How to send a gmail to multiple recipients individually

Table of contents

  1. How do I send a mass email individually?
    1. How do I separate multiple email recipients in Outlook?
    2. How do I send a mass email without showing everyone's email?
    3. How do I send an email to many people without them seeing?
    4. How do you send an email to multiple people individually?
    5. Is there a way to send a mass email individually outlook?
    6. Is there a way to send a mass email individually?
    7. Is there a way to send the same email to multiple recipients separately?
    8. How do I send a personalized email to multiple recipients?
    9. Can you send the same email to multiple recipients without them knowing?
    10. Can Outlook send the same email to multiple recipients separately?

How do I send a mass email individually?

You've got your message. You're ready for it to go out, but you need some extra eyes on it first. In this case, who better than colleagues or coworkers? But if they see that one person is getting 20 copies of their email instead of just one, there will be trouble brewing. Here are ways around these problems so that when your coworker opens up your email, only she sees her name as "to" rather than "BCC".

We'll also cover how to prevent someone from opening up your emails when BCC'ed. This can happen with shared inboxes like Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) where anyone within the same organization has access to those messages. If you want to avoid giving away sensitive information via email, make sure to use secure methods to communicate!

How do I separate multiple email recipients in Outlook?

If you have several different names that appear at the top of the list in your email, then there's no easy way to hide them. However, what you can do is add spaces between those names to differentiate them visually. For example, using Microsoft Word, create two columns, one titled Name 1 and another titled Name 2—you could even title them differently to further distinguish which column contains which recipient(s). Then simply copy-and-paste your contacts into those columns. Now when you open your new message, the names should appear side by side in order, separated by a space. It might not look pretty, but it works well enough to get past most spam filters.

This method doesn't work as well if you end up having more than two contact lists because it becomes harder to tell apart the lines of text.

How do I send a mass email without showing everyone's email?

The easiest way would be to set up a mailing list through your company's internal system, but if you don't know how to do that, here's a quick guide.

In Gmail, click Compose, type in your subject line, and start typing up your email. When you come across a field labeled Message To:, hit Enter/Return to continue filling in the rest of your message. Once you reach the bottom of the page, choose More Options, select Mailing List Settings, and follow the prompts.

Once your account settings change, you'll receive an email notification letting you know about the update. Click Edit next to the New Contact Subscription heading. Choose Add Email Address and fill in the details for every single address you'd like to include in the email. Hit Save Changes once done.

Now whenever you write up future emails, you won't have to worry about adding any additional addresses manually since all of them will automatically show up under the Mailing List section.

But if your company uses Office 365 (or something similar), things aren't nearly as simple. The best solution we found was to head over to SharePoint Online, navigate to Sites & Workflows, find the Create Mass E-mail box, and drag it onto an empty canvas. Next, right-click the newly created workflow, click Start Activity, and search for Send eMail. Fill in the parameters, enter your email body, and hit OK. That's it! Now whenever you share links through OneDrive or send attachments via Teams, everyone gets sent to the default email address associated with your domain. Easy peasy.

Another option is to try sending an email directly to yourself through Gmail. Go to Settings, scroll down to Forwarders, and check off Enable forwarding. Now you can forward emails to your personal email address, such as , and still keep everything anonymous.

Of course, if your company isn't tech savvy at all, you may not be able to take advantage of either of these options. Try reaching out to whoever manages your company's IT department or HR team. They should be able to help figure out whether or not your workplace offers external mail services or gives users admin privileges on their devices. Otherwise, you may have to resort to asking someone else inside your office who knows what's going on.

Alternatively, you could always opt for good ol' fashioned snail mail. Just pick up a pen and paper and jot down everyone's email addresses on a piece of scrap paper before handing it to a worker in charge of printing labels. Or maybe even ask someone internally to print envelopes for you to stick addresses on? Whatever option feels comfortable for you, remember to keep your letters short and sweet. No one wants to read paragraphs upon paragraphs!

How do I send an email to a group without showing all the email addresses?

To give you a hint, it involves separating your emails somehow. We recommend taking our previous tip one step further and splitting your groups into subgroups based on job titles, departments, etc., in order to minimize confusion. So say you have four sections in total: A, B, C, D. And you want to send out an email to Section A alone while keeping Sections B, C, and D hidden. What you can do is split them up into smaller groups. Let’s say Section A consists of three individuals, namely Joe, Sally, and Mary. Their positions are Sales Manager, Customer Support Specialist, and Marketing Director respectively. Using Excel, sort out those names alphabetically and divide each row accordingly. Then put together an email template for each individual, and CC the correct rows. Afterward, attach the spreadsheet file containing the email templates and send it out. Your boss will thank you later.

How to send a gmail to multiple recipients individually

How do I send an email to many people without them seeing?

It sounds obvious, but sometimes it takes an expert eye to spot suspicious activity happening behind closed doors. Luckily, both Gmail and Outlook let you disable images and videos entirely. Simply visit Settings&Privacy & Content Restrictions and turn on Block Images and Turn Off Videos. Alternatively, you can completely remove certain files from being downloaded altogether by clicking Remove File Type under Manage Files.

Also, keep tabs on your download speed. Some ISPs throttle traffic to specific websites during peak hours, including social media platforms. Make sure to research your internet service provider (ISP) beforehand to learn if this kind of thing happens in your area.

You have your own inbox full of emails. You want to share some information with someone, so you compose a new one-to-one message. But then that person asks for the same info via email—and now you're stuck trying to figure out how to send it while keeping all parties' privacy intact.

If this sounds familiar, don’t worry! We've got solutions for both situations below. First off, let’s discuss what these two scenarios mean when talking about sending individual messages to several people at once.

When you use BCC (blind carbon copy), only the intended recipient will be able to read the content of the e-mail. This is because anyone who receives an email from BCC won't know where their name came from. If you instead used CC (carbon copy) or FWD (forwarding address), everyone on the list would receive the message.

BCC works well if you just need to send a private note to one specific person. However, if more than one person needs to get together and talk over a certain topic, you'll probably want to go ahead and create a group discussion through email. To show you exactly why this could come up often, we'll explain the scenario here. Say you work as part of a team that does outreach for a nonprofit organization. Every month, you take turns writing letters to members of a particular community asking for donations. It takes time to coordinate every letter, which means most of you are likely cc'd into every single correspondence. In order to keep things organized, though, you may wish to create a separate thread within Slack for each member of your team. That way, even if you're not directly communicating with that person, they still have access to pertinent updates regarding the letter campaign.

Now that we understand what "send email individually" looks like, let's dive into how to achieve the same effect in Gmail and Microsoft Outlook.

One solution is to create additional accounts for each individual. For example, say you work in marketing at three different companies that all use Google Mail. Your job requires you to regularly communicate with colleagues across those organizations. But since everything goes through company servers anyway, none of the employees really care whether you sent a personal email to another employee or vice versa. The problem is, however, that adding accounts for all of your coworkers isn't ideal. Plus, sometimes it might feel weird to start signing off emails with “Hi All!" or something similar, depending on your style.

The best option is to set up filters in Gmail or Office 365 such that messages addressed to those individuals automatically end up in their respective folders. Then, open up a second window or tab in whichever browser you usually check your work emails. Type out your email, hit Enter, and click Send. Once done, close down the original tab or window until you no longer see any alerts indicating delivery status. When you reopen it, you should find yourself staring at the text version of your email. From there, simply replace the names of your contacts with BCC addresses.

This method also comes in handy if you want to forward a large file to someone else, but don't necessarily need their permission to download it first. Simply type out your email, hit enter, and select Forward As… from the dropdown menu. After doing this, choose Reply rather than typing out a response manually. Click the arrow next to Message field and select Attach File/URL. Browse around the web to locate whatever document you want to attach, right-click on it, and select Save Link As…. Finally, change the filename to whatever you prefer. Hit Done, and you're good to go!

Keep in mind that you can't upload files larger than 25 MB by forwarding emails between computers unless you upgrade to Premium Storage space.

Is there a way to send a mass email individually outlook?

Unfortunately, there's no built-in feature in Outlook that allows users to send bulk emails individually. What you can do, however, is create a shared calendar or task list with your co-workers and assign tasks to everyone involved. Doing this ensures that you always stay updated on projects you're responsible for, regardless of whose turn it is to draft a reply at any given moment.

In addition, you can try creating a group email account specifically for this purpose. Just remember to delete the extra mailbox after you finish working with the others!

How do I send a mass email without everyone seeing each other's email Outlook?

We've covered the basics above. Now, let's look at how to make sure no one sees another person's email accidentally. There are a few ways to accomplish this, but our preferred approach involves setting up rules in Gmail. Here's how to do that:

Open up Gmail settings. Go to Filters and Blocked Addresses under Manage blocking area. Select Create New Filter. Choose Exclude from selected sender(s). Next, type in the email domain of whoever you want to block. Lastly, add Is [not] Spam as filter behavior.

That's it! Now whenever you write a mass email that includes multiple people, you shouldn't see emails from anyone except the intended recipient pop up in your spam folder. And of course, you can tweak this rule according to your preferences. Feel free to adjust the criteria further if needed.

For instance, if you're looking to hide emails from specific senders entirely, change Is [not] Spam to Always apply the filter. Also, bear in mind that this technique doesn't affect existing mails already sitting in your Sent folder. Therefore, you must ensure that you actually deliver those messages before deleting them from sight.

To avoid getting caught in this situation again later on, consider taking advantage of our guide outlining tricks for filtering unwanted mail in Gmail.

Is there a way to send a mass email individually?

Yes, absolutely! If you ever run into problems sending emails to several people simultaneously, you can easily fix them by combining BCC and Gmail filters.

Here's how to do it:

First, head to Settings & Accounts and Import. Scroll down to Other Email Providers and pick the service you use to sign up for email outside your primary provider. Make sure to include Gmail in the options.

Next, log into your Gmail account and navigate to your main inbox. Look for any incoming emails from the email providers you added earlier. Right-click on them and select More actions... Followed by Delete Messages. Confirm that you don't want to back anything up locally.

Finally, repeat steps 1-3 above, replacing your contact details with proper BCC addresses. Leave the rest of the instructions unchanged. By following this simple step, you should never risk exposing sensitive data again.

Do you struggle with sending emails to groups of people frequently? Or maybe you simply want to learn how to do it properly? Either way, you owe it to yourself to give our guides detailing easy methods for avoiding common mistakes professional email writers tend to make.

You're trying to reach out to someone, but their email is full. You can't find it among inboxes crowded with messages from people who need help too. How do you get your message through?

Email addresses are limited by capacity — so if one person has 10 emails open at any given time, that's only enough for nine different accounts. If you want more than one recipient, you have two options. First, you could share the link via text or social media instead. Second, you could use BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) or CC (Carbon Copy). Both let you send an identical copy of an email to several people while keeping just one extra address hidden from view. Let’s look at how they work.

Is there a way to send the same email to multiple recipients separately?

If you've ever emailed someone on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Telegram, Instagram DM, or another platform like Slack, then you know this problem well. When sending something sensitive over these channels, whether personal information, business plans, or links to websites, you don't want everyone else receiving it as well. This isn't necessarily because those people would be nosy; sometimes, you simply don't want anyone else looking at what you sent. In cases where you're worried about privacy, BCC might seem like the best option. But there's a catch.

BCC works by hiding individual email addresses behind "blind carbon copies" ("CC"). A CC field adds additional recipients beyond yourself in the To line of the email. The first one gets added automatically, and subsequent ones require confirmation before being accepted. That means no one will see them unless they specifically agree. However, since most email clients filter incoming mail based on its From field, adding a new name here doesn't always mean the sender intended for it to go directly to that contact. Emails with blind recipients also often arrive later than expected due to spam filters' heuristics. And even though they may not read the content immediately, some users receive notifications when a thread reaches their mailbox.

In short, BCC can cause headaches when used incorrectly. It's great for sharing sensitive info privately, but make sure you know exactly why you chose that method and test your plan thoroughly beforehand. For example, many platforms allow people to block certain contacts. So if you accidentally add someone to the list, you'll miss their input entirely.

How do I send a personalized email to multiple recipients?

A better solution is to utilize the CC feature, which lets you choose specific individuals rather than having them auto-added. Simply fill out the field once again, selecting names from your existing contact lists. Once you press Send, every selected individual receives an alert saying you've chosen them as CCs. They won't see the actual email until you hit Accept All. Afterward, all recipients must accept the invitation to continue reading.

This method keeps you safe from unwanted attention. Plus, you can set up an automated process that sends the exact same email to hundreds of contacts simultaneously. We recommend doing this during events such as job fairs, sales, or anything else you think might draw potential followers into your orbit.

But keep in mind that CCs aren't perfect either. As mentioned earlier, they can take longer to deliver compared to BCC. Also, depending on the client, they can appear to send faster than normal. Some email providers treat CCed mails differently, meaning the arrival times vary. Lastly, if you select people whose email addresses start with numbers (like 1a), the number may show up in the subject line.

So we advise against automating CC campaigns whenever possible, especially if you intend on distributing highly confidential material. Instead, try creating separate templates that contain similar information and assigning them unique titles. Then, create a workflow that runs the template according to whatever criteria you specify. This allows employees to quickly access documents relevant to their role, yet prevents others from viewing them altogether.

Additionally, consider setting up temporary profiles for guests attending industry conferences. These can include things like company logos, special offers, and event maps. By limiting guest permissions to basic functions like opening attachments, companies can avoid unnecessary distractions and focus on important matters.

How to send a gmail to multiple recipients individually

Can you send the same email to multiple recipients without them knowing?

When you set up CC fields, you can control who sees whom. While BCC enables automatic delivery, CC gives you complete control over the contents. Since it uses real names, you can adjust settings per recipient accordingly.

For instance, you might change the visibility of certain people after you initiate your campaign. Or perhaps you'd prefer to limit distribution to admins alone. Whatever you decide, you can alter the default settings in the Settings menu. There, under General tab, check Automatically hide my recipients from threads I'm not responding to. Finally, CCing is ideal for situations involving multiple teams. Set up subgroups within CC fields, allowing communication between groups without making everything public.

Of course, there are limitations. Email service providers like Google Mail strip signatures from outgoing messages. This makes CCing impossible for G Suite subscribers, as it removes the ability to identify the sender. Additionally, since CC fields are visible to the creator only, you may wish to employ BCC for bulk distributions.

That said, if you're running a small office, CC should suffice. Otherwise, stick to BCC unless you absolutely need an immediate response.

Can Outlook send the same email to multiple recipients separately?

The Microsoft Office desktop version does offer a way to send the same email to multiple recipients via BCC. Go to File " Options " Trust Center " Privacy Rights & Restrictions, scroll down to Blind Carbon Copies, and mark Always ask user permission box beside Show me the following actions.... Click OK twice to save changes. Now, every time you click Compose Message, you'll see below Advanced Tools bar. Choose BCC Field. Type in email addresses separated by comma. Press Enter. Repeat steps four and five for next group.

Outlook treats BCC recipients slightly differently. Its interface shows them as Distribute To followed by their respective email addresses. Unlike CC, however, users won't receive notification alerts. Instead, they'll learn about the change when they log into their account.

While the functionality itself seems straightforward, it's worth noting that Outlook can present errors relating to invalid characters. Specifically, spaces shouldn't exist between BCC fields. Luckily, you can remove them manually. Open the body of the email you intend to distribute, right-click anywhere blank space, and select Format Text Frame.... Find Replace dialog window and enter desired text. Hit OK to apply changes.

Unfortunately, if you're using a mobile device, BCC remains unavailable. Fortunately, there are alternative ways to achieve the same results. One is to download dedicated apps like Excel, Word, and PowerPoint. Another is to switch to webmail services.

Is there a way to send a mass email individually Gmail?

Open Gmail and sign in. Open a new email and write the message you intend to send to your contact list. Click BCC in the top-right of your Compose window. Add all the email addresses to which you intend to send the message.

Is there a way to send the same email to multiple recipients separately?

You can send a mass email to more than one recipient using the BCC feature. Click the compose box, after composing your message, click on BCC and add all your recipients.

How do I send a mass email with individual names?

Here are 5 simple steps you can use to send personalized mass emails in Outlook:.
Step 1: Draft your message in Microsoft Word. Open Word and write out the body of the email message. ... .
Step 2: Start Mail Merge. ... .
Step 3: Select your email recipients. ... .
Step 4: Personalize your message. ... .
Step 5: Finish & Merge..