How to hide messages on lock screen iphone

How to hide messages on lock screen iphone

Your notification can continually pop up on your idle iPhone screen while locked. This is a well thought of and helpful feature to keep users alert of their latest updates. While this is normal for some people, you may seem not to be having it. Of course, if you have some confidential content you wouldn’t like to be pried on by outsiders, you may want to hide your messages.

There are a few ways to get your messages off preview without getting to see actual texts unless you or an authorized user is granted access. And this doesn’t happen until your iPhone is unlocked. If you’ve left your phone in a public place, you can be assured there isn’t an infiltration of your privacy when your phone chimes loudly, signaling the arrival of your most recent info.

Also, other than the invasion of privacy, you may have some personal reasons to put away your emails, SMS, social texts, and many others from the lock screen mode of your iPhone. As the rightful owner of your smart device, you aren’t wrong to set this boundary.

You’ll learn the easy steps to go about it in this article. However, with the about-to-be-learned procedures, you can still get notified of your messages but will only have no access to read the messages while in this mode, depending on your preference.

Ways to Inactivate Message Visibility on the Lock Screen

There are two ways to do this. The first is disabling messages from appearing while your phone’s lock screen is active. While secondly, you can turn off the previews for your notifications while the phone is in the lock screen mode.

Let’s look at how to do these one at a time.

Method #1: Disabling Messages Appearances in Lock Screen Mode

Disabling messages appearances in lock screen mode is pretty straightforward.

Here is how to disable messages appearance in Lock Screen mode:

  1. Launch the “Settings” app on your iPhone.
  2. Click on “Notifications” among other presented options.
  3. Go to “Messages.” Afterward, scroll down to the end of the page.
  4. Now, you should have located “View in Lock Screen.” Click on this and set it as “Off.”
  5. Subsequently, you see various alert types. Ensure you toggle off all of them, i.e., select “None” for all cases.

After you’ve turned off the different suggested alert types, you have undergone the lock screen iMessage deactivation successfully. You can now be less bothered about strangers likely to poke their noses.

Method #2: Turning Off Message Previews in Lock Screen Mode

To turn message previews off where you’ll only get notified, you can do so by following the steps below.

  1. Open the “Settings” icon on your iPhone.
  2. Further select “Notifications.”
  3. On top of your screen, you’ll see “Show Previews.” Select this option.
  4. After, set “Show Previews” to “When Unlocked.”
  5. Once you’re done with this, go ahead to select “Never.” This will hide the iMessage notifications preview automatically.

Basically, the above two methods and accompanying steps are ways to hide your messages on your lock screen. But while these are for basically iMessage and some other home notifications, some applications like your socials can have a different step from this. Sometimes, you will need to go through the apps to get this done.

If you also wish to exclude your social media incoming notifications, especially WhatsApp and Facebook, from your lock screen, here are the ways to do that.

Method #3: Hiding Whatsapp Preview on Your Lock Screen

WhatsApp messages can also be private enough for you to conceal from others. To have your WhatsApp messages hidden, here is how to do that.

  1. Launch the WhatsApp app on your iPhone.
  2. Go to its “Settings.”
  3. Tap on “Notifications” to select.
  4. Toggle off “Show Preview.” You do this by tapping on the “ON” button next to it to “OFF” it.

When you disable the “Show Preview” option, your WhatsApp messages will stop displaying on your inactive screen mode.

Method #4: Deactivating the Facebook Messenger Notification Preview on the Lock Screen

Likewise, your Facebook message can pop up on your inactive screen mode. If it’s something others shouldn’t see, disable the notification preview with the steps below.

  1. Open the “Facebook Messenger” app on your iPhone.
  2. At the left top corner of the app’s interface, tap your profile picture to go to “Settings.”
  3. Select “Notifications and Sounds.”
  4. On the extreme right of the “Show Preview” option, deselect the toggle to turn the preview off.

In Conclusion

As you’ve been taught above, these are the easy steps to ensure your privacy isn’t infringed on when your phone’s screen is locked. In addition, if your device runs on iOS 11 and above, you have more chances of adjusting these settings than older versions of iOS.

Frequently Asked Questions

There are different ways you can go about these. They include either completely disabling iMessage and social texts from displaying in your notification or turning off preview for either of these notifications. Various steps have been highlighted in the article. You can refer to them to find an option well suited for you.

Depending on the method of privacy preservation you choose, you may or may not be able to see notifications of your messages. Please, refer to the directives given in the article for more information.

How do I stop my iPhone from showing Messages on Lock screen?

Change how notifications appear on the Lock Screen Go to Settings > Notifications and select an app. Tap Show Previews and choose an option.