How to find someones social security number by name for free is proud to provide the most comprehensive free resource available on Social Security Information including free SSN Lookup and SSN Validation tools.

Search by Social Security Number to see when and where a number was issued and determine the number's validity.

We also offer detailed fact sheets about Social Security taxes, Social Security disability and retiree benefits, as well as a Social Security and Medicare Tax Calculator.

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I see a lot of people requesting a free people search. Unfortunately, there’s really no such thing as a free people search with a social security number.

But don’t despair. I will reveal the truth about free people searches. No tricks. No schemes. And no sales pitch. Just information and explanations.

Are There any Free People Searches?

First, let me explain. There’s no way that someone can enter a social security number into a website and get the name or address of a person for free. Social security numbers serve as national ID numbers. And there are security issues surrounding the data:

  • Almost everyone you do business with (companies, medical, dental, credit, financial, businesses, and even private firms) request your social security number (tax identification number) when you do business with them. Even your employer needs your SSN for their records.
  • You are constantly giving out your SSN on all sorts of forms, employment applications, and much more. In some states, your SSN is or was used as a drivers license number and on a health insurance card as an identification number.
  • There are also many companies that collect, store, and warehouse all types of data. So, there’s a cost associated with data entry, security, data storage, encryption, administration, overhead, insurance, and many other business expenses. That’s the main reason you can’t get an effective free people search.

There’s also a lot of concern about identity theft. So, many states and businesses are changing the way they use and share SSN information.

If you could visit a website, enter in an SSN, and get back personal information about the social security number without any form of payment, then that website would have no idea who requests or obtains information. That would be bad. has a “know your customer” policy. We verbally verify every new customer registration. This means someone from our customer service team personally speaks to every new customer that registers an account with us. This is a time-consuming and expensive process. But, it’s the best way to ensure information and search requests are held to the strictest confidentiality and privacy.

Free Social Security Number Verification

Ok, back to free people search with social security number information. The only thing you can do for free with a social security is a free social security verification.

You simply enter the SSN into our free SSN verification tool. Then, we’ll tell you if the SSN is valid (the number has been issued according to the SSN high group chart from SSA.GOV). We’ll also tell you if the number is active (using SSN death records – SSDI). And, we’ll tell you which state issued the SSN (if the number is valid).

We’re proud to say that we’ve verified over 1,000,000 social security numbers for free, helping employers discover if an SSN has truly been issued. Validate social security numbers here: No charge SSN verification

Social Security Number Search: How to Find a Person's SSN The United States government originally used a social security number, which is also know as an SSN, as a means of taxing a person. In recent years, however, the social security number has become an easy means of identifying a person for many legal purposes.

Looking up a person's SSN can tell you a lot about them. Every social security number is different, so, if you know a name and SSN, you can quickly access many public records about a person.

The biggest reason that you may want to do a search, based on a person's SSN, is if you are an employer who is looking to hire a new employee.

A social security number search can verify that the person is who they say they are, for tax id purposes. After all, identity theft is a common problem in recent years.

Beyond that, though, a social security number search can also tell you a person's traffic violation history, criminal history, credit history and several other important facts. As an employer, you can never be too careful. You always want to be sure that the person you are going to hire is fit for the job.

One way to look up a person's SSN information is through the United States Social Security Administration. On their website, you can conduct up to ten social security number searches each and every day. It is a free service, provided by the United States government.

Aside from the Social Security Administration's website, there are also many other online resources available to you. Different websites have different fees, so be careful. You may want to check on a website's reputation, before researching on it. One way or the other, though, you should eventually be able to find information on anyone, as long as you have their name and social security number.

If you have tried to search for someone's SSN on your own with no luck, or if you simply do not have the time to conduct the search yourself, you can enlist the services of a private investigator instead. Private investigators will give you up to date, accurate information. However, accuracy and speed can be expensive. Be prepared to pay up to one hundred dollars or so per search.

The bottom line is that you can never be too careful these days. So, if you are going to go through the motions of conducting interviews and reading resumes anyway, why not take it a step further? Arm yourself with all the information you can, by doing a social security number search. After all, SSN information is a matter of public record and it can be a big help in making your final decision.

Can you find someone's social security number online?

One way to look up a person's SSN information is through the United States Social Security Administration. On their website, you can conduct up to ten social security number searches each and every day. It is a free service, provided by the United States government.

How do I find a social security number by name?

Log onto You can search for the SSN and other detailed biographical data by typing in your name or phone number in the text box. Click "Submit" and you will be taken to a new screen where you can access the information by paying a fee.

Can you guess someone's SSN?

A completely random guess at a 9-digit SSN should be a one in one billion chance. But instead, their newly educated guesses have narrowed the odds down to roughly 1 in 1,000.


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