

Sharp breast pain, which feels like a stab of a knife into a specific region of the breast, may also be noticed but is not very common during pregnancy.

Why Does Breast Soreness Occur During Early Pregnancy?

How soon can you get breast tenderness in pregnancy

Sore Breasts – Does it really confirm pregnancy?

Women usually experience breast pain as the first sign of pregnancy. It occurs as early as in the first two weeks of conceiving. The soreness peaks in the first trimester as your body gets flooded with hormones. These hormones play a crucial role in preparing your body to grow your kid and satisfy his/her hunger.

These hormones start working on preparing your breasts for breastfeeding. The blood flow to the breasts increases, which makes your breasts look larger. This growth is usually painful, causes skin irritation and itching.

In preparation for breastfeeding, the milk ducts of your breasts also grow, and hormones trigger the growth of milk-producing glands. All these things make your breasts go through a huge growth spurt.

Other Changes Your Breasts Go Through During Pregnancy

There are plenty of other changes as well that take place in a woman’s breasts during pregnancy.

  • Blue veins pumping more blood to your breasts.
  • Change in size and shape of your nipples.
  • In the second trimester (week 13-26), the areolas (the pigmented areas around the nipples), may get darker.
  • The darkening of nipples may continue throughout the second and third trimester.
  • You may have some bumps on the areolas, known as Montgomery’s tubercles, which is completely normal.
  • These bumps produce oil that lubricates the breasts during breastfeeding, making it an easier and more comfortable process for you as well as your child.
  • In 2nd and 3rd trimesters, you may observe secretion of yellowish fluid called colostrum.
  • Colostrum is very important for the newborn as it boosts their immune system. The newborns drink this “liquid gold” before the milk comes in.
  • Nipple discharge may take place anytime but it usually happens while nipple stimulation. This discharge may look creamy white, green, yellow or brown.
  • Women may also observe bloody nipple discharge. It usually happens because of growing milk ducts, but maybe the result of a blocked duct as well. This type of fluid leakage usually happens in small amounts.

To avoid any sort of embarrassment due to the leakage, women can use breast pads that are inserted inside the bra to soak up the leaks.

Your breasts may become heavier and larger during the far end of the pregnancy. The frequency of discharge also increases, and you may see stretch marks.

Is Breast Soreness Really A Sign Of Pregnancy?

Yes, it definitely is one of the first signs of pregnancy. It, however, is not a definite answer to your query. However, if you experience unusual breast pain and do not have your periods, you should take a pregnancy test to confirm your status.

Do Sore Breasts Indicate Anything Serious?

Sore breasts during pregnancy and before or during periods is a normal occurrence, and generally nothing to worry about. However, if you see a new or growing lump on your breasts during pregnancy, you should not freak out, but must see a doctor immediately.

Breast cancer affects about 1 in every 1,000 pregnant women. This can put you and your child at a huge risk.


People shouldn’t consider sore breasts as a definite sign of pregnancy. Moreover, there usually is nothing to be worried about and it happens because of hormonal changes in the body, which a woman goes through during pregnancy and right before having her periods. However, you must see a gynecologist if you observe anything unusual.

FAQs On Sore Breasts

How Long Do You Have Sore Breasts During Pregnancy?

Breast tenderness during pregnancy usually starts during the initial 4 to 6 weeks. This pain can go on and usually lasts till the end of the first trimester.

How Do You Get Rid Of Sore Breasts During Pregnancy?

A few ways to easy sore breasts during pregnancy are by using a warm compress, wearing supportive bras, wearing loose clothing and taking warm showers.

When Do You Start Producing Milk?

Your breasts begin to prepare milk production for the arrival of your baby during pregnancy itself. Generally, milk production will begin around the middle of your pregnancy. You may even notice yellow or white discharge from your breasts.