How to search gmail by date on iphone

Gmail has a variety of tools that help you categorize your mails and search for specific emails according to the available data parameters. You can find all the mails you've received on a certain date by searching for that date. There is another option that lets you search the mails received between two dates. Use the advanced search option to see within how many weeks/days/months you want your search to be limited to. Although, there isn't any way to search for a particular date, you can limit your search within a date range. Here's a step-to-step guide to use Gmail search by date.

How to filter Email by Date

Steps to use Search by date in Gmail App

Step 1- Open Gmail: Tap on the Gmail app or search for the official website of Gmail on web and log into your account. The Gmail app has an icon of a letter shaped "M."

  • This letter consists of all Gmail's basic color schemes such as red, blue, yellow and green.
  • Scroll the main menu or app menu of your device to locate the Gmail app.
  • Make sure you're logged into your account.
  • Tap your login id and password to log in if you haven't already.

How to search gmail by date on iphone

Step 2- Tap on search emails: You will see the home page of your inbox after logging into your account. At the  top of the page, you will see a magnifying glass icon on a search bar that says "search in emails." Tap on it to start searching for your mail.

How to search gmail by date on iphone

Step 3- Enter the date on which you want to search for emails: You can search for emails before or after a certain date by typing in the format before:YYYY/MM/DD or after:YYYY/MM/DD or before:YYYY/MM/DD after:YYYY/MM/DD.

  • You don't have to necessarily remember any date. For example, after:2021/12/02 will show a list of mails that were sent after December 2nd, 2021 to present.
  • You can also type in something like newer_than:4m or older_than:8d  or older_than:16d newer_than:1y. For example, when you type down newer_than:4m, a list of mails sent less than four months ago will appear on the screen.
  • Here, the letters m, d and y represent number of months, days and years respectively. After that, you can also add other advanced search items.

How to search gmail by date on iphone

Step 4- All the emails of given date will appear: The emails will open up according to the command you've made in the search bar. Then, you only have to scroll through the emails that appear in your inbox. And you will find the one that you were looking for.

How to search gmail by date on iphone

The above-mentioned step-to-step guide allows one to make a Gmail search by date using different formats. If you want to read similar articles, you can read our articles on filtering emails and making a group in Gmail.


  1. The "after" parameter searches all emails sent after a specific date. While the "before" parameter searches all emails sent before a specific date.

How do I do a search for mail older than a certain date?

There is a long list of advanced search operators that you can use in Gmail. The list can be found here. One of the most powerful ones is to search for messages by date and here is how it is done:

The search box is at the top of your Gmail screen. Simply type one of the operators below and the date to define your search.  Click the magnifying icon.

For example, if I wanted to get all mail older than 2010, I could type: before:2010/12/31

You can search a date range like the example below.

Search for messages sent or received during a certain period of time
(using the date format yyyy/mm/dd)
Example: after:2004/04/16 or before:2004/04/18 
Meaning: Messages sent between April 16, 2004 and April 18, 2004.*
*More precisely: Messages sent after 12:00 AM (or 00:00) April 16, 2004 and before April 18, 2004.
Similar to older and newer, but allows relative dates using d,m, and y for daymonth, andyear Example: newer_than:2d
Meaning: Finds messages sent within the last two days.

If you come up with multiple pages of results and you wanted, for example, delete all of those messages (be careful: remember trash is permanently deleted after 30 days in Gmail) you could check off the “select all” box in the upper left. Once you do that, the selected messages on that page will turn yellow. Now my search is telling me that I have 44 pages worth of email that is older than 2010.  I could go through each page and select all and delete, or to make thing easier, Gmail will pop up a message asking if you would like to Select all conversations that match this search. If you click on those words all messages in that date range and all pages of those email will all be selected at the same time. You could now hit the delete button.

How to search gmail by date on iphone

How do I search by date in Gmail app?

To locate emails received before a certain date, type into the search bar Before:YYYY/MM/DD and press Enter. So, for example, if you want to search for emails received before January 17th, 2015, then type: To locate emails received after a certain date, type into the search bar After:YYYY/MM/DD and press Enter.

Can I search emails by date on iPhone?

Search by timeframe Tap the search field of a mailbox list. to see all emails from that timeframe. To narrow the search, tap the search field again, then enter a keyword, like “meeting.”

How do I sort Gmail by date on iPhone?

How to sort Gmail by date?.
Click the filter icon on the right-hand side of the Gmail search box to open the Gmail search pannel..
Click on the field to the right of where it says “Date within” (where you see a calendar icon).
Choose the date you want to sort your emails for..

How do I jump to a specific date in Gmail?

How do I go to a specific date in Gmail? In your Gmail search bar, enter the following search operator: after:YYYY/MM/DD before:YYYY/MM/DD . To ensure you are searching for a specific date, the date you set in the 'before' operator should be one day later than the date set in the 'after' operator.